An 87-year-old Droylsden woman was robbed in her own home and then locked inside.The victim returned to her home on Ashfield Square shortly after 4.45pm on Friday 29 August 2008 and was bolting her door when she heard loud bangs.She opened the door and a man shouted that he was working next door and had to turn her water off.He then pushed his way into her home and pulled at the woman's handbag, which was round her neck.The victim struggled with him and fell to the floor, dropping her house key.The offender stole her handbag, which contained cash, picked up the key and left, locking the front door behind him.The pensioner, who suffered bruising round her eye, then called police.The offender is described as white about 5ft 10in tall, of slim build and aged between 23 and 30. He was wearing a dirty cream peaked cap, a light brown long-sleeved top with a round neck and black trousers or tracksuit bottoms. He spoke with a local accent.Detective Constable Wayne Redford, of Ashton CID said: "This was an appalling attack on a vulnerable woman in the very place where she should feel safe – her home."To barge past a defenceless pensioner as she was standing at her door and then frighten her and steal her money is totally cowardly and this man needs to be caught."I want to appeal to anyone who may have seen him before or after the attack, or who may have seen someone acting suspiciously in that street to come forward."Anyone with information should call Ashton CID on 0161 856 9254 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.
Hang the scum
Certainly flog him and do it so hard that he would never dream of doing it again.
Remove his testicles
Hey Taylor (Wag) you are a very violent individual man, you talk a lot about violent people you dis-like, but you would give them a run for their money.
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