Identity cards will be convenient and `good value for money', Home Office minister Meg Hillier said in Manchester.She claimed that once the controversial cards are brought in they will become popular with the public.She was making the case for the id card scheme as she met representatives from organisations including the police, council, and chamber of commerce, as well from the voluntary sector.Ms Hillier faced questions in Manchester town hall on the need, cost and civil liberties implications of the scheme which will begin in November.She said the cards were a `natural step' from passports and offered an `extra convenience factor'. She said: "I'm convinced people will really want it and it will be here to stay."The minister also stressed that an independent commissioner would monitor the information the government held in the scheme.Young people will be offered the cards in 2010 and the following year they will be offered to the rest of the population.Ms Hillier said the government had no plans to make the cards compulsory for British citizens (you wait and see!TC). And the minister claimed that most of the £5bn cost of the scheme would be funded by the fee. She said: "Compared to a passport at £72, I think the 10-year identity card is pretty good value for money." Manchester Evening News
Yet again we have a senior Labour figure proving how out of touch with reality she really is. The majority of people do not want compulsory ID cards, nor do they want congestion charging or internment without trial but to see a patronising cow like this grinning away and telling us “we will get love ID cards” really angers me.
Tameside Citizen
The out of touch Labourites should read this article in New Statesman.
It isn't the enemy outside that we fear, it's the enemy within - and they will have ID cards.
Searchlight coming to town national anti fascist organisation holding regional meeting in this area Dukinfield will be the venue
Were will they meet its not allowed in the town halls or will Taylor be given special treatment?
Searchlight coming to town national anti fascist organisation holding regional meeting in this area Dukinfield will be the venue,meeting at town hall details soon
Looks like my campaign has got old wag worried still. There is no end in sight has the campaign for "Representation not hate" moves in to the Stalybridge area.
While we are discussing ID cards and identity in general I hear down the grapevine (or conduit) that the local police are "frustrated" that they have no idea of the identity of "Tameside Citizen"
Hmmmmm, Wonder why they want to know? To try and give them the same treatment as "Tameside Eye"?
They can find out anything they want.
Ex local bnp member from Denton shares with us some of the tactics bnp are using in the area and reveals what the local leadership thinks of one of our local candidates,very very interesting all will be revealed soon keep an eye out for the leaflet and on here
Not really news. Tom Wise had the whip removed months ago. The offences he is accused of are nowhere near the scandal of Giles Chichester, Ben Dover, Or Caroline Spelman, and as are nothing compared to Labours sleaze. If you want to see REAL corruption vote BNP in 2009.
Can ID cards stop this from taking place?
This picture shows what perverts we have in charge of our local communities. We are supposed to respect these Councillors. This guy is pissed most of the time. This is the best time for individuals who are politically minded to come forwrd and rid the place of these morally bankrupt scumbags.
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