Thursday, 18 September 2008

TMBC Annual Report 2007/08

With no disrespect to Tameside Conservatives, if Labour totally collapse at the next elections and the Conservatives gained control of Tameside Council, would you be up to the job of running it successfully? The reason I ask is; Labour seem to have controlled Tameside for an eternity and the Conservatives surely would lack experience.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

There not even a good opposition so how the hell could they run the council

tonydj said...

To what extent are local parties able to control local Government?Given that 75% of local finance comes from central government and many local services must be provided by law. Tameside cannot unilateraly reduce school leaving age to 15 to save on education costs and they must provide certain Social Services by law.

However many of the controversial activities of the council, such as the plain clothes cigarette-end wardens who seem to exist as stealth tax collecters and not law enforcers, could be ended. Cllr Buckley termed them "Stasi" and Cllr Dickinson commented that they are conspicuous by their absence on Friday and Saturday nights when the pubs are shutting , (Thursday 17th Sept Stalybridge District Assembly) So who knows?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry. Major plans are in the pipeline. We require certain people to become councillors to form a super cabinet. Once we have the right number of people we will get rid of John Bell too.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

We would give her a big hug

Anonymous said...

Get me out of here...........

Tameside Eye said...

See what this cunt had to say about John Bell.

Anonymous said...

Liam will be arrested again soon he cant help it, thats why we kicked him out of our party to be a liability.
We understand there may soon be a civil action against him.

Anonymous said...

Hey the above comment didn't come from Richard Ashton did it? Tameside Tories political assistant who has trouble getting his facts right? Oh dear!

Anonymous said...

No it's probably John Taylor, he also sends out anonymous emails and letters. It's what Taylor does best because he's a shit Councillor.

Anonymous said...
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