Tuesday 10 February 2009

Labour cruise to victory in Hyde Newton

I expected a Labour victory considering the intense campaigning put in since the election was called. I am surprised the BNP vote held firm considering the vicious and concerted attacks by all and sundry. The Tories cannot be too happy with this result but I suppose they can take comfort in the fact that some of their voters tactically switched to Labour to block the BNP. Well done to the Liberal Democrats, Greens and UKIP for participating, and shame on the near 70% of the electorate who could not be bothered to vote.
Labour 1,379 45.6% +9.1

BNP 889 29.4% +1.9

Con 485 16.0% -7.8

LibDem 172 5.7% -6.5

Green 69 2.3%

UKIP 33 1.1% n/a


Anonymous said...

Thanks TC for removing all that nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have more details on the verbal tirade from Cllr Perry aimed at a disabled Gulf War veteran who was doing telling duties for the BNP at the Lower Bennett Street polling station on 5th Feb at approx 7am?

Anonymous said...

I know that when the Labour teller arrived at the polling station the disabled BNP man introduced himself in the hope of creating a friendly atmosphere while they shared the task of telling. The Labour councillor was having none of it and called him all kinds of abusive names.

The BNP man was seriously injured while fighting for his queen and country in the first gulf war and still has considerable disabilities as a result. I doubt if the Labour councillor has ever done a thing for his country other than damage it.

Anonymous said...

Cllr Parker Perry was kicked and verbally abused by the fascist BNP worker, he held back and tried to ignore the obvious attempt by the BNP to cause trouble.
All party workers were briefed about the possible antics of the BNP,they had been warned by members from other areas of their dirty tricks so we were ready for them.
All incidents have been logged with the returning officer,what you are seeing now is the reaction of some very sore losers,we had it during the election we had it on election night and now we have it after the election.
Well done Cllr Parker Perry a great party worker again during this election, a great diplomat despite immense provocation at the polling booth.
I am afraid this so called war veteran is coming the old soldier and hes now been shot down.

Anonymous said...

Dirty tricks? The BNP wrern't the ones who shipped in third parties to distribute 27500 smear leaflets, or got the weak-kneed local liberal Churchmen to pile in, or used the bought and paid for local free rag to try and rubbish the BNP. It's easy to talk big when you're playing with a stacked deck.

Anonymous said...

The BNP fought a clean fight and come out of the election with their heads held high.

Anonymous said...

No their heads were well and truly lowered looked sicks as parrots.
How many people did the BNP ship in from all over the country Cllr Parker Perry told us that he could not understand what two of the thugs were saying because of their strange dialekt.
Stop whinging your just a bunch of sore losers, local Advertiser gave you some space this week again.
You gave it your best shot just not good enough,there other groups that the churches don't like, they are use to dealing with evil people.

Anonymous said...

Look at Taylor's weekly column in this weeks Advertiser he now wants to ban dogs from our parks.

Anonymous said...

"Newton winning team member,"

We all know that you wanted the BNP and CON results to be swapped round and are bitter because all your smear leafleting failed.

Anonymous said...

Not so we need the Tories to do badly in all elections they are the threat not the BNP.
The BNP only stand in certain wards there not a serious threat just getting the protest votes,any serious party would have candidates in all wards.

Anonymous said...

The people the BNP 'shipped in' and there weren't many were all loyal Party members-not from troublemaking outside organizations-and they only distributed election leaflets and anti-smear leaflets to counter the lies put out. Stop whinging when we state the facts about Labour's dirty campaign.
As for the Advertiser Labour's 'boy' running it does what he's told which is why they rubbished us again this week and lied about their thuggish behaviour at the count, including your soon to be ex-MP.
The Church is dying in this country and is rapidly being displaced by Islam which is the source of Labour's bent block postal voting scheme nationwide. Your days in Government are numbered.