Residents living in the Hattersley and Mottram area of Tameside will now benefit from an enhanced police presence thanks to Peak Valley Housing Association.Together with the Longdendale and Hattersley District Assembly, the association has funded a brand new police car which will be for the sole use of the local area.Phil Corris Managing Director for Peak Valley said: “Residents here, like people all over the country, say a more visible police presence would give them peace of mind."However, police resources are limited and though they wanted to help they simply did not have the funds for another vehicle to patrol this area which is outside of the main towns in Tameside."We approached our friends at the District Assembly and they were only too happy to support us.”The distinctive new police car which cost £8,000 carries the Peak Valley and District Assembly logos and will now be seen out and about on a regular basis throughout the local area.Councillor Sean Parker-Perry, Chair of Longdendale & Hattersley District Assembly said: “It is a priority of this council to work closely with the police and partners such as Peak Valley Housing to help reduce crime and the fear of crime."The provision of this car will assist police officers with responding faster to calls for assistance from the public as well as with reducing crime. Hattersley is already a great place to live and work and this should make it even better.”Crime rates in this area of Tameside are on average considerably lower than elsewhere in the borough and local residents want these statistics remain low.PC Sue Moss said: “Our thanks go to both funders for providing this essential tool which will give us higher visibility in the local area and of course help us serve the area much more efficiently.”
This is VERY interesting!
Council Leader Roy Oldham has repeatedly stated in council that it is not possible to fund the police and to demand that the funded officers serve only in one Division. It is up to the police management to decide where their officers go.
So I must wonder whether this car is owned by the police or by Peak Valley, who then lend it to the Police. If owned, when did the police policy change?
If borrowed who insures the car and who is the registered keeper? Can the Police use "Borrowed Cars"?
There is an even more interesting overtone. Cllr Parker-Perry has an ongoing complaint against Blogger "Tameside-eye" (Liam Billington), the investigating officer is PC Sue Moss.
The Picture shows the two together one giving the keys to the other...........have I missed something??
Yes for those with blank faces, PC Sue Moss is the officer who arrested me for the offences relating to Councillor Sean Parker-Perry and John Taylor.
The police keep on trying to reassure me that there is no conflict of interest in this case as the police are independent. This is a shite response and doesn't really explain anything to do with PC Moss being on the Longdendale DA with SPP. The thick as pig shit pigs just keep on repeating themselves and wont say anything more. They are so confident that they wont accept a complaint or allow me to speak to the chief inspector, blocking all complaints until the case is over. You see this is exactly my problem - just when will the case be over?
PC Moss also tells me that the only thing holding up the case is her trying to book an appointment with Manchester CPS to talk over my case to decide if CHARGES should be made. Yet she has the time to pose with the biggest prick in Longdendale for this press release.
You can tell I am seriously fucked off now.
Nothing has been before the CPS Roy. This is blatant police corruption and incompetence.
David, what a number of interesting points you make I wasn't aware the police were allowed to use either borrowed or hired cars for general patrol work either.
Oh yes, way to go, here's Parker-Perry in a nice stage-managed photoshoot with PC Susan Moss. The complainant and arresting officer in the Billington case in same photograph no less.
We know they're members of the same public body, that being the Longdendale District Assembly. The burning question for Cllr Parker-Perry is why he went whingeing directly to PC Moss with his complaint rather than going through the correct procedural channels. There's something decidedly very odd about this sad and sordid episode.
Liam, the police are soft soaping you, as you've already pointed out. This certainly doesn't explain what's been going on, especially when you factor in the Longdendale DA situation with both complainant and investigating officer being members of the same public body. If there is no conflict of interest here, would a spokesperson for GMP please stand up and tell the public there is none, assuming you have the courage to, of course.
This mess has already dragged on since the beginning of April, it's time to take things forward and for various people to get off their backsides and either take the case to court or dismiss it. What in heavens' name is wrong with these people? Is anyone going to make a decision round here?
The real acid test here is whether GMP are doing Labour's dirty work for them by attempting to silence critics and intimidate opponents.
Don't leave your dog with this man
I wonder how long it'll be before this wonderful new patrol car is in the hands of either thieves or joyriders?
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