Monday 2 February 2009

Latest BNP leaflet for Hyde Newton

The A4 Conservative leaflet was the most informative of the campaign to date, but this late arrival from the BNP is certainly the best looking leaflet so far.


Anonymous said...

A great leaflet! Getting the support of the previous candidate is sure to get the support of the "I voted BNP last time, but..." people.
Labour aren't going to like this one bit!

Anonymous said...

The best leaflet, the best candidate, the best party for Hyde Newton.

Anonymous said...

The BNP are totally committed to restoring our national pride and identity. The current 'socialist' incumbents are totally committed to clinging on to power and staying on board the gravy train.

Anonymous said...

Wow thanks for that had one today. onwards and upwards.
Vote BNP

Anonymous said...

This Government has spent twelve years grovelling to Europe and shipping in millions of immigrants in an attempt to destroy Britain and our identity. They have failed and the people of Britain are starting to wake up to their treachery. Unity is strength.

Anonymous said...

Is the leaflet a A5 OR A4 leaflet?
Is the leaflet glossy or paper?

Anonymous said...

Oh that's what she looks like as i didn't think she existed and was just a figment of our imagination.

Anonymous said...

Appearing on the last week because of extreme pressure from her party will not work,appearing each day and working hard will reap rewards for any party and candidate.
The photo you see with Nigel Byrne was forced on him its a last act of desperation.
We have got the split and imported candidate well and truly into the campaign its far to late guys,see you Thursday at the count.
You are invited to the victory speech by the Labour candidate.

Anonymous said...

Stunning leaflet, Ros has got my vote, Labour have had their chance

Anonymous said...

Ros has definitely got my vote as well. Stunning leaflet. Great to see the quislings and traitors of the One Party running scared - your days are numbered - the BNP is the future.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

RE-should we vote BNP in June;

Well I'm going to let them have my vote, I say we should give them a chance. I mean look at the mess the others have made. But BNP be warned, this is your chance to shine, if you mess it up I'm going to stop voting.

Anonymous said...

Keegan MX5, nice video.

Good music, too, Master Chief!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Take a look at Nigel's forced smile you can see him gritting his teeth,what a PR disaster well done you never fail to miss an opportunity

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Do we have any information as to how the candidates feel the election is going. I've seen a post from Ros, can she tell us how it's going? "Kick their butts" Ros.

Anonymous said...

Great Britain today is at the cross roads of her long and proud history. We the British people are trapped between the evil corruption of power that is the EU and the fascist megalomania of New Labour. The time has come, my fellow countrymen, to answer the call to arms; to answer the beat of Drakes drum. The knights of King Arthur have risen from their slumber and are riding to Englands cries of pain and we as patriots must rally to the cause and return this land to democracy and freedom.

Anonymous said...

Is the leaflet a A5 OR A4 leaflet?
Is the leaflet glossy or paper?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Any leaflets doing the rounds today?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I work for 'Kurry King' in Hyde, and I will be distributing more of our menus in Newton this evening.

Anonymous said...

The predictions on your poll are looking good for Ros.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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The BNP Chronicle said...
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The BNP Chronicle said...

Nice Leaflet, Featured It Today. Good Luck Rosa, If you pull this off it'll be truly amazing considering the anti-democratic antics of the Axis Parties.

I've added this site to the regional blog list also.


Anonymous said...

Big campaign with new leaflet Tuesday night for Labour meeting at 6pm Bay Horse,last minute stuff no chance of opposition relying its great.

Anonymous said...

Who the heck are the people voting Labour after the mess they have got us in? The BNP is our only chance.

Anonymous said...

Last big push under way. 15 Anti-Facists in Tameside today and tomorrow, more on Thursday.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

One thing mustbe glaringly obvious to the electorate; if the BNP weren't in with a chance none of the other parties would have bothered making even a quarter of the effort they have done in Newton.

Vote Lib/Lab/Con and you are voting for those who have kept incomes low for 80% of workers and at the same time presided over 9 out of 10 of new jobs being taken by foreign workers.

As for UAF; Chairperson is Ken Livingstone and is supported by David Cameron - yes,that David Cameron.

Anonymous said...

The difference between the BNP and the UAF is, the BNP take part in the democratic process the UAF try to subvert it. You can decide for yourself who the real fascists are.

Anonymous said...

David Cameron supports the UAF so vote Tory on Thursday if you approve of the underhanded anti-democratic tactics employed by extreme left-wing groups shipped in in an attempt to fix this by-election.

Anonymous said...

Cameron is about as much of a Conservative as Blair was a Socialist.

Anonymous said...

Nigel has done more leafleting than anyone in this campaign. If some of our UKIP and Labour friends had been out as much as they claim they would have seen him regularly. Like the rest of us he is totally committed.

Anonymous said...

Anybody know if the BNP mob turned up at Dukinfiled D.A. tonight we believe some young kids with parents were waiting for them because of what West said on here.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, people of Hyde Newton, give the rest of the nation hope. Vote BNP on Thursday.

Anonymous said...

Vote Conservative on Thursday

Anonymous said...

West stayed away he knew the parents were there waiting for him.

Anonymous said...

Voting Conservative, BNP, Green, UKIP or LibDem is understandable, but NewLabour? What are people voting FOR? More incompetence, more foreign wars, more betrayal of the environment, more economic damage, more inefficiency and waste in public spending, more crime, more uncontrolled immigration? I respectfully urge all HydeNewton voters to think carefully on Thursday.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Where was the BNP candidate tonight?
Missing again!
No wonder certain senior members of the BNP think she is a waste of space.
She is not local and hasn't sugested one thing for Newton.
Don't be fooled into voting for this candidate only The Conservatives can make a difference on Tameside Council.
Vote for 2 years of Council Tax freeze. Vote Conservative

Anonymous said...

Rosalind has been been doing many things in Hyde Newton. Pounding the streets is one thing - real community activism is another. Rosalind has won the admiration of many Newtonians during recent weeks.

Anonymous said...

Great to see your readers poll showing 45% support for Ros.

Anonymous said...

What did you expect 90%of the people who come on her are fascist,anyway here's some news for you,did you know that Cllr Kelly was deselected at the Hurst ward Tory meeting.
Inside information is that they did not want to have him for their candidate because of his none payment of council tax last year.
Hes been selected to be the candidate in St Michaels ward they don't think it will a major issue in this ward because 90% of the people who live there are on some form of benefits and won't pay council tax or will pay very little.
Central regional office have been advising them how cynical, Kelly's not happy Hurst ward members are very happy.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hurrah for 'St. John the Merciful'!

Anonymous said...

'90% of the people who come on here are facsist anyway'. What evidence do you have for that statement? More wild accusations instead of reasoned argument from one of the failed old gang Parties.

Anonymous said...

"90% are fascist", but only 47% are voting for the BNP.


Anonymous said...

Most of the postings done on here are West under all sorts of everybody knows that, he even answers himself.

Anonymous said...

Dear Real Insider

You're an idiot, CLLR John Kelly has been re selected due to his high standard of work.
He is a quality CLLR, and will get re elected in 2010.
Does posting lies on here, make you feel better?
StMichaels are selecting at the moment, but it looks like Dr Paul Buckley will be re selected, due to his close run campaign at the last election, and with a continued news letter to StMichaels since the election.
It looks like a Tory gain in 2010.

Anonymous said...

Well done whoever posted that story about Cllr Kelly what we now have is one big cat amongst the pigeons,we have also heard about a deselection the truth will out,maybe after the Newton by-election but it will soon be out.

Anonymous said...

We understand the postal vote returns are around 85% so far, a huge turnout one of the biggest ever for postal votes.
We have been active all year in getting our voters to use this system just like Labour have.
Its congratulations to John Welsh or should I say Cllr Welsh, he and his wife will make a great team.
This is the hardest we have worked for ages and its paid off,we know form the postal vote returns and our canvass returns its in the bag, labour - 1 Conservatives + 1 with more to come

Anonymous said...

Dear BNP for Ever

The non story about CLLR Kelly is just utter bollocks.
You either believe anything you're told, or you already knew it was a non story.

Anonymous said...

Just been directed here from :

Much speculation as to the winning party. Glad to see people getting involved. Whoever wins, lets hope it's not New Labour.

Anonymous said...

The Welshes a great team who are trying to kid,shes not spoken a word for about 5 years,if hes as bad they will be like a married couple who have had an argument sad there stony faced and none of them speaking.
What a waste of council tax payers money.

Anonymous said...

If Labour win ,Newton loses!

Anonymous said...

Can someone who is going to the count tomorrow night try to get the results on here asap? This is going to be close.

Anonymous said...

If the BNP win that will be the real waste of taxpayers money!!! A vote for BNP is a protest vote and nothing more, nobody truly wants BNP on tameside council.

tonydj said...

Has anyone else tried to post on "Labour for Newton" without success? Perhaps TC could have a comments page for posting comments on? In the meantime I enclose my reply to their item featuring WW2 poster of UK servicemen.

"This work continues today...." you hypocrites! Most of the servicemen...and women...abroad are fighting unwinable wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. For what? Weapons of mass destruction anybody?

Anonymous said...

Vote for National Survival, Vote BNP.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever seen anything like this its 6 20 am and there are 20 Labour member on my street already with vote today letters.

Anonymous said...

6.45am and two teams of BNPers are out and about with two different 'Don't forget to Vote BNP' leaflets.

One about Labour's tax bombshell and other on "British jobs for British workers".

Tories still in bed I expect.

Anonymous said...

Every vote counts today, I expect a larger than average turnout, fingers crossed most of it for Ros.

Anonymous said...

Never seen so many Labour supporters.

Anonymous said...

That's because they're running scared.

Anonymous said...

Vote John Welsh, Vote Conservative

Anonymous said...

It seems that there are indeed racists within our society.

How very convenient that this lady "suffers from a dissociative personality disorder".

It'll be the BNP's fault, then.

Anonymous said...

I am betting the turn out will be low its very cold,the postal vote will be crucial who ever wins that part of the vote wins the election.
Labour out delivering another personal letter this morning and 26 pre arranged pick ups had to be sorted.
Carter street polling box busy early on 17 Labour voters so far.
The Tories are still in bed and that's where their candidate will be tomorrow no need to get early to be sworn in at the council building.

Anonymous said...

"It's freezing, but the reception we got from the people was very warm."

So said, er, all the parties who have taken part!

Anonymous said...

Labour and BNP are all out this morning as they are all actually running scared of the Tories.

Anonymous said...

Leg breaking news A labour member slipped on the ice this morning and broke is ankle or leg ambulance took him away,we understand he was wearing a city coat and hat it looked like TAYLOR.

Anonymous said...

BNP fascist thugs attack a Labour party worker in Bennett street polling booth,police will be investigating.
This worker was threatened and told he would be dealt with when they get in power,have we not heard this threat before.
An investigation will be launched we are told.

Anonymous said...

Now that is unusual - normally it's the Labour thugs attacking the BNP campaigners.

Anonymous said...

How's turnout going now? seemed really quiet this morning.

Anonymous said...

Cllr kelly confirms his free transfer.

Anonymous said...

While some post leaflets about fighting extreme Islamic groups some people actually did something about it.
You lot carry on picking on the easy targets in this country usually women, we will support our brave men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan
It had to be done and now we must move on to remove Mugabe from Zimbabwe next

Anonymous said...

Wag, I agree with you about Mugabe, however, if there is no OIL in Zimbabwe, then I guess Brown will let the poor people there continue to suffer.

Who are "the easy targets in this country usually women" that you're refering to?

I am a woman and I find your comments both sexist and offenive, thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Ha! The Labour saying the BNP is not patriotic!? A party that has Mandelson, Harperson and Milliband calling other parties unpatriotic!

So Mr Mandelson what is patriotic about saying British Jobs for British workers is 'Xenophobic'?

So Mr Milliband what is patriotic about signing the EU Lisbon treaty that hands even more of this countries soverignity without even a referendum?

So Ms Harperson, what is patriotic about wanting to discrimate against white BRITISH males, and bring in 'positive' discrimination so they are firmly at the back of the queue?

So New Labour what exactly is patriotic about letting our manufacturing base rot and allow countless people move here from the 3rd world........

Answers on a postcard. If your white working class and voting Labour, your a turkey voting for Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Do all BNP supporters drive Land Rovers, by any chance?

There has been one such vehicle parked all day outside the Talbot Road polling station with 'Vote Ros Gauci for Hyde Newton' emblazoned all over it.

Don't you know that Land Rover is an Indian owned company?

Anonymous said...

Sulla when I really insult you, you will know about it.

Anonymous said...

Election latest GMR exit poll shows Tories neck and neck with Labour

Anonymous said...

Great news for the Tories if that exit poll is correct.

Anonymous said...

How can this be true, they did not even try today did anyone see any Tories out ?

Anonymous said...

Labour 1379, BNP 889, Con 485 - Labour hold Hyde Newton.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

A great Labour victory against all the odds well done.
Very poor showing by the Tories if the BNP could not take this seat they wont take any.
Safe journey home Nick nothing for you here.

Anonymous said...

Another great loss you have been involved in Mr West a bit like Leeds UTD.
Call in at the Bay Horse for a drink on me.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Ros gave a great speech about Labour's massive dirty tricks campaign and afterwards the media spent far longer interviewing her than Fitzpatrick and Purnell put together. In the face of such a large scale and vile campaign the BNP increased their number and percentage share of the vote. This Ward was a walkover for Labour a few years ago. They pulled out all the stops because they were so scared of losing. Roll on the Euro elections.

Anonymous said...

Tameside's Ward results are far closer than they were a few years ago. Labour had to use gutter politics to win as a loss would have been catastrophic. The BNP drove them to that. Our vote went up, Labour's increase came from the collapse of the Tory and LibDem vote. The BNP are changing the outcomes of elections and the face of British politics.

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed how West talks about war,hes fallen into the trap laid by Taylor for him.
Taylor is now seen as a victim of the bad BNP and he kept a very low profile during the Newton by-election despite being out almost every day in the ward.
He did not even attend the count and hes their communications officer.
No wonder the Labour party kicked ares in this campaign "its called tactics".

Anonymous said...

No-one thinks Taylor is a victim of the BNP apart from you. Massive numbers of people think Britain is the victim of NewLabour, it's called reality.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of sore losers the BNP are, you were beaten by a better team who had better policies for the people of Newton,despite the BNP bringing in people from all over the country you lost.
Take it on the chin your candidate was useless and residents knew she was not working during the election, imported from Ashton to replace the normal candidate Nigel Byrne,who was knifed in the back by local BNP member.
Don't talk to us about dirty tricks when you do that to your own.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Newton Labour, what WERE your policies apart from 'stop the BNP'? Are they the same ones that have wrecked this country in the last twelve years? Anyone can bluster when they're playing with a stacked deck. If we'd won there would have been hundreds of REAL 'sore loser' comments on here denouncing us as racists etc etc from Labourites. The Tory campaign was nothing special but at least it was straight.

Anonymous said...

Did you know that Manchester UAF were operating in Dukinfield during the election and are still there leafleting.

Anonymous said...
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