The remains of about 880 people are to be moved from their graves to make way for a £1.3m community centre. The graves at Christ Church in Ashton-under-Lyne, Greater Manchester, are grassed over and will be moved to another part of the churchyard. Church officials say the building project has community support and will be an important resource. The Big Lottery Fund has provided a £500,000 grant towards the building, known as the 4C Community Centre. The Reverend Lee Longden, vicar of the church, said: "We were honoured to receive the green light to take the step in developing this facility. "Our priority now is to make sure everyone knows what an opportunity this is and to allow everyone to understand what will happen as the project moves forward." The building will be constructed in part of the churchyard, which means 240 graves - containing 880 burials - dating from 1900 to 1958 will be moved. It is expected to take a week to move the remains and each reburial will be accompanied by prayers and a rededication service. The community centre plans are subject to planning permission and anyone with concerns can make them known during the consultation process.
BBC News
I ask just one question, would this happen of these were Jewish or Muslim graves?
Hey UKIP not a bit racist thinking there?
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