Today the electorate in the Hyde Newton ward witnessed true democracy in action. Political activists from all parties other than the Greens were out in force. Labour arguably had the best leaflet, the BNP were distributing a newspaper and the real dark horses of this campaign - UKIP were distributing a fascinating DVD and a leaflet highlighting why any sane voter should take a closer look at the EU and our disastrous involvement in it. I am finding Conservative and Green leaflets hard to come by, but I am informed the Conservative leaflet currently being distributed is very good.
The Police helicopter has just been over Newton AGAIN. According to the government's latest statistics crime is falling. Apparently New Labour scientists have also just discovered that the Moon is made of green cheese.
Come on Newtonians, on the fifth of Feb get out and vote, show this disastrous Government what you think of them.
The Labour Party has always been a byword for economic incompetence. I remember the utter shambles of the late Seventies when they bankrupted the country and had to go begging to the International Monetary Fund for money. There were mountains of rubbish in the streets and the dead went unburied because of a tidal wave of industrial action by left-wing unions(many of whom were supported financially by the Soviet Union).
They've led us up the same boom and bust, tax and spend (I mean waste) blind alley again. New Labour old danger.
Whilst canvassing for the BNP in Newton on Saturday an elderly Irish lady told me that a 'young man' from the Labour Party had called the previous day and informed her that she should not vote BNP as they would 'send her back to Ireland.'
This is New Labour showing their true colours; frightening an old lady with blatant lies. They will do anything and use anyone(the left-wing thugs from various 'anti-fascist' groups are being shipped in on Sunday to go canvassing and leafleting) to try and avoid defeat.
What actions would be taken against a serving councillor caught red handed passing confidential council information to unauthorised third party campaign groups?
Westy what do you mean by "my team" Tony is in charge or have you taken, who is doing the caring you get tax payers money for while you are in Newton all week.
Why dont you tell us about the people who have chased you off their pathways or told you to f##k off.
Apparently 3 million white Christians are emigrating to Pakistan. The Pakistanis are quite happy about it and are preparing to welcome them with open arms.
If I see my country being destroyed I WILL break the law to defend it. The only people who won't are; enemies, those who don't care, cowards and the insane.
Why criticize Mr West for what he does in his spare time? Would it be better if he went boozing, sat on his backside or took drugs. At least he's getting involved in local demccracy and trying to make a difference.
LATEST REPORT FROM BULL***T NEWS: If we're ever outnumbered in our own country the Blacks and Asians will enact laws to ensure White people aren't discriminated against and will not oppress, attack or victimise us in any way.
Can ordinary black people join the BNP is it true that only white people can join?
Anyone can join. The only 'racism' that comes into play is in ensuring that the indigenous population receive equal treatment under the law. This is very similar to what the Black Police Association stands for, I don't notice you criticizing them.
If you want to know where Britain is headed check out Labour's proposed 'Equality Bill' which will make it legal to discriminate against white males.
Read the BNP rules are you sure and will you confirm that black people can be members of the BNP
I already know the BNP rules. Now go and apply to join the Black Police Association, Muslim Police Association or any one of the hundreds and hundreds of organizations that defend the interests of minorities. If you're white let me know how you get on.
Your Grandchildren might get the opportunity to find out how detached from reality you were.
I know I cant join these organisations and I would not allow them operate,now tell us can black people join the BNP who want to run the country and represent people.
True Blue they can't join the BNP we all know that.
But they don't hate anyone so we're told.
It's just that if they ever got into power, then all people who looked a bit foreign would be sent "home"
I do think though, the likes of the Black Police assocation etc, is wrong.
As when you have a group which is inclusive, you make these racist bastards point even stronger.
True blue,Roy Walker, I notice you're quick to call us racist bastards but not any of the ethnic minorities only organizations, just a bit of mild disapproval. Wonder why that might be.
I don't hate anyone on the basis of their race but I do have an instinctive preference for my own as do virtually all members of all races. Otherwise their would be wholesale global intermarriage not just a tiny percentage. It's called the law of nature or reality. The Muslims will have outbred us in Britain in a few decades-check your world history- if we don't act now and all your moralising 'tolerance' will be fully exposed as the gutless pile of cant that it is.
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