Friday 31 October 2008

An American tradition we can do without!

Or am I just being a grumpy old git? High profile Tameside councillor John Taylor is very vocal in his calls for fireworks to be banned (although it is noted that he voiced no objection to the Diwali fireworks - but that is another story!). Ordinarily I am fairly easy going and do not desire to see peoples fun being ruined by people who are ‘passed it’, but this Halloween trick or treat malarkey is reaching epidemic proportions. For grumps like myself it is just an inconvenience that involves getting up to answer the door every couple of minutes and forcing a smile as I hand over money to the little skeletons, witches and assorted ghouls that are waiting with outstretched palms, but my concern is for the elderly. Many elderly people including relatives of mine dread this night because of trick or treat’rs. Lots of older people do not understand what it is about and get very frightened by it. I think if elections were held in October or November any political party who made noises about clamping down on the trick or treat menace to the elderly would receive lots of votes for that stance.


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Anonymous said...

Pensioner fights off would-be robber
A PLUCKY pensioner fought off a would-be robber by belting him with her walking stick.

The 72-year-old was walking down an alleyway off Lodge Close in Dukinfield at 10.30am on Wednesday when she was confronted by the teenage mugger.

He threatened and swore at the victim, saying, 'Give me your bag, you old cow'.

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Anonymous said...

Don't agree with you TC. If you don't like trick or treat... don't answer the door.

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Anonymous said...

Your garden is a mess West its a disgrace them kids will have made it look better,take some pride in your home and garden you and next door are bringing the area down.

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Anonymous said...

Two words: Internet Cafe.

Don't believe it Roy. But we all know it is you.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes it could be him his daughters got a cafe in Hyde, remember him with Ricky Hatton and Gordon Ramsey