At some stage I am sure everyone has trodden in dog dirt – and there are few things more annoying! As a responsible dog owner I find it totally unacceptable that people leave their animals free to make mess wherever they chose and then make no effort to clean it up. I must admit that I am noticing more dog dirt on pavements recently, not just in Tameside but all over the country. Has anyone else noticed this too and if so what is the likely cause; record numbers of dogs, a new generation of thoughtless dog owners or cost cutting by councils that leads to less street cleaners?
It is also worth adding that in Tameside the Labour Party and BNP seem to make dog fouling a campaign issue during elections, the Lib Dums also use this tactic with great success in Manchester and elsewhere, however I have never noticed the Conservatives making an issue of this. Could this be because dogs and dog owners have more of a conscience in relation to dog fouling in traditional Conservative wards?
West give it a rest. The issue on shit is really boring. ZzZzZz
Maybe for you but not people that don't won't dog shit in their garden and on pavements.
Dog fouling is a major concern to many people, not just because of the mess it causes, but because it can be a health risk. Dogs may deposit ground worms, eggs (toxocara canis) in their faeces, which become infectious after about three weeks, and can remain so for up to two years. Anyone, but particularly children playing near to the ground, can run the risk of picking up and swallowing the eggs. The symptoms of toxocara infection range from aches, dizziness and nausea, to asthma and pneumonia, but also can, in some circumstances, cause blindness. There are approximately 30,000 dogs in Tameside. Each day they produce nearly 12 tons of dog mess. Much of this is left on footpaths and playing fields
Dear residents we have a choice here and for once a real decision to make,What would you rather have Dog shit on the streets or West on the streets.
Both are bad and can be real nuisance its your choice I have made my mind up I go or the dog shit.
Hope you include wife beating in your list Westy,
Who is going to break the news to about the racist views of the BNP, he is the only person in the world who did not know about them,even the thickest twat around knew it whats he going to do film himself looking into a mirror and announce it, come to think off it that's what the thick twat will do hes mad enough.
Welcome to planet earth Mr West.
West call Taylor up because he has some inportant news for him
Eye am back. Read the latest and please support my campaign to get my case finalised. I don't care if I am charged - I want justice to be served fairly and quickly.
Dominates New Charter Neighbourhood
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