Friday 23 January 2009

Labour’s advice on how to use your postal vote correctly

Postal votes will be arriving on doorsteps in Newton over the next few days. Some say the widespread introduction of postal voting was introduced by Labour for the benefit of Labour. That I am unsure of, but one thing is clear – Labour are well ahead of the game when it comes to postal voting. It is said that on at least one occasion Nigel Byrne actually beat labour in Newton on votes cast on the day, but when the postal votes were taken into account he lost by over 300. One thing is clear – until the other parties up their game in relation to postal voting, we can expect many more Labour victories.


Anonymous said...

Today I got my fifth letter/leaflet from Labour five minutes after my postal vote arrived they turned up about ten of them all over the estate with instructions on how to vote.
How did they know we would be getting them today and how do they get so many people out each day.
I have been impressed by their campaign and I have met the candidate, I knew his father he was a great campaigner for Newton.

Anonymous said...

I can tell you all one thing - Labour might well have won this IF THEY HAD PLAYED THE GAME FAIR - they have resorted to vicious smear tactics and the BNP have been very reserved and have replied with COUNTER TO THE SMEAR WHICH HAS SAVAGED THE LABOUR VOTE -

It turns out that the BNP gang rapist was actually a Labour Gang Rapist and this has really hit home with everyone I have talked to.

The British National Party are also very much on to the postal votes with a personally hand written letter from the candidate being hand delivered to all the postal voters - this is very effective and they have gained a lot of votes they have missed in previous years - it seems the Tameside BNP are learning very fast - ALL BETS ARE OFF I TELL YOU NOW - THE BNP ARE NECK AND NECK WITH LABOUR!.

Anonymous said...

How did they know you would be getting your postal vote today? How do you think?
The current postal voting system in this country is totally unsupervised and has been savaged in two separate inquiries. It persists because it suits Labour and their block voting allies in certain 'communities'.

Anonymous said...

The Labour Government is planning to give the families of everyone who died in the troubles in Northern Ireland £12000. This includes the families of CONVICTED TERRORIST MURDERERS putting them on the same footing as innocent victims, Police Officers and British servicemen. This will send out a message that there is no difference between those who commit evil and those who are killed by it or give their lives trying to stop it. This appalling act must be stopped. I urge you to write to your MP and object in the strongest possible terms.

Anonymous said...

I'm pleased to learn that the BNP are fighting fire with fire. The entire 'Hope Not Hate' campaign seems very peurile. I think there's something rather dodgy and immoral in that this organisation is supported by The Labour candidate yet their expenditure does not have to be included in the Labbour election expenditure.

I would refer posters to my views on Hope not Hate's election strategy on this site on Sunday Jan 18th.

Anonymous said...

The latest immigration statistics demonstrate that Labour have lost control of the situation. They are failing to prevent the entry of 'asylum' seekers, removals have plummeted, the backlog is growing faster than ever and they have lost track of massive numbers of people who have no right to be in this country and are an enormous drain on our national resources in the midst of a recession.
We need an entirely new approach that stops ALL immigration apart from that which is absolutely essential and puts British people first.

Anonymous said...

The British people must be punished for the evil deeds of their forefathers who enslaved the world.

Anonymous said...

The British people must be punished for the evil deeds of their forefathers who enslaved the world.

Anonymous said...

Harman warns of BNP Euro victory

Anonymous said...

Don'T underestimate the Tories there is a huge increase in the number of people using the postal vote system in Newton, almost 2,000 people have got one someones been campaigning to do this and I think its the Tories.
What I do find disappointing about them though is the lack of any of there so called young stars working in Newton its the same old workers.
Their candidate must be disappointed at the lack of any support from them they need to be on the streets every week just like Labour and the BNP are.
These people need to learn that posing for nice cosy photos and sitting in a nice warm council meeting is not what wins elections.
I know its cold wet and windy some days knocking on doors and delivering leaflets is not glamorous but its got to be done maybe they will reflect on this when choosing candidates in the future.
One final point I have still not seen the BNP lady on the streets of Newton something strange about this.

Anonymous said...

Labour's young (and not so young!) stars will always be out in force in Tameside, in not just this, but every election.

What's happened to the likes of Stacey Knighton?

Anonymous said...

Did you see the Labour gang out again this morning? looks like they were doing another letter to postal voters they were only visiting certain properties.
I have toured the area again no sign of any other groups but I may have missed them.
Cant miss the Labour people they must have hundreds working on this election,what is missing from all party's though is the lack of any posters only seen one a Labour one.

Anonymous said...

It was the BNP issuing letters to postal voters, I spoke to two of them on Ashton Rd.

Anonymous said...

No these were Labour people I saw they had the Labour rosette and I knew two of them.
One was one of our councillors and the other I have seen in the Advertiser.

Anonymous said...

If you've seen him in the Labourtiser it must have been Taylor, he's practically got his own column. Good job everything he says is so relevant and interesting and not just designed to draw attention to himself. You'd almost think he was in league with the Editor or something.

Anonymous said...

Do I detect a bit of jealousy in the last post you may not like what he writes or says I don't agree with him most times,but whats stoping you or others from doing the same.

Anonymous said...

It isn't a level playing field braindead. His mate who runs the local free rag has the same anti 'fascist' politically correct views.