Wednesday, 25 June 2008

High Court rejects bid to block EU treaty

LONDON (Reuters) - The High Court rejected a lawsuit on Wednesday that sought to halt the country's approval of an EU reform treaty. Businessman Stuart Wheeler had brought the case to try to force the government to block the ratification of the Lisbon treaty, which seeks to streamline decision-making in the 27-member bloc. "We have found nothing in the claimant's case to cast doubt on the lawfulness of ratifying the Lisbon treaty without a referendum," the judge, Lord Justice Stephen Richards, said in his ruling. He also refused Wheeler leave to appeal, saying: "We are satisfied an appeal has no prospect of success." Wheeler immediately said his lawyers would take the case further and apply to the Court of Appeal for permission to challenge the verdict. The Lisbon treaty is already in jeopardy because it was rejected this month by Irish voters in a referendum and must be adopted by all 27 EU members to take force. The treaty replaces an EU constitution that was rejected by French and Dutch voters in 2005. This time around, Ireland has been the only country to allow its voters a say in a referendum. The British government had promised a referendum on the EU constitution before it was scuppered, but says it did not need one on the Lisbon treaty, and parliament has now approved it for ratification. The government says it stands by the principle that the treaty cannot come into force without Irish consent, but other EU members are still entitled to proceed with ratification. Reuters

This is likely to lead to the end of Britain as a sovereign nation. What would Nelson, Wellington, the countless thousands who fell on the Somme and the beaches of Normandy make of this news? Would they feel their sacrifices were in vain or would they be demanding traitor’s justice for the most treacherous villains ever to betray this country?

Tameside Citizen


Anonymous said...

Embrace the future - embrace the dawn of a new Europe.

Anonymous said...
