Immigration and a sharp increase in the birth rate among non-British mothers will make Britain Europe's most populated country by 2060. The European Union's statistics office has projected a British population on the rise, growing from the current level of 61 million people to 77 million over the next 50 years.As incoming migrants and rising birth rates multiply the number of Britons, Germany, currently Europe's most populous nation, is projected to decline from 82 million to 71 million people by 2060.France will also overtake Germany to become the EU second-most populous country after Britain with 72 million residents, according to the forecast by Eurostat.Figures from the Office for National Statistics, released last week, found that inward migration to Britain reached its highest level since the current method of counting was introduced, with 605,000 long-term immigrants arriving in the year to mid-2007.
The Telegraph
I have voted in every election since 1947 and never, not once were we asked by any of the parties if we wanted mass and unlimited immigration. This has been foisted upon the British people by stealth and I can only add three words which sums the betrayal : ENOCH WAS RIGHT
Were you asked about anything else ,the answer is no so why pick on immigration.
Didn't you do this post some months back TC?
No sir, I used the same image but it was for a different but related article taken from The Daily Express about a plan to build two million new homes for migrants. (Monday 14th Jan)
The reason I despise the curse of Political Correctness is because it is difficult to discuss these types of crucial issues without feeling uneasy because the minute someone wants to put a stop to your ramblings the produce the “R” card, yep, the dreaded race card.
The word ‘racist’ now covers such a vast array of subjects that people that use it to their advantage feel no shame in branding anyone who does not adhere to strict code of PC.
If you say Britain is a relatively small country and already the fourth most densely populated country on earth and further massive immigration is going to affect the quality of life (through overcrowding) of the people already here – you are branded a racist!
If you say look, Britain is full up and I won’t vote for a party that supports and encourages mass immigration – you are branded a racist.
If you say I will eat meat, but not Halal – you are branded a racist, even though your stance is purely ethical because of the vile torture inflicted upon the poor animal in the Halal slaughter process.
If you say you have no desire for your children to be taught Urdu or Gujarat as a second language in school – you are branded a racist.
If you say Moss Side in Manchester was once a very respectable area with very low crime rates, but all that changed after immigration – you are branded a racist.
I could go on and on with this list but I am sure you get the point I am trying to make. I have not once mentioned a race of people, but undoubtedly there will be people who read this and thinking you ‘racist’ tw@t, and this is my point. As long as people are forbidden to speak about very important issues because of a false fear of being branded, they are going to harbour deep seated resentment and this resentment can manifest itself in all kinds of negative ways.
Well said TC.
I quote from the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
"Welcoming the fact that indigenous peoples are organizing themselves for political, economic, social and cultural enhancement and in order to bring to an end all forms of discrimination and oppression wherever they occur,"
"Article 8
1. Indigenous peoples and individuals have the right not to be subjected to forced assimilation or destruction of their culture.
2. States shall provide effective mechanisms for prevention of, and redress for:.....
(b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources"
In short, we the Indigenpous peoples of the British Isles have the right to organise against discrimination,oppression and loss of our land
Bullshit, the diversity created through immigration has enriched every one of us, even you ignorant fascist bastards. Tameside nazi, who do you think will be paying ur pension when u retire, that is if u have a job because most of u nazis seem to be workshy spongers. It will be the immigrants paying your pension. This country has an agening and population and without new immigrants the whole system will collapse so get a life u sad miserable loser
QUOTE "Bullshit, the diversity created through immigration has enriched every one of us" UNQUOTE
What do you mean by "enriched"? Please define.
QUOTE " who do you think will be paying ur pension when u retire...... It will be the immigrants paying your pension. This country has an agening and population and without new immigrants the whole system will collapse" UNQUOTE
"Harriet Harman is about to let the spectre of positive discrimination out of the bag. The Equality Bill before parliament today gives employers the right to choose an ethnic minority candidate or female candidate over another a white male, specifically because they are an ethnic minority or female"
According to you there will be no white males to be discriminated against! They will be too old or dead...pratt!!
Labour are a joke, but what wil the Conservatives do to halt this catastrophe? Nothing, absolutely nothing! Only UKIP can save the day now.
UKIP cant get off their arses to fight a local election how the f**k could you run the country the truth is the BNP will take the seats you have in Europe and UKIP will be dead by 2010.
And so will the BNP with any luck.
Hey tory girl why has your party got so many child molesters in it's ranks?
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