Monday, 9 June 2008
EU referendum fight goes to court
Millionaire Stuart Wheeler is going to the High Court later to challenge the government's decision not to hold a referendum on the EU's Lisbon Treaty. Gordon Brown has ruled out a public vote, saying the treaty does not alter the UK's constitution. But Mr Wheeler, 73, has won the right to a judicial review of that decision. He says the public had "a legitimate expectation" of a referendum. The government has said it is "confident" its case is strong. In March, MPs voted by 346 votes to 206 to approve the EU (Amendment) Bill. The Bill - now in the Lords - will ratify the Lisbon Treaty, which was drawn up to replace the EU constitution after that was rejected by French and Dutch voters in 2005. Conservative Party donor Mr Wheeler claims a referendum was promised on the constitution and as, in his eyes, the Lisbon Treaty is virtually identical, it too should be put to a vote. The two-day review will be heard just days before voters in Ireland, the only EU state holding a referendum, go to the polls. "I am hoping very much that the court states that the behaviour of the government in the shape of the prime minister and foreign secretary is unlawful because they promised a referendum over and over again and they have gone back on it," Mr Wheeler told the BBC. "We have had a lot of support. I have had at least ten gifts of £5 from pensioners across the country." The House of Lords is due to vote on calls for a referendum on 11 June. The Lisbon Treaty contains many of the reforms outlined in the constitution, including changes to voting rights and the creation of a European Council president, but drops the name "constitution", a reference to EU symbols and an article on the primacy of EU law.
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The EU is good for Britain, good for Europe and good for mankind. Before the EU Europe was constantly at war, since then nothing apart from the Balkans skirmish. Forget little Britain and embrace Greater Europe. Europe and the USA combined can curtail the Chinese and Indians become too powerful.
Embrace Europe - embrace humanity
(Vote British National Party)
Having the same problems over here folks
Christian Unity For Ireland
Proud to be British
Check this out The police harassment against a BNP guy giving out leaflets
Liverpool BNP leafleting and Armed Police harassment
How do I go about finding out who is the Landlord to a private house?
Jumpin Jack Flash hey Gordon.
Dear europhile,
So the Eu is good is it then why is it my money goes to french farmers to grow fuck all yes thats right they pay them to grow nothing
Now i wouldn't say the Balkans was a skirmish would you a lot of people lost their life through genocide which could have been prevented if the EU didn't fuck about and dither about wheather to interject
After a long and difficult struggle against violent criminals, we have seen 14 thugs convicted in court due to my evidence. It must be said that the police and local politicians encouraged my family to come forward and give evidence against yobs causing fear and vandalism in the community. The sad reality for my family is that the establishment, meaning the police and politicians left my family to the mercy of thugs wanting revenge after we had been to court and given evidence. Local councillors and police fail the victims of crime time and again. I was a candidate in the local elections for The British National Party (BNP) I came second with 734 votes up from last years 520 votes. “Representation not hate.” even during the elections, A councillor sent the police to my house saying that my real name was not Roy West , the police informed me at the house that they knew already that my name was Roy West. So if the police already knew that my name was in fact Roy West then what was the point of their visit? The campaign for political representation must continue in Dukinfield and the whole of the borough of Tameside no matter what intimidation comes our way from those politicians in power.
My family were the victims of crime (attacks on our home) on 40 seperate occasion, 7 seperate assaults on members of my family. We did as the police asked us to do by going to court and giving evidence aginst the thugs in our area, so then we were abandoned to constant revenge attacks. “politics for the people” should not just be a slogan for the media and leaflets, it must become a reality in thought and in action. Intimidation was a tool that was used against me in the local elections with illegal leaflets and the police being sent to my home, but this has not put me off but in fact has made me more determined to campaign for “Representation not hate.”
Mr West,
Sounds so grand. Why then did all you offer at tonight's Dukinfield DA was limp question (and defence) to a shit question about ONE loose paving stone?
Surely, if residents are coming to you with their problems they deserve more?
you are so tuned in man
Well they can't come to Wild he's in the pub most of the time. Ask the two old ladies that have fell over the things if the question was shit.
i heard that wild & taylor were stunned by the fact that west managed a whole sentance without the words roebuck and werneth avenue.
I know, totally implausible
What Keth Roebuck and Werneth Avenue? Truth hurts
i heard that wild & taylor were stunned by the fact that west managed a whole sentance without the words roebuck and werneth avenue.
I know, totally implausible
How can Wild be stunned and alert about anything he's pissed most of the time.
Mr West,
Sounds so grand. Why then did all you offer at tonight's Dukinfield DA was limp question (and defence) to a shit question about ONE loose paving stone?
Surely, if residents are coming to you with their problems they deserve more?
Maybe you can put yourself forward. Maybe its easy for you to be a prick in the shadows.
Thanks for the link to your blog mate.
Two Sides
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