New figures show that England is now the most crowded country in Europe. This has largely come about because the past 10 years have seen unprecedented levels of immigration and settlement. But there is one group of people that the Government will not let stay in the country – even though they have worn the Queen’s uniform and have risked their lives on this nation’s behalf. The Gurkhas have now been forced to go to court to challenge a British government decision to deny them the right to settle. Walking the streets of Britain are terrorist suspects who have done great harm to this country and to whom we even pay benefits - yet we would deny those who fight for us a right to settle. Nepalese Gurkhas have been part of the British Army for nearly 200 years and about 200,000 of them fought for Britain in both world wars; some 43,000 were killed or wounded, and they have won 26 Victoria Crosses. The Gurkhas have also struggled over many years for equal pension rights which, for those who retired before 1997, are about a quarter of the level paid to those who served after that time. Three Gurkhas who lost a court challenge on pensions in July this year are taking their case to the Court of Appeal next month. These proud men should not have to beg for entry or for equal pension rights. It is time we honoured our debts.
The Daily TelegraphI challenge anybody to say these brave soldiers have no right to settle in Britain. The appalling treatment of these great men perfectly sums up dysfunctional Britain. While these people who have shed their blood for Britain are turned away, scroungers, crooks and freeloaders from around the globe are allowed to settle here en masse. Absolute madness! Tameside Citizen
I echo your sentiments TC, just a little pedantic historical point which has a great bearing on this case.
Ghurkas have been members of the BRITISH army only since 1947. Before that they were in the Indian Army.
After partition in 1947 the Ghurka Regiments were divided between the British and Indian Armies. This led to a problem. British pay and conditions were better than Indian pay and conditions hence the Indians feared they would lose recruits to the British. As a compromise it was decided that as long as the Ghurkas were not actually in the UK they would not be on the better British Army pay and conditions.
This situation is now different, largely as a result of the Ghurkas leaving their base in Hong Kong in 1997.
(NB I make this post to EXPLAIN the situation and not to EXCUSE it)
Thanks for the info TonyDJ, that sheds some light on this whole unpleasant affair. Am I correct in saying the Ghurkhas have won a disproportionately large number of VC’s throughout their distinguished military history in relation to their relatively small numbers?
Relatively speaking that is so.
The main point is that we allow all the scum and dross of the world into the UK and yet a few old men who have served this nation are refused. I recall one Ghurka VC (Mr Pin) refused admission because HE HAD INSUFFICIENT CONNECTION TO THE UK!!
On second thoughts perhaps they are refused admission BECAUSE they have served in the UK armed forces loyally.
Freedom Fighters..........
With more and more leaflets and newspapers in my hands, the BNP Christian campaign can never stop.
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