Well maybe not quite, but certainly the modern day equivalent. This gentleman is possibly a Scrote of the worst kind, but I have grave reservations about this type of public ‘naming and shaming’. Firstly a lot of the feral street rats carry this kind of negative publicity as a badge of honour in their strange and hopeless worlds and secondly, assuming he is basically a decent kid who has just gone off the rails, surely this campaign against him will ruin any prospects of rehabilitation for years to come. How could he realistically hope to get job in the area after hundreds of these leaflets have been distributed carrying his details? Even if potential employers did not see the leaflet, the loss of self esteem and confidence he suffers as a result could deter him from even trying to redeem his character.
Some good points in your comments T.C.
I ask the authorities four questions.
1) Will ALL criminals receive this sort of treatment?
2) If the answer to question 1 is "No", then who will decide who gets this treatment?
3) What should those residents who live OUTSIDE the designated area do if they see him in their area, given that he is a criminal and may well be on the prowl for swag.
and finally
4) What is the difference between exposing mis-behaviour by this method and exposing it like "Tameside-Eye" did on his blog?
Did you see the thief last week who tried to steal the electric cables in Stalybridge, he forgot that they were live got his finger well and truly burned plus other parts.
This looks like the same sort of "anti west" leaflets which were supposedly distributed in Dukinfield. Is Roy behind these?
Is it true West was booted from the BNP at the weekend for the damage he caused them with his contant obsession with John Taylor?
yes maybe
I thought u nazis were supposed to be hard core. this little wanker needs beating never mind rehabilitating.
Daniel Arnold told me he is going to beat the shit out of you Roy
Expulsions on the way, ask Anthony Jones why he did not attend the fascist festival at weekend,and he knows about the warning West got about his future conduct
The reason I didn't go to the RWB was because I had a Weargames show to visit. three day refight of Waterloo, I took the role of Sir Rowland "Daddy" Hill.
Oops, typo.
That should be Wargames
Oops and you call Taylor. you get your priorities right tony why should you attend anything to do with the BNP you wont be a member shortly will you.
Wont make any difference you wont win any seat our time as come.
Not my comment the above, going to continue...........It's great fun seeing Taylor call for all this outside help. Never been a racist, love causing trouble (In political terms) Going to put out a leaflet in Duki about Taylor's meeting with a thug that directed violence against children. Did some leafleting in Stalybridge the other day great response..See ya.
Is the domestic violence accusation true Mr West they claim you had to leave your home because of it.
Did you try to set yourself on fire another claim they make.
Did you abuse an 11 year old black girl in Hyde.
Did New Charter move you to give your neighbours a rest from you when you lived in Hyde.
Have they now got three official complaints about you at your new address.
Are you being investigated for benefit fraud , all these and more accusations are in the leaflet we got yesterday.
QUOTE......."Have they now got three official complaints about you at your new address."....UNQUOTE
If untrue, then those behind the leaflet are LIARS!
If true, then someone in a position of authority is leaking information which is contrary to the Data Protection Act.
Either way, someone is seriously at fault and will soon be brought to account, one way or another.
not if the person/people writing the leaflets are the same people that are making the complaints or know the people who are making the complaints. Maybe there are considerably more than three and the leaflet writers just know about three
I now have one of these leaflets if there is any truth in any of the allegations you are finished West.
There are two leaflets being delivered in Dukinfield by Labour both are published on the web and have our identity on them.
The rose is almost 75% delivered now the bnp special is 10% delivered, we have two special days coming up when supporters are coming to help us and show support for the anti fascist campaign,some far left groups have been attracted here by Mr West, What did you expect?
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