Police are investigating death threats made against a Tameside councillor. The threats were made after Councillor John Taylor’s details appeared on a violent far right website, Redwatch.Net. The site, which includes pictures of political activists including anti-British National Party demonstrators, anti-deportation marches and Socialist Worker volunteers, lists home addresses and contact details of people featured online. The 60-year-old Dukinfield councillor, who has been a Labour Party member for 36 years and trade unionist for 40 years, is known for his criticism of the BNP. Since featuring on Redwatch, Councillor Taylor — who is a grandfather — has received countless emails saying that he will be shot in the head. "Since I was a teenager I’ve been involved in anti-fascist campaigning, so I’ve put up with day-to-day political jibes. I’ve been on marches and had things shouted at me but never anything as serious as this," said Councillor Taylor. "I’ve obviously had to take it very seriously because of my family. They said they were going to shoot me and have identified what gun they’re going to use, so it shows they know what they’re talking about. For people who know Redwatch, when they do identify you, you usually become a victim of violence." Councillor Taylor was also alerted to a video on the YouTube website, which accused him of being a communist. Fellow Dukinfield councillor, Brian Wild, also had his picture placed on the Redwatch website along with his address and the comment that he is an ‘anti-BNP associate of Councillor John Taylor’. Inspector Tony Alogba, of Stalybridge police, said: "We are investigating a threat to kill recently made on a website."We are following a number of inquiries and working closely with the victim to trace the person or people responsible. If anyone has any information about the threat please contact us on 856 9255."
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The BNP must be totally insane to get involved in this type of nonsense. They have loads of support amongst traditional Labour voters and the disillusioned who don’t normally vote for anyone. This type of foolish behaviour will do their cause immense harm which is a pity because they are probably the only political party left who represent the working class.
What did you expect with West he makes a mess of everything he gets involved in,one day the BNP will come to terms with what they have and kick him out.
Don't believe all this nonsense about fleeing from Hyde for his safety, he was moved to give his neighbours a rest from him, now another group of neighbours are getting it.
I'm glad the police are taking this seriously, it makes a nice change from when I received threats and smashed windows in the past.
The Pravdatiser did not seek to interview the BNP for their side of the story, unlike The Reporter who responcibly did seek their views.
I seriously doubt whether anyone in Tameside is behind this. I have never understood why anyone intending to seriously attack somebody would wish to warn them in advance.
The vile emails I received along with the death threats came from Andrew Gatward a bnp organiser he did not hide behind any false name he even emailed me asking me if I wanted anymore all in the hands of the police now.
These emails didn't start off through John Taylor sending emails to Redwatch did they? You know what a wind up merchant he is.
You know, the police would need Taylor's computers taken away to do a full investigation - you know, to track IP's through received emails etc. Have they done that yet. Nah, thought not.
Anyway, remember that virus that Taylor had on his site? Convenient isn't it? I bet it is the same virus which would of magically infected his computer wiping all information and probably needing a new hard drive.
I ain't thick. Remember John, Inspector Clueso is on to you and your antics. Deleting evidence is a very serious offence and can lead to imprisonment and destroying the case. Wasting police time comes to mind too.
Just to let you all know, the death threats were not sent by me. As the police have all my computers (no thanks to Taylor of course)... or do they? After all, how have I been able to write a new blog post and comment on here? HAHA. I kid, I kid. The police also have my DNA and fingerprints therefore eliminating me.
Image of John Taylor looking behind his back: PRICELESS!
Oh and in news today. A man wrongly suspected of murder by the police wins £700k. Looks like I could be in for a windfall too!
Threatening someone with death is taking things to a dangerous new level. However much people despise John Taylor and what he stands for, there's no need for this.
The thing that sticks in my mind though, is that Cllr Taylor gets all steamed up and upset when he's being threatened, it's quite the opposite when he's having the police threaten others. I think you know who I'm referring to here don't you Cllr Taylor? If you can't remember, he's a local blogger you helped to have arrested.
I have a challenge for Parker-Perry and Taylor - If you're the big strong men of the people you claim to be, take the criticism from the blogs on the chin and accept what's being said about you. If you're the true democrats you puport to be, withdraw the allegations you have made against Liam Billington TODAY, get on with your lives and allow Billington to get on with his.
I wanted to book an appointment with the chief inspector today, but some bloke said he spoke to me and he wouldn't put me through to the chief inspector to waste his time! He said that any further complaint would be dealt with him and staff were under instruction not to put me through to an inspector or the chief. All correspondence in writing addressed to the chief inspector by me would be dealt with this person. So basically, my complaint is blocked.
He warned me that I am going to be in trouble over my "wild" allegations over PC Moss as any question of her integrity is untrue. Seriously the police are thick as pig shit at Ashton. Redwatch have nout to worry about. Continue with your business.
He warned me that I should stop spreading these allegations of PC Moss's integrity as it would lead me to further trouble from the police. I said "bring it on, I have nothing to lose, I couldn't care less". He described me as being reckless and a greater danger than previously imagined. And quite rightly so too... never underestimate me.
I warned him of his actions and that he better consider his position. He said it was a threat. I said no, it isn't as Lord Pendry said the same. Bah... one rule for one....
He said it was my own fault the case was taking longer because of me questioning the integrity of Ashton police station, the officers and Tameside CPS. This was the reason the case had been moved to Manchester. So they are being a set of awkward bastards then.
He also said the police are monitoring the comments on blogs and that they are aware of my latest post. I hope they take part in my latest poll.
So you admit the threats to Cllr Taylor are true?
A popular Labour blog has linked to Taylor's blog proclaiming he is "whiter than white" (no pun intended).
For the record some of the vile emails came from a bnp organiser Andrew Gatward and he offered to send me more we will publish them soon,not doing anything yet because the police have all the details and are acting on them.
Do they have your computer John? Because they will need it as evidence - regardless of you being a victim or not. And as for Andrew Gatward, I would be insisting that Taylor's computers are seized as part of evidence.
People who work in IT such as myself will understand what I mean and will be able to confirm it.
The police need to take the computers of Mr. Gatward and Cllr Taylor into protective cutody IMMEDIATELY, because we wouldn't want anyone tampering with the evidence now, would we?
Come on Cllr Taylor, are you and Cllr Parker-Perry going to withdraw the allegations you made against Mr. Billington and allow the case to be dropped? Or are the pair of you just scared witless of honest and open debate on internet forums?
The means by which Cllr Parker-Perry went whingeing and moaning to the police indicates that it is really HE who has something to hide. All this business related to the "professional integrity" of the investigating officer being questioned is of both relevance to the case in question and is in the public interest, especially given her membership of the Longdendale District Assembly and her agreement to pose in a photo shoot with Cllr Parker-Perry.
I hope the police are monitoring the comments on the blogs, as all it proves is what we have all long suspected. Yet more evidence to reinforce the view held by a good many citizens of this country that the state and law enforcement agencies are more interested in persecuting ordinary working folk rather than doing what the taxpayer genuinely pays them for. Come on guys, go out and catch some vandals, rapists, drug pushers or burglars.
I support the cops get West get Billington get tonydj fuck the bnp tossers get the lot
Cop Man - I'm not a BNP supporter or sympathiser, I'm a Libertarian Conservative. I believe in freedom of speech and expression above all else. I believe the state and those politicians currently in power ought to know their place and not seek advantage through manipulating the law and law enforcement agencies to further their principle objectives of demeaning the mass population into a life of blind servility to the system.
Freedom of speech, expression and the individual are what are now at stake in this country through the actions of what amounts to a tarted up communist government. It really feels like we are moving toward living in North Korea or China. It's distasteful, disrespectful to ordinary citizens and downright ugly.
Well I just wanted take a peak at work on Redwatch, but unfortunately "extremist websites" are banned. Don't worry Al Jazera is too. Anyway, I wanted to take a look at what has supposed to have been said, but it appears someone has pulled the internet plug on the website as I keep on getting a 404 error.
Well done John Taylor, well done Tameside Police. Question is, can you take down mine? Answer is no. It is hosted by Google and any request to pull the blog down will FAIL. Same goes for obtaining personal info.
Liam you were thrown out of the conservative party for posting nasty and rude comments about people, they did not want to be associated with you, you are still doing it will you ever learn?
Do you not think that the police will copy what you have on your blog to produce in some future court case.
The polish Government pulled the plug on redwatch a long time ago because of the attacks made on people who appeared on it, moving the provider to America they thought it would be safer land of the brave and the free and all that stuff, well if they have shut them down its because they to realise this site is designed for one purpose only, and that's to bring violence to those who oppose the extreme right wing groups including the BNP.
Many people who have appeared on it have been attacked that's the whole point of the site,I hope you will learn and soon grow up people who know you say you are immature ,the people you attack are not the closing down of your blog is the least of your worries being on the wrong end of a huge liable case is.
Is the above comment made by Gareth Quinn? The person who can't spell properly?
I have not made any comments on here until now.
For the record i like many other normal thinking person think death threats to anyone are disgusting. Yes i don't agree with Mr Taylor on a hell of a lot of things, and yes i thought his own behaviour and conduct towards one of our own candidates at the last local election was disgusting, but for people to make threats towards his life i whole heartedly condemn.
There's gonna be a Borstal breakout!
Taylor on the BBC
Interesting. There is no going back now. Publicity has rocketed - and the Beeb even linked to his site!!!! Just goes to show what idiots we have running the TV license fee.
Thank you Gareth
Liam, the link you posted into the BBC certainly does prove that they're a bunch of leftie-supporting idiots. I recall them acquiring the sobriquet of the "Blair Broadcasting Corporation" when Blair was Prime Minister. If my memory serves me correctly, a certain James Purnell used to work for them. Hardly surprising Cllr Taylor's getting a free and easy ride from the beeb given their seemingly institutionalised left-wing bias.
The BBC can always be relied upon to put the case of the leftie do-gooder first and foremost in its coverage of events. Indeed, if some of us had our way, the Royal Charter wouldn't be renewed without major organisational reforms and the BBC would be threatened with dis-establishment if it didn't reform and become the paragon of virtue and impartiality becoming of a genuine public service broadcaster.
If the BBC were to be dis-established, the organisation would have no case in law to continue levying the licence fee. Like Sky, if you don't want it, you wouldn't be compelled to pay for it. Licence fee = TV tax.
Redwatch has 'mirror' sites, surprised you haven't googled for it.
'No platform' as far as I'm concerned. DNS attacks etc roll on against this lot of shit. In any case, it's tedious reading, 'revenge fantasies for the impotent' indeed.
Cops in search of Fascists, chirst it's a case of 'the unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable'!
"I seriously doubt whether anyone in Tameside is behind this. I have never understood why anyone intending to seriously attack somebody would wish to warn them in advance."
Mr Jones, you post on Stormfront ('White Nationalist Community' you fucking wish!), under the moniker 'Ashtonscout' and gleefully identify people who have their photos posted on Redwatch - http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?p=4863041#post4863041
Expect the filth will be knocking on your door matey.
They've knocked on it before now C o L, they've knocked on it before now!
"You are not obliged to say anything..." is my motto. And I doubt if anyone local is behind the Taylor postings.
FACT. One suspect according to Taylor is Andrew Gatward. Gatward formerly opposed Nick Griffin over the December 2007 expulsions but now is back on board.
This series of e-mails will embarrass the Tameside Branch which is perceived as backing me in the current state of internal faction-fighting.
Finally CoL why wont you let me post on your site....democracy?? And what IS that logo you use?
PS What are you doing on Stormfront any way??? AND keeping tabs on me!!! I thought that you didn't approve of that sort of thing comrade
I have a treat for you all tomorrow. Have a look at Tameside Eye tomorrow where all shall be revealed.
Liam (the wanker)
8pm Monday 18th August. Liam Back in Ashton Nick.
the "Treat" promised is now here...
the treat is going to be in Wednesday's MEN. Taken down for now. I am sure you will all appreciate this.
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