Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Under a third support road charge

Fewer than a third of people in Greater Manchester support plans for a congestion charge, according to an independent poll, the BBC has learned. Last week the government approved a two-ring peak-time charging scheme for drivers entering and leaving the city. It would also be combined with a £2.8bn investment designed to create a "world-class public transport system". But according to the poll of 1,000 people in Manchester, 62% were against the charge and 86% wanted a referendum. BBC News

The Lisbon Treaty, 42 day internment without trial and now the C-Charge are all proving to be very unpopular, yet we have an arrogant and completely out of touch political elite determined to force their agenda through in a dictatorial manner. I hope the electorate remember this next time they go to vote.
Tameside Citizen


Anonymous said...
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tonydj said...

The time is fast approaching when I feel more direct action will be needed than simply standing in elections... always assuming we are allowed to stand in elections.

"Read no more odes my son, read timetables:
they're to the point. And roll the sea charts out
before it's to late. Be watchful, do not sing,
for once again the day is clearly coming
when they will brand refusers on the chest
and nail up lists of names on people's doors.
Learn how to go unknown, learn more than me:
To change your face, your documents, your country.
Become adept at every petty treason,
The sly escape each day and any season.
For lighting fires encyclicals are good:
And the defenceless can always put to use,
As butter wrappers, party manifestos,
Anger and persistence will be required
To blow into the lungs of power the dust
Choking, insidious, ground out by those who,
Storing experience, stay scrupulous: by you."

- Hans Magnus Enzenburger

Anonymous said...

Tameside Council will soon be run by the Conservatives because people are sick and tired of being dictated to. We have seen noting but Council Tax increases and cut services.....and now the threat of Congestion Charging.

Audenshaw's Councillor Colin White believes that the residents won't have to pay a charge because the live in Audenshaw. As we all know, this is not the case. This is another example of how Labour Councillors do not do their homework and research into what they are supporting. The Labour Council are not only dictating to the whole of Tameside but they have generated a breed of "yes" Councillors who don't even have an idea what they are standing for.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...
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tonydj said...

Dear TC / moderator

Can we PLEASE start getting rid of all these links to "YOUTUBE"?

Most are irrelevant (Chris Rea, John Lennon) while the political ones from the USA are out of context.

They are also boring and, again I say it, irrelevant to Tameside.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

"They are also boring and, again I say it, irrelevant to Tameside."

For a moment there I thought you were talking about Labour politicians.

Re. the con-charge poll. people are not stupid. They will see through Labour's blackmail.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
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Tameside Citizen said...

Tony DJ raises a valid point. To the person posting the numerous Youtube links – if you continue to do it – please try and make them relevant to the topic in hand.

Anonymous said...

ffs, we all know who it is. TC, you and ADJ have influence ... use it. the rest of us are getting pretty bored with having to wade through the chaff.

Anonymous said...

Oh Mr anonymous (UKIP) give it a rest you are so important to the politics of Tameside, you could not even get you fat arse in gear in the local elections.

ukip said...

Not me, but I do agree with the sentiment. Whoever is posting these links appears to have some urge towards making this blog unusable.

Anonymous said...

We all know its West who is messing it up got nothing else to do.

Anonymous said...

its a wonder you know anything Mr Green Man with all that shit you smoke. FREAK