Friday, 13 June 2008

All of a sudden the world is a happier place

Irish minister says EU vote lost. Irish Justice Minister Dermot Ahern says substantial vote tallies across the country show the European Union Lisbon reform treaty has been rejected.
Tallies are not official, but Mr Ahern says it is clear the No vote is ahead in a vast majority of constituencies. This would scupper the treaty, which must be ratified by all members. Only Ireland has held a public vote on it. BBC News - Irish minister says EU vote lost

Yesterday we had Mr Davis breaking ranks with the conformist political elite by making a heroic stand against Nu Labours steady march to tyranny. It was heartening to see that the Lib Dems, UKIP and the BNP would not be standing against him and Nu Lab not knowing what to do to spin their way out of this one, oh, and as for the former editor of The Scum standing on a pro-tyranny platform against Mr Davis – what a disgrace! Now today it looks as if the people of Ireland have rejected the monstrous EU Treaty. Well done the Irish! What can we expected tomorrow – Blair, Brown and the rest of this unholy cabal arrested and hauled before an international court for crimes against humanity?
Tameside Citizen


tonydj said...


Well done Ireland, well done!

Anonymous said...

Where Ireland leads the rest of Europe should follow. Let's dump the Constitution/Treaty. Let's dump the EU!!

Anonymous said...

You just watch – they will ask Ireland to have another referendum just like they did in 2001 last time Ireland rejected the EU in referendum. In the next referendum the Irish people will be threatened/blackmailed/bullied into voting yes. TC, why don’t you create a poll asking will the British people be allowed to vote on this treaty in a referendum?

Anonymous said...

UK to press ahead with EU Treaty

Foreign Secretary David Miliband says the UK must ratify the EU Treaty despite its rejection by Irish voters.

The result of the Irish referendum on the Lisbon Treaty should be "respected and digested" but the UK "must keep the ratification process going", he said.

EC President Jose Manuel Barroso said it will be discussed next week but the Tories said it must be "declared dead".

Ireland was the only member state to hold a public vote on the treaty, which must be ratified by all 27 countries.

Anonymous said...

The thick micks will pay dear for this. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you! European unity is the future. Hail the dawn of a united Europe.

tonydj said...

europhile said...
The thick micks will pay dear for this. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you! European unity is the future. Hail the dawn of a united Europe.

14/06/08 01:46

"Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither" :- Benjamin Franklin.

I'm not anti-European, just anti-THEIR Europe. I want a Europe where the genes of Homer and Alexander, of Frederick the Great and Cromwell, of Michaelangelo and Goya are maintained. Not a melting pot open to the sweepings of Arabia and Africa.


Anonymous said...

They will push ahead with a two speed Europe. Eire will be in the next wave and will have to vote again, this will be at a couple of years in the future.
The EU does not take no for an answer. The brave Irish will be steamrollered.
Gordon Brown will push ahead with the UKs ratification. Camoron with continue to call for it to be dropped , when he would have done just as Labour have done. He has already said if he is elected there will be no post ratification referendum.
The Tories are just as pro EU as Labour.

Anonymous said...

I heard on the BBC that Ireland may hold another referendum in the future.

How is this allowed? You can't hold a referendum over and over again until you get what you want!

By the way, check out the link.

ukip said...

It is not allowed, but who is going to stop them? They will create a bridging act for the 26 who will or have ratified it, and leave Ireland to follow at its own pace. Our next great hope is Vaclav Klaus of the Czech republic. If he refuses to ratify the treaty because of Eire's vote, it could make it more difficult for the EU.
Thanks for the link, It confirms that the BNP is a squalid tawdry party that will use alleged rapes and abuse to further its aims.
Who was the last person to want to create a socialist European superstate? Ah yes Hitler, the role model for many in your party.

Anonymous said...

Watch this, its the passion that drives you on.

Anonymous said...

But Mr UKIP you have shown yourself to be a nasty person by the comments that you have left on this blog about me. The vileness that you have wrote on this blog can not be just thrown away for you to judge other people.

ukip said...


I have stated several times that I admire the amount of effort you have put into Dukinfield. I would love to emulate your efforts, but I do find it quite a hard task after working 60 hours per week.
I believe that you would make a terrible councillor. I base this judgement partly upon the amount of times you repeat yourself upon this blog and that you keep going on about your time in Gee Cross which was a long time ago.
The amount of pasted replies denote either somebody who does not care or possibly somebody in the the grip of compulsive obsession disorder. Either way I do not see you as a cure for Tamesides ills.
I am in agreement with you over the uselessness of both the police and CPS. We had £42,000 of wine stolen last weekend, the police attended 18 hours later and gave us a crime number
I do wish you could post some relevant LOCAL policies that you can actually achieve if people vote for you.
I doubt you can find anybody who knows me personally who would describe me as 'nasty'.
Perhaps you would post quotes from me that are 'vile'. If you do please do post them in context, I am sure TC will ensure fair play.

Tameside Citizen said...

Yes UKIP – fair play would be guaranteed. Mr West, if you remember – I had to delete many posts after the last West v UKIP match on this blog. Why not focus on constructive issues such as the very valid points raised by UKIP in relation to the EU ignoring the will of the people and forging full steam ahead to creating a federal Europe? This issue is of vital importance to all of us.

Anonymous said...

Mr UKIP i also believe that you would make a terrible councillor and looking at your vote so do the people of Werneth.

Anonymous said...

Mr UKIP your vote was a reflection on your lack luster campaign in Werneth. You will never be elected. The comments that you posted on here about me were filth, I still have the comments here. Even Taylor used them in a vile leaflet posted to folk in Dukinfield on the day of the elections. You can say what you like about me but the campaign a head will be bigger than you can manage. Evan if I have to independent the campaign will not stop in Duki.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr UKIP what do you know about the violence against my family? You posted on here the comment that a bunch of kids forced us out of our home. The scum went on to kill a man in Godley. I really do think that you are a prick and a vile one at that. Taylor meet a thug that attacked my wife and children in the street, and you can be certain that I am not going to stop going on about it.

Anonymous said...

Gawd help the BNP if West ever falls out with them. When you get on the wrong side of this guy you have an enemy for life.

Anonymous said...

Just remember Mr UKIP the comments that you posted on here were put on a leaflet and put out in Duki by Taylor/Wild.

Anonymous said...

Sent a letter to the press this week about what motivated me to stand for the BNP. I tell them that Taylor created the BNP in Duki. I mention that Taylor met the thug that directed 4 years of violence against my family, and Taylor as stated that he would do so again if the scumbag had any imformation for him. I have so much information about Taylor's conduct that needs to be brought to the publics attention.

Anonymous said...

Get the message?

Anonymous said...

Bet you the £65,000 you have Roy that they don't print it,its common knowledge that both local paper treat your letters sent in as a joke and will not print them.
They would not allow you to do what you do on here same old stuff day after day its clear you are ill,I will pray for you again.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

While you're at it pray for Europe and the world in protection from this mad lot.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Which flag would the Dukinfield Facist use?

Anonymous said...

Be proud

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

White Rose Pride

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Get The Message,

This is much better Get The Message than the shite you insinute:

Madchester: Cool as fook.

Anonymous said...

Hey Westy tell us which jobs these immigrants have taken that you were going to do,tell the truth tell us which ones you applied for and did not get and an immigrant got it.

Anonymous said...

Good point work shy could it be hes worried that they will threaten his state hand outs and he may have to get a job like the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

The man that spoke the truth

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Islamification of Britain

Anonymous said...

Get The Message.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It seems clear to me

Anonymous said...

It seeme to me that all the hero's are dead

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Listen to what truth is from this guy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A growing number of people are telling me that the saw Taylor/Wild posting those illegal leaflets. One resident on King street told me that Taylor was hurrying around posting these leaflets like a snake in the grass.

Anonymous said...

I understand there are more on the way now about you and your past,you have started something you will not win,you do not have the resources to match them and or them.
Its the beginning of the end for you Mr West

Anonymous said...

Oh piss of you freak

Anonymous said...

I should say piss off with two f's

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Repent West the end is nigh.

Anonymous said...

The end for the green party in Duki was decided at the last local elections

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would like to congratulate the Irish for their courage in standing firmly against the lies and nonsense this treaty represents. There will more than likely be another referendum in Eire over this issue, only the next time people will be threatened and intimidated into voting for this dog's breakfast of a treaty. The Commission, Fianna Fail Party and our arrogant mess of a government ought to be bitch-slapped and told that NO really does mean NO.

Anonymous said...

I know my path I don't need your judgements upon me.

Anonymous said...

It will not be upon your hand that I will be judge....Only Jesus is perfect.

Anonymous said...

You are in the eye of the Lord

Anonymous said...

Its not the amount of money that you have but the faith that motivates you. Mr Green man you are concerned about what money I have but fail to see what faith I have.

Anonymous said...

Green man said...
I understand there are more on the way now about you and your past,you have started something you will not win,you do not have the resources to match them and or them.
Its the beginning of the end for
Mr West

Mr green man I don't surrender to threats, the leaflets will continue to be posted in Dukinfield. Newspapers, magazines, booklets, policy documents.....its all apart of the two year campaign in Duki....

Anonymous said...

The BNP campaign in Dukinfield has one main objective in mind, to cause as much trouble as possible (in political terms) to the corrupt Labour Dukinfield. These three councillors in Dukinfield (two Kings and a Queen) are corrupt and drunk on their own self importance. What kind of Cllr would send out a letter to a member of the public gloating about his meeting with a thug that directed violence against a mother and her children? This Cllr is corrupt in his political standing. The continuing campaign in Dukinfield is worrying this corrut Labour Mafia in Duki, and I'm so glad. "Representation not hate"

Anonymous said...

Mr West you are embarking on a useless cause one you know you cant win they are far to clever for you and have more money than you will ever have plus the backing of a large political party who have not even got out out of first gear when dealing with you.
Please don't go on about our candidate not being at the count she clearly was what you did not know was her husband was not allowed into the room due to an administrative error so she decided to remain outside with him, we stayed and observed your idiotic behaviour while the others stayed calm.
An example of how not to behave in public and that's why you will not be elected to represent ordinary decent people who do not have the prejudices that you and your party have.
We will be supporting some of the campaigns we have seen to educate the people in Dukinfield about you and your party when the truth comes out we will see the end of you and your vicious rantings fueled by your racial hatred.
There can be no place in our communities for people like you being black or having a different religion to you is not a reason to hate someone like you and your party do.
You may be a lost cause but we will pray for you and those like you.

Anonymous said...

You are looking at your own uselees campaign were your green candidate never even bothered to turn up at the count.

Anonymous said...

Mr Green man you should look up the word jealousy. You sould like that you are working for the devil. You are very judgemental with your words, and you are supposed to be a Christian? The two year campaign has already started in Duki, with over 500 leaflets sent out by post since the local elections. You would be the type that would go around with vile leaflets about someone without putting your name to them. Keep foaming at the mouth because the new members are signing up to the BNP in Duki.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are full of hate Mr Green monster? whats up can't get your own way? Are most people judged by you? Yoy can't even get up support in the area for a real campaign. What do you mean they have not started to deal with me yet? Sounds like more of your threats, why not put your real name to these threats you coward? People like you only serve my need to go on with the campaign. But you are a coward that will not put your real name to these threats and show yourself? stay in the shaddows like snake that you are.

Anonymous said...

Mr West you are embarking on a useless cause one you know you cant win they are far to clever for you and have more money than you will ever have plus the backing of a large political party who have not even got out out of first gear when dealing with you.
Please don't go on about our candidate not being at the count she clearly was what you did not know was her husband was not allowed into the room due to an administrative error so she decided to remain outside with him, we stayed and observed your idiotic behaviour while the others stayed calm.
An example of how not to behave in public and that's why you will not be elected to represent ordinary decent people who do not have the prejudices that you and your party have.
We will be supporting some of the campaigns we have seen to educate the people in Dukinfield about you and your party when the truth comes out we will see the end of you and your vicious rantings fueled by your racial hatred.
There can be no place in our communities for people like you being black or having a different religion to you is not a reason to hate someone like you and your party do.
You may be a lost cause but we will pray for you and those like you

1) how come I got more votes than your candidate?
2) who are you? put your real name to your vile threats.
3) what do you mean they have not started to deal with me yet?
4)will you be there in the front line when it comes to deal with me?

Anonymous said...

I will lead the campaign against West. I have the knack of making a tw@t out of myself in public, but I will stay sober so to keep up with West in his two year campaign.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Britain Under New Labour...and its going to get worse man.

Anonymous said...

The direct result of allowing mass immigration in to Britain. Multi-Culturalism gone wrong.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr Green Man do you think that they will allow your church to stand if they take over Britain?

Anonymous said...

For England

Anonymous said...

Greem mans helpers in the fight to stop west putting out leaflets in Duki. But grenn man will be no where to be seen.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mr Green Man you can frame this picture if you want, I know how much you like me really

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr Green Mn you need a belly laugh, if this don't get ya nothing will.

Anonymous said...

Relax Mr West take it easy we know you sometimes get hyper bit like a little boy being naughty.
You will not be around for the next election so save your money another one week wonder we have been in Dukinfield for ten years plus fighting elections gt over 1,000 votes in 2004 we will be back to our best soon your vile racist campaign will fizzle out once the protesting season is over it will be the green who take this seat from Labour and not the racist BNP. good night we have community church meeting .

Anonymous said...

What a satanic metting?

Anonymous said...

A bit of devil worship? hey Mr Green Man. Your judgemental Church?

Anonymous said...

Your green candidate can't be bothered to turn up at the election count. I have put you in third spot for the last two years. I can just see you with your green meeting, sad little people that use jugdemental words to justify your bigoted hate.

Anonymous said...

Hey green Man you keep making these threats, I will not be around? where will I be then? what are you going to do to me? are you representing the whole of your church with your threats? is that why you are a little snake coward? I will be here as long as it takes, not you or any vile threats will change that. And if you are a Christian then I will eat my hat. If Jesus read your posts he would be ashamed of you.

Anonymous said...

Martine Marie
Madeleine Green Party 250

The only way is down.

Anonymous said...

Green Party = Watermelon Party - green on the outside but red to the core on the inside.

Anonymous said...

"Do not judge so that you will not be judged. "For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. "Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? "Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' and behold, the log is in your own eye? "You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. (Matthew 7:1-5)

Anonymous said...

Green man is the Rev VERNON MARSHALL.

With people like him representing the Church, no wonder Christianity is dying in Britain. He is symbolic of everything that is wrong with the Church.

We used to look to the Church for guidance and leadership but now all we see are traitors who are more concerned with the feelings of newly-arrived immigrants and homosexuals than their own congregations.

Men of the cloth like Rev Marshall are quite happy to see Islam becoming the dominant religion in this country. He is a TRAITOR and should be dealt with appropriately.

Anonymous said...

Britsh people have become slaves to the corrupt politicians. Their corruption has betrayed the British Folk. There is no representation only self interest and corruption politics. We are ruled by drunks and liars, and whore masters. Those that stand in elections are intimidated by Cllrs and the police, Cllrs use the police to intimidate BNP candidates during the elections.

Anonymous said...

I put a leaflet through VERNON MARSHALL'S letter box during the elections, I did not know it was his house or who he was, he came out shouting fuck off you should have been shot at birth.

Anonymous said...

White Flight To Dublin.

Anonymous said...

Ireland in trouble, losing their National Identity.

Anonymous said...

The final battle (ZULU)

Anonymous said...

Say no to EU, TO MASS IMMIGRATION Send the buggers back.

Anonymous said...

Send the buggers back a genuine ukip message, although we say it in secret.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


ukip said...

UKIP really said:
'Gerard Batten, London's UKIP MEP,

The EU’s ongoing love affair with the Treaty is an act of political necrophilia. But the body is beginning to stink and, the longer it is unburied, the worse the stench is going to get.'

The previous few posts are nothing to do with UKIP. I think we can guess which party the person that posted them belongs to.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Little Willy won't go

tonydj said...

At the risk of repeating myself, can we PLEASE stop posting all these links to YOUTUBE.

They are irrelevant and boring to sift through.