Tuesday 10 February 2009

'holy war' leaflet printed in Ashton under Lyne

A woman has admitted producing a leaflet which encouraged readers to go abroad to fight a jihad - or holy war. Shella Roma, 28, of Oldham, Greater Manchester, pleaded guilty to dissemination of a terrorist publication at Manchester Crown Court. She had 200 copies of the leaflet printed but police arrested her after a tip-off from a photocopy shop worker. A charge against her 30-year-old husband, Amjad Mahmood, was ordered to lie on file. The pair, who have a young child, had been due to go on trial on the charge under Section 2 of the Terrorism Act 2006. Mr Mahmood had denied the charge. Roma, of Chester Street, admitted committing the offence between October 2007 and January last year. The leaflet contained an eight-page essay by Roma, entitled The Call, which was spotted by the worker at a shop in Ashton-under-Lyne, Greater Manchester. It contained theological, political and historical commentary and mentions the 9/11 attacks and the war on terror. Roma, said to be the "prime mover" in the case, asked in the essay: "Will you go to Jihad (holy war)?" It ended with the statement: "Jihad: the choice is yours." Thomas Bayliss QC said his client Roma told police she had intended to hand the leaflet out to people in her community but had never got round to it. BBC


Anonymous said...

The thin end of the wedge.

Anonymous said...

If this alien creed isn't stopped very soon it will end in one of two ways; our violent subjugation or theirs.

Anonymous said...

The EU have decided that Halal Slaughter IS animal cruelty and will be made illegal under European law. Except for countries with large Muslim populations that ask for an exemption. The UK will be one of these along with France.
This means it's OK for animals to suffer as long as a bit of mumbo-jumbo is practised while the beast writhes about in totally unnecessary pain. The silence from the animal rights movement is as deafening as their gutlessness is profound. The RSPCA has done virtually nothing about this travesty which goes directly against their founding principles, talking about 'Respecting other cultures???'
Words like 'tolerance' 'diversity' and 'respect' are bandied about, what's behind all of them is fear.

Anonymous said...

You have only got coming to you what you deserve.

Shari'a is coming.

Allah will conquer all.

Allahu akbar.

Anonymous said...

Re the above. If Farmer Giles/Smith/McDonald etc slaughtered an animal using the Halal method he would be arrested and charged with animal cruelty. Nuff said. Bloody wake up now Britain before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

Islam is not compatible with the British way of life.

Anonymous said...

I am totally opposed to the incitement of violence but if things carry on on their present course, in a few years there may be no incitement necessary. Real Britons are getting sick of it.

Anonymous said...

They should be executed for treason.

tonydj said...

I am keeping quiet........so that when the six clergymen in Hyde condemn this divisive leaflet we will hear them!

.........I am waiting Fr Maher ...Reverends.......

Anonymous said...

Extremism is not compatible with British way of life, not Islam.
There is a big difference.
Or do we tarnish all with the same brush now?

Anonymous said...

Roy Walker, Can I take it you approve of certain animal cruelty laws not applying to Muslims yet everyone else has to obey them. In this case the legal system is tarring all Muslims with the same brush. It may take 'extreme' measures to rid ourselves of this parisitic culture which has a long and proven history of overwhelming host cultures.
You're right they're not all the same but the vast majority are.

Anonymous said...

No i don't agree with Halal practices.
But that doesn't mean that i approve or agree with some peoples beliefs that all Muslims are extreamists.
Plus i don't agree with some people saying Sharia law should be brought in.
I am a Conservative and believe in British law it might not be no where near perfect but it's the best we have got.
And everyone in this Country should be accountable to it irrelevent of colour creed sexuality or religion

Anonymous said...

Halal practices should be banned in Britain altogether. It is cruel and evil. I do not care about religion at all, I just don't like medieval and cruel eastern ways of life taking over what was once GREAT BRITAIN and something to be proud of.


Anonymous said...

Conservative, there is no 'Great' in Great Britain anymore. We are now a vibrant multicultural melting pot with no sense of identity or history. We are a living experiment. Future academics and historians will wonder in amazement at how within a century a nation which ruled large parts of the world transformed into a nation ruled by large parts of the world. The nation state is dead – embrace Internationalism.

Anonymous said...

Roy walker, I don't believe all Muslims are extremists or I would have said so. Their proven method is to win by weight of numbers and increasing coercion(check the demographics). In the Koran it says 'Wait until you are ten per cent of their number then rise up'. Lord Ahmed recently got the screening of the Dutch film 'Fitna' in the House of Commons stopped by threatening to 'Mobilise ten thousand Muslims' simply because it is critical of Islam.
As a Conservative can you state when David Cameron has condemned the abomination of Halal slaughter thereby demonstrating that everyone 'should be accountable' to British law. The truth is he's too worried about getting the Muslim block vote without which a rapidly increasing number of seats are unwinnable. This of course is totally counter to the best interests of Britain and its future.

Anonymous said...

Lets be honest with ourselves here sharia law will never be accepted in this country. People want to live in Britain, or any other "western" country for that matter, so that they can live a relativley free life and not be persecuted by religous warlords or power hungry preachers. I think there would be riots in almost every city, town or village before this would happen. People will stand up for what they feel is right, I cant imagine there are many true Brits who would stand by whist these crazy rules changed the face of this country, whatever colour race or creed they maybe.

Anonymous said...

Minima Moralia said...

"there is no 'Great' in Great Britain anymore. We are now a vibrant multicultural melting pot with no sense of identity or history. We are a living experiment. Future academics and historians will wonder in amazement at how within a century a nation which ruled large parts of the world transformed into a nation ruled by large parts of the world. The nation state is dead – embrace Internationalism."

No need to wait that long for amazement - I'm staggered and horrified at what has been enacted so quickly by the elite. Stop it, reverse it, reclaim it.