Saturday 31 January 2009

Another great day for democracy in Hyde Newton

By all accounts today was a lively affair in Hyde Newton. The Conservatives were distributing what is in my opinion the most informative and therefore the best leaflet of the campaign to date. UKIP were out in strength and supported by a huge advertising hording in the shape of a HGV, however it is reported that the HGV was responsible for causing several traffic problems in the ward. Labour had a magnificent team on the campaign trail headed by James Purnell MP. The BNP were also out in numbers and it is reported there was a low level confrontation between the BNP and Labour activists. It is said a lady BNP campaigner who is also a big activist for Help for Heroes confronted the Labour team about their appalling record on dragging Britain into foreign wars of aggression against peoples who previously had no axe to grind with Britain. Unsurprisingly the Labour lot could not defend the un-defendable and quickly scurried away. Again, the big winners in this campaign is the electorate. After all the attention Newton has received over recent weeks surely there has to be a record turn out on Feb 5th.


Anonymous said...

audUKIP also had John Whittaker MEP on the campaign trail today, all in a good cause !!!

Anonymous said...

Great response on the door step for the Conservatives today a lot of people have just had enough of Labour and won't vote BNP have said that they will be voting for John Welsh on Thursday this result could be interesting

ukip said...

I doubt our trailers caused as much trouble as the Asthmatic Land Rover the BNP use to pull their trailer around.
I am considering buying it to lay smokescreens in Gaza, it would stop the Israelis wasting all of their white phosphorus.

Anonymous said...

Have to agree with UKIP the BNP's asthmatic land rover is bloody awful who on earth passed that road worthy?

Tameside Citizen said...

I too saw the "Asthmatic Land Rover" and it certainly did turn heads - for the wrong reasons! Had they bought a Japanese or German 4x4 instead of a Land Rover - well, they could have proved the Liberal Democrat candidate correct when he called them 'unpatriotic'.

Anonymous said...

Making Plans For Nigel

Anonymous said...

Ukip, Sorry about the old 'Landy' we haven't got big business backers like you so have to rely on true patriots bringing their own vehicles.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Ukip, White phosphorus is a legal weapon unless used on civilians. If a terrorist organization deliberately puts civilians in harms way then THEY are responsible. The only people who don't care AT ALL about Gazan's getting mutilated are Hamas who use such horrific wounds for propaganda. Israel has a right to defend itself; let's hope UKIP aren't so concerned about Britain's enemies if WE are ever attacked.

Anonymous said...

Why is Mrs Mussolini giving a Fascist salute in that picture? We will use that on our next leaflet.

Anonymous said...

She is pictured with Nick Griffin.

Anonymous said...

So that is what they do when they think nobody is looking? We will incude that too! Is it really Griffin?

Anonymous said...
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ukip said...

'Big business backers' are you having a laugh?, the trailers are mine. As previously stated I live in a two up two down, have a mortgage, drive a four YO car, and have no pension or savings.
I work hard and before Christmas employed 14 people, now I employ 6 thanks to socialists like BNP/Labour/conservatives wrecking the economy.
The trailers were paid for at the cost of a holiday for us and the kids. Please get real with your comments, as I am ready to jack the lot in, draw disability and add another 6 to the dole queues. Why should I bother employing people when I could earn as much sat on my bum at home?

Tameside Citizen said...

UKIP, I share your concerns - honestly! For far too long there has been a reliance on the few to support the many. People like you are the lifeblood of this country, if the likes of you give up - we truly are doomed!

ukip said...

Bomber Harris,
I am well aware that WP is legal for creating smokescreens.
I am also fully aware that Gaza is run by a terrorist organisation, who have been using illegal attacks on Israel as a method of control in Gaza.
What is your parties stance upon this? bearing in mind all three of the main parties were in agreement with the appeasement of the IRA.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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ukip said...

Yes, the IRA are terrorists, what is the difference between them and Hamas?
The BNP denounce (rightly) the IRA, but yet go on to support the terrorists in Hamas, is this a reflection of their anti-semitism, racism and homophobia.
I know another party, similar to that, who were quite popular in the 1930/40s. If the cap fits you should wear it.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

When I said big business backers I meant Mr Farage's ( he's your so-called leader ) UKIP Party. If you can't take a bit of ribbing don't make comments about our crappy Land Rover. And stop telling us your problems every five minutes. Do you think everyone else lives in a bed of roses?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Ukip' if you are 'well aware' of what Hamas get up to why did you choose to make a snide anti-Israeli comment? And you call us anti-semitic. The BNP is loyal to the Union and totally against any appeasement of the IRA. The BNP do not support Hamas or any other terrorist organization. Hamas is an Islamic organization and our stance and warnings against the threat to Britain from that culture are well known. We do not want Britain involved in foreign conflicts that are none of our business.
The so-called 'racism' allegations
are nonsense and well past their sell by date. As for 'homophobia' if I choose to believe that the act of sodomy between two men is abnormal and should not be encouraged I will do so. We fought a war against real 'Nazis' to defend freedom of thought and speech.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

In World WarII the Gazan situation would have been resolved by carpet bombing. The Israelis are trying to avoid civilian casualties but in an area with such chronic overpopulation and Hamas using the lives and injuries of their own people as a weapon and shield this is extremely difficult. One side is fundamentally civilized the other is not.

Anonymous said...

I'm more worried about the 'Newton Strip' than the 'Gaza Strip'. British issues both local and national should come first.

Anonymous said...

Thw BNP are anti semitic which is the same stance as the Nazis.

Anonymous said...
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Keir Hardy said...

Great reception this weekend. You can expect a few surprises on Thursday.

We could have done with a few more faces helping out. Usual excuses from some who can talk the talk but not walk the walk.

I for one cant believe that Land Rover will pass an MOT, hardly a great ad for the BNP was it.

Anonymous said...

Eric, we've got a Jewish councillor you FOOL.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I am from Newton and all my friends will be voting BNP. I am a Gay type Nationalist with strong support for the BNP.

Anonymous said...

Don't get over excited about the car parking announcement its only free after 3pm on Thursday,Friday and Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Another chilly session - but well worth the effort. It was great to see so many new faces in the ward. The facist campaign had already run out of steam and when they see your latest leaflet they will know the game is up. Thanks lads and lasses and those in-between.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how our Labour candidate managed to get the Tameside Advertiser headline reproduced perfectly on his glossy leaflet so quickly?

Could it be that they were printed at the same time?

Incidentally, I've just come across the massive 'UAF day of action' in Newton, all 4 of them, and they very kindly gave me a leaflet when I parked up my Land Rover (not the aforementioned asthmatic one - mine's in a much worse state than that) and got out.

"Nazi this, violence that, yawn the other" pretty much sums it up.

I felt quite sorry for the kids distributing this. However, to give them credit where it's due, they seemed to be a very charitable lot - obviously supporting their local OXFAM shop somewhat voraciously.

Anonymous said...

The Tory campaign is a joke its our best chance for ages to make a breakthrough in Newton.
We should have had dozens out each day, I am also on the verge of quitting wont be joining Labour but the UKIP party looks the best place for me

Anonymous said...

Is the BNP candidate pointing to the map and saying "thats Newton its where I should have been for last few weeks"

Anonymous said...

I see someone is pretending to be me.
Why would i want to leave a party which is going to stroll the next general election?
Out again in Newton today another great response on the door step.
Like i said this is going to be closer than some people are making out.

Anonymous said...

Apart from the thousands of OAPs who die each year from fuel poverty after 11 years of Labour government, it's a tragedy that so many working class people will vote for the Lib,Lab,Con party which allows foreign companies to operate in the U.K but not employ Britsh workers.

What does the clergy of Newton have to say about people voting for a party that has allowed OAPs to die in this way and which started an illegal war and occupation of a sovereign country.? Nothing.

Anonymous said...

Labour for Newton, the correct spelling is, FASCIST. Nor do you know the meaning of the word. As for the UAF or whatever they're called this week, every one of our workers is a committed BNP member not a shipped in troublemaker.

Anonymous said...

Anyone seen Lady Knighton out canvassing or leafleting been told shes not very happy to do this sort of thing its for party workers.

Anonymous said...

Liam billington told to stay home for slating john bell.

Anonymous said...

Newton For Labour, you are wrong on that one. Liam Billington has been out on many occasions for the Tories during this campaign.

Anonymous said...

For your info Anon
Stacey has been out delivering leaflets during this election.

Anonymous said...

Stacey said she would do some work if she was guaranteed a safe Tory seat in the next council elections,Liam was told he could only do some work if John Bell and other senior councillors were not out, you cant be seen together he was told.
Had they done so the photo would have been on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Dear Insider

Yet again you're wrong, Liam and John were togeather working just this Saturday. But unlike the Labour party, we don't need to have a photo oppotunity every time we do some work.
Regarding Stacey, you're wrong again, not bad for a paragraph wrong twice.
Nothing has ever been promised to her, Stacey is a fine candidate, and to say she would only help if she got a "safe seat" is a blatent lie.
I think you maybe confused with Parker Perry's "friend" Miss pushy, Claire Francis. Who will be standing in Denton, replacing Walter Downs.
Poor Claire, she might have to speak to some poor people. Which might disrupt her champagne lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

Heard from a goos source in your party that Lady Knighton will be standing in Waterloo. Is this true?

Anonymous said...

There's turmoil in the ranks Kelly's been kicked out of Hurst St Michaels have taken him on free transfer.
Her Ladyship is fuming because she was promised Werneth it was a done deal,all this is being set up to oust John Bell and hes the only decent one amongst us.

Anonymous said...

What's happened to L. Knighton's promise to the people of Audenshaw to stand again?!

Denton West, Waterloo, Werneth? Sounds like flip-flopping to me.

Anonymous said...

Knighton wanted to stand in Audenshaw but unfortunately was not selected to do so, despite all her efforts. Knighton has not agreed to stand in any other ward as yet.

Anonymous said...

There is some bollocks on here.
I saw Stacey and John Kelly last night.
Stacey has, like the above post said, not agreed to stand in any ward as of yet.
But she will.
She has never been promised Werneth, that is a complete lie.
John Kelly, laughed at the sugestion of him being de selected. He has already been selected without any objection, at the Ashton Branch meeting months ago.
We are currently having a selection for St Michaels ward, but it looks like Dr Paul Buckley will get the nod, due to the fantastic work he does for the party.
I really hope this clears up any rumours, or blatent lies, like Insider continues to spout.

Anonymous said...

I cant hold back anymore its killing me, I have been deselected and moved to St Michaels.