Ministers are preparing to allow people labelled “idiots” and “lunatics” by archaic laws to stand for parliament.Though it may come as a surprise to voters, laws dating back to Elizabethan times bar this category of people from becoming MPs. Idiots are defined as those “incapable of gaining reason” and lunatics as people only “capable of periods of lucidity”. The rules ban lunatics from standing as MPs in “their non lucid intervals”. They also ban anyone sectioned under the Mental Health Act from standing for parliament, even if they have made a recovery. MPs have to give up their seat for life if they are sectioned for six months. Bridget Prentice, the justice minister, is to consult on scrapping the laws after complaints from MPs and mental health charities that they are discriminatory.“People who have suffered mental health problems can function at a very high level,” said a spokesman for Mind, the mental health charity. “Look at [the actor] Stephen Fry. He has been open about his manic depression and people would be shocked if somebody like him were not eligible to stand.” A survey of MPs found that 27% had experience of a mental health problem. One in three said the stigma had stopped them being open about it.
Times Online
So that means West can new stand for parliament
Don't forget the pot smoking green man, the freak
Yeah Roy but Taylor keeps winning and keep losing cant you take an hint.
We might take him out next time you cant.
The Labour Party have today changed their emblem from a rose to a condom as it more accurately reflects their political stance. A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you are actually being fucked.
We will beat you in the next election no more protest votes for you keep wasting your money Roy.
A stalker of West
We will sort out the work shy lazy bums alright
We will sort out the work shy lazy bums alright
Labour Benefit Cheats.........
Labour benefit cheat.....
Is Roy having a conversation with himself again?.
Who thinks Tory boy isn't actualy a Tory?
But either Roy or the Labour lot stiring shit up?
To keep things on topic which is hard round here with You Tube links about every subject rather than the topic in question.
Mental Illness is an illness which shouldn't be joked about 1 in 5 people have had some kind of mental illness in their life and just because someone can't see i doesn't mean it's not there.
I think if the person is well then why can't they stand for parliament? It's like saying if someone had cancer then they can't stand because it might come back!
Or it could be you Roy Walker
You can live in his shaddow like we all do.
Sorry one d too many
Gangs of Britain
Roy West? More like Fred West.
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