Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Get Involved, Have Your Say!

But only if you promise to be PC! It is rumoured that tonight’s Ashton DA was a lively affair – details from anyone present would be appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Crawl back under your rock Jones - you will never succeed.

Anonymous said...

I would like to have my say on Wildy in the pub all the time.

tonydj said...

NEVER is a dangerous word to use. It comes back to haunt you.

I've heard more original put-downs as well.

I had submitted a question regarding the company behind the proposed mosque in the Hillgate / Holden Street area but was told it had not been received.

Uproar broke out when I prodced a receipt dated last Friday showing I HAD submitted it.

Eventually it was claimed the matter was a) planning and b) outside the remit of the D.A.

So, there it is. The people of Ashton are not allowed to know how much public money is involved in the £4.6 m scheme. Nor details of the company behind it.


PS Thanks go to our own "Deep Throat" for suggesting I bring the receipt for the question!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was at the District Assembly meeting with David Jones and David Gough.

The Labour Councillors claimed not to have received our question, via e-mail, regarding the possible use of public money to finance the building of a mosque in Ashton.
They said no such e-mail had been sent. This was proven to be a lie when David Gough showed members of the public a receipt from the council acknowleging that the e-mail had indeed been sent. This left the Councillors with egg on their faces.

Obviously the Labour party didn't want the matter discussed and simply disregarded our e-mail.

What have they got to hide?

Anonymous said...

I was at the District Assembly meeting with David Jones and David Gough.

The Labour Councillors' claimed not to have received our question, via e-mail, regarding the possible use of public money to finance the building of a new mosque in Ashton.
They said no such e-mail had been sent. However, this was proven to be a lie when David Gough showed members of the public a receipt from the council acknowledging that the e-mail had indeed been sent. This left the Councillors with egg on their faces.

Obviously the Labour party didn't want the matter discussed and simply disregarded our e-mail.

What have they got to hide?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Nigel. The question was swept under the carpet. I think that this £4.6m spend is within the interests of people of Ashton and Tameside. In fact, I knew that question had been submitted as David told me, and I went to the DA especially to see what the councillors had to say on the matter.

Don't let the bastards grind you down David. Keep up the digging!

Oh and this is a council which claims to have an award winning IT/Internet system. We have "lost" questions to the DA and even a pensioners group was told at the last minute that their regular booking of a room in Ashton town hall for their social had to be scrapped to make way for something "more important" because the councils booking system had failed.

The DA was most interesting, more so than the full council meetings. I shall be going again in future.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts on the bnp in general.

John Taylor Did not think your mail could get more bitter but you have surpassed yourself ,the local press are waiting for your call Sue Carr at the advertiser and Rebecca Bird at the reporter both numbers on my web site for you .have you contacted your candidate who stood against me in Dukinfield and asked him about my legal action against him ,I have spared him some considerable expense because I am told he is unfit to work ,except for delivering leaflets all day and cleaning up riverbanks and other sites ,while I am out working my socks off all day and paying my tax bills .I think Hazel and many others in the Labour party are right but you don't have to be a loon from the right who hates anyone who is not white and English to understand that is not the immigration policies that are not working ,its the abuse of the asylum system and the failure of the home office to deal with it ,added to that we have the human rights act that's only been a benefit to laws breakers .Your party for many years as been against anyone who is not white or English unless they belonged to a far right organisation and long before we had the latest immigration issues you wanted all the blacks out of the country .so don't be blaming multiculturalism you have always been racialist ,and now you have a rival party ukip and you are falling over yourselves to see who can be the most right wing and knocking the stuffing out of each other at elections much to the joy of people like me , Many other politicians will say things like Hazel did but not for racialist reasons like you would ,your party was formed to attract the white English vote and you have a long history of having very violent members who are proud of being neo nazis we saw them on our streets with their Nazi salutes , lets see how clean the fight will be for the leadership of the party now you have a challenger .Have a nice day in Huddersfield

Anonymous said...

John you fucking mong. You are thick as pig shite who works on a market stall selling shite carpets yet you have been pillaging the local tax payer for several thousands of pounds a year as a councillor. What are you on now? Somewhere around £35k now is it? Then we have the little quangos such as the T3SC charity which you are a director of, yet that again is funded by the council. At nearly every council meeting you bore us with a report on how "good" you are doing. Here was me thinking that charities are not supposed to be political.

When you were working as a boiler maker, you was always skiving of striking. Unionist bastard. You have never had a propper days graft in your life.

I can't wait until we can prove the alegation of you clocking cars before you became a councillor because we have numerous credible sources. Oh yes! Many people are digging the archives. And when it comes to election time for you in 2011 we shall RUIN you.

ukip said...

For the record we are not trying to see who can be the most 'Right Wing'.
UKIP is an non racist, non sectarian Libertarian party.
We believe the state takes too much of our money and removes too many of our Liberties, this applies to both the Tory and Labour parties.
The BNP is not right wing it is a Socialist party, It is also a Nationalist party. They are in favour of re-nationalising Industry and even have their own Union.
Perhaps with your love of workers rights you could join as a shop steward, I am sure your experience would be gratefully utilised.
On a personal note leaving aside political issues. I hope you get well soon, I disagree with your politics but admit you are a hard worker for your community.

Anonymous said...

Then why didn't you stand in Dukinfield you fat Ukip person?

Anonymous said...

As I stated to jill Barnes some time ago, i stand by what i say.

John Taylor Think you have peaked now and the truth is starting to come out about most of you you will see your vote drop it did in Tameside and in Burnley even Oldham one of your target areas is rejecting you the nice suits and marks and Spencer outfits cant hide what's inside ,and the UKIP party are stealing your anti Euro thunder I voted to not go into Europe and would vote to come out , I would stop all the immigration now but not for racialist reasons ,I would not pay asylum seekers that sneak there way into the country a single penny but not for racialist reasons ,and I would remove benefits from lots of people who I know can work but wont but not because I hate them and not because they might not be white ,your party is based on hate and if it was not immigration you were on about it would be something else .Read your own parties policies its was just a matter of time before you turned on the polish community ,look at your parties last election statement on your web site RUNNING TO STAND STILL .but we are gaining votes and will win elections again and again ,keep an eye on our campaign in Tameside see what we do.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Left wing Labour, left wing BNP, you're all the same. It's time for some intelligence, it's time for the Conservatives.

Anonymous said...

Could someone please teach Cllr Taylor how to read and write.

Anonymous said...

Yes its time to get back to basics for Britain.

Anonymous said...

Back to the original story regarding the Ashton District Assembly on Wednesday 4th June.

Cllr Whitehead told the DA that the matter was "a planning issue".
The fact is the company responsible for the mosque has already received planning permission.

Then it was claimed the issue is outside the remit of the DA. That's right folks, a new £4.6 millon mosque is nothing to do with local politicians.

Anonymous said...

Dear ncb1970 what is your main argument, objection about the building of this mosque? You are the leader of the bnp in this area no?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Repent all you foaming at the mouth sinners.

Anonymous said...

Our main objection to the new mosque in Ashton is the fact that the company responsible for the mosque does not appear to be a legitimate company - with offices based in a semi-detached house in Birmingham.
Also, we wanted to know how much of the £4.6 million has been coughed up by the taxpayer?

Anonymous said...

The trouble is that you all hide in your own shadows.

tonydj said...

ncb1970 is correct, planning permission HAS been granted (on 21 Jan 2008) see:-

Then key in application number 07/01645/REM

There ARE conditions, but permission has been granted.
Check companies house web site:-

Key in the name of the agents (Catalyst regeneration uk ltd) or their number (05409030)

You will see their returns are OVERDUE and they are Designated "TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL"

This means they do not need an external auditor!

check their address on this site,

You will see their registered office is a semi which cost £114,050 in 2001

Does it matter whether ncb1970 is BNP, B&Q or BP? the qustions are relevant irrespective of the nature of the proposed buildings.

The facts he gave are ACCURATE, why were he and I forbidden to give them at the DA or ask questions on them??

Anonymous said...

Fall in to line to the beat of the Christian drum.

Anonymous said...

All I can say to this story is...

Anonymous said...

bnp candidate to be arrested ?

Anonymous said...

Manchester learns from Zimbabwe