When politicians shave off their facial hair, they are up to something - usually a grab for power. They want to be more acceptable by becoming less noticeable. A case of the bland leading the bland. Peter Mandelson took off his tash when a Cabinet position beckoned. Ambitious Alistair Darling, the smooth chinned Chancellor, washed off his baby-hair beard. And now James Purnell, the Work and Pensions Secretary, has shaved off his sideburns. Mostly. To get rid in one go would have smacked of real nerve, when he's still hesitating about a coup against Gordon Brown. Little Jimmy, 38, who boasts the finest lip-curl at Westminster, is touted as Labour's last hope if Grim Gordie falls under a Number 11 bus. But that doesn't stop him inviting a posh newspaper into his political boudoir to say: "I really admire people who have made money." You bet he does, especially while looking in the mirror. And he thinks nobody has a right to benefits - not even people who have paid taxes for them, presumably. This is the future planned by the lost tribe of the Blairites, still wandering the wilderness after Tony's departure but hoping to make a comeback if it's a disaster for Labour in the forthcoming Glasgow East by-election.
I have a £10 bet on James to become the next Labour party leader at William Hill. If he suceeds that means £110 in the bank. Who says politics is full of dirty money?
I must thank "Tameside VIP" for the tip. Things have panned out just as said. I wish I had put money on when you said as that would of meant a £460 win.
Also, Purnell is more Conservative than Cameron. He thinks no one should get benefits, the poor should pay more tax than the rich and is pro fox hunting. Hurah!
Conservatism is the "in thing"... and always has been. A Blairite neo-con, smooth talker such as Purnell could limit the damage at a next election.
I agree Liam, he is one of the few within the rotten Labour camp that could actually turn the next general election into a mere defeat for Labour rather that an outright rout.
By the way, have you got any advice on which numbers I should pick for the lotto on Wednesday?
I wish TC! I am a bit of a gambler atm. I stay clear of the lotto - I have more luck on the scratch cards.
If you are to bet on the Glasgow East by-election I would say Labour win... just about. I am not big on Scottish politics. The Scots hate the Tories like the scousers do. SNP could sneak it. The Conservatives don't seem to be doing a major push there. If there is a hung parliament, Cameron has done a deal with the SNP to help things pass through parliament. I have had no email from HQ asking to come and help like for Crewe and Henley. I think Cameron is allowing the SNP an easy time.
But if the Tories are fighting it - but are quiet to spare any media embarassment, it will dilute the SNP vote.
David Jones told me about a sketch on Rab C Nesbit where he spends a day with an MP to show he is "in touch". If anyone can find it please post here.
Purnell, like Blair, only joined the Labour party because he saw greater career opportunities in that party than within the Conservative party.
You won't believe it Liam, I found it!
I love the "Eating Swamp lizard with the pygmies" comment
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