Conservative Party Candidate
DowthwaitePaul Martin
Labour Party Candidate
UK Independence Party
Number of spoilt votes: 2
% Turn out: 38.1
Ashton St. Michaels
Liberal Democrat
Conservative Party Candidate
UK Independence Party
The Green Party
The Labour Party Candidate
Number of spoilt votes: 9
% Turn out: 28.1
Ashton Waterloo
The Conservative Party Candidate
DaleyPaul Stephen
Liberal Democrat
JonesAnthony David
British National Party
Labour Party Candidate
Green Party
Number of spoilt votes: 4
% Turn out: 34
The Labour Party Candidate
British National Party
KnightonStacey Frances
Number of spoilt votes: 17
% Turn out: 36.9
Denton North East
GreenwoodGeorgina, Helen
The Conservative Party Candidate
Liberal Democrat
The Labour Party Candidate
Number of spoilt votes: 15
% Turn out: 30.2
Denton South
DownsMargaret Elizabeth
The Labour Party Candidate
JonesThomas Meredith
The Conservative Party Candidate
Number of spoilt votes: 18
% Turn out: 29.6
Denton West
HowarthJoan Mary
The Conservative Party Candidate
The Labour Party Candidate
Number of spoilt votes: 30
% Turn out: 34.6
Droylsden East
LomasDavid George
British National Party
The Labour Party
RobinsonLee Anthony
Conservative Party Candidate
Number of spoilt votes: 11
% Turn out: 35.5
Droylsden West
CooneyGerald Patrick
The Labour Party Candidate
HindleyPaul Anthony George
British National Party
Conservative Party Candidate
Number of spoilt votes: 16
% Turn out: 34.6
The Conservative Party Candidate
MarshallMartine MarieMadeleine
Green Party
WestRoy Kevin
British National Party
The Labour Party Candidate
Number of spoilt votes: 5
% Turn out: 31.7
Dukinfield / Stalybridge
BallagherMichael Patrick
Labour Party Candidate
Conservative Party
ClaytonJeffrey Peter
British National Party
Green Party
Number of spoilt votes: 10
% Turn out: 34
Hyde Godley
Ball-FosterJennifer Emily Anne
Liberal Democrat
GauciRosalind Christella
British National Party
The Labour Party Candidate
O'DwyerDuran Benjamin
UK Independence Party
Conservative Party Candidate
Number of spoilt votes: 8
% Turn out: 30.2
Hyde Newton
Ball-FosterPeter Stanley
Liberal Democrat
ByrneNigel Christian
British National Party
RobinsonPeter James
The Labour and Co-operative Party Candidate
WelshJohn Paul
Conservative Party Candidate
Number of spoilt votes: 7
% Turn out: 33.3
Hyde Werneth
The Conservative Party Candidate
UK Independence Party
FrancisClaire Elizabeth
The Labour Party Candidate
Green Party
Number of spoilt votes: 9
% Turn out: 41
The Conservative Party Candidate
Green Party
Parker-PerrySean Daniel
The Labour and Co-operative Party Candidate
Number of spoilt votes: 7
% Turn out: 37.6
Green Party
HartleyKevin James
Conservative Party
The Labour Party Candidate
Number of spoilt votes: 12
% Turn out: 37
St. Peter's
Labour Party Candidate
The Green Party
DunlopIan William
Liberal Democrat
Conservative Party
Number of spoilt votes: 14
% Turn out: 28
Stalybridge North
PatrickClive Alistair
The Conservative Party Candidate
UK Independence Party
SmeeJean Margaret
Green Party
WalshBernard Joseph
The Labour Party Candidate
Number of spoilt votes: 13
% Turn out: 29.7
Stalybridge South
Conservative Party
The Labour Party Candidate
UK Independence Party
Green Party
Number of spoilt votes: 10
% Turn out: 33.5
Why does the United Kingdom Independence Party do so bad in local elections? I thought the booklet they were distributing throughout Tameside was very good but they done very badly everywhere they stood. The BNP did not put out a single leaflet in many wards yet their lowest vote was near equal to UKIP's highest. It is very strange because to most people they are very similar parties.
BNP are far left
UKIP are far right
The only thing they have in common is they are protest votes.
Labour are dying off in Tameside. Well done to all the Conservatives for their success. 2010 will be even better.
Best results in the country on a bad night,this was the time to get them out it did not happen and things can only get better.
Huge BNP vote in Hyde Newton and Droylsden. How the f**k do the Fascist scum do it?
Let's cut through the cack and get to the facts.
At this year's election there has been a swing from Labour to the Conservatives of 7.4%.
The share of vote is as follows:
LABOUR (13): 22,661 (41.6%)
CONSERVATIVES (5): 19,877 (36.5%)
BNP (0): 5,159 (9.5%)
GREENS(0): 2,238 (4.1%)
LIBERAL DEMOCRATS (0): 1,894 (3.5%)
UKIP (0): 1,463 (2.7%)
INDEPENDENTS (1): 1,133 (2.1%)
However, despite just 2,784 votes separating Labour and the Tories, Labour won 13 seats on offer compared to the Tories' five victories.
If PR was used in Tameside the make up of Tameside Council, based on this year's election results, would be as follows:
BNP: 5
Tameside would have a MINORITY Labour administration.
It WAS a bad night for Labour. Despite all the bluster this is their worse set of local results for three decades. And it promises to get even worse, as their arrogance and complacency continues and the Tories' rejuvenation carries on.
Conservative now have control of Stalybridge District Assembly and hold balance of power on Mossley DA.
It's the first time a District Assembly has been controlled by another party.
Let's see what methods Zanu Labour employ to ensure local "democracy" is upheld?
UKIP are not far right we are a libertarian party. That means small Government, small taxes, and less rules and regulation. As a party we are against PR even though it would make our task much easier.
Prof your figures are misleading, corrected for amount of candidates and leaving Mossley out of it:
Lab 42.5%
Con 37.0%
BNP 21.8%
Lib 12.2%
Green 7.9%
UKIP 7.2%
We were expecting slightly better results, but we are not too disappointed. We have only been a branch for less than 18 months, and have no campaigning experience.
Where did the BNP not put out any leaflets?
No BNP leaflet in Duki/Staly and Hyde/Godley.
There was one in Hyde Godley, I have it here but my scanner is broken and I am unable to upload it until Tuesday
Only a few hundred bnp leaflets went out in Godley.
So a few hundred is less than none?
I take it this is official line from the BNP.
Can any of the upset people on this video, vote for the BNP and help to mend the divisions within this Nation.
Representation not hate seems to only apply to the BNPs selection policies.
Can I as a Black person join the BNP
BNP came 2nd in 3 wards.
Droylsden East (BNP percentage 32%)
Hyde Newton (BNP percentage 27%)
Dukinfield (BNP percentage 25%)
The BNP cost Labour their seat in Dukinfield/Stalybridge and prevented the Tories winning in Audenshaw.
I wonder if the losing candidates will reappear at the council meetings they tend to tail off when they have lost although I must admit the BNP have kept up an appearance on a regular basis and they always lose, like the other parties the best chance to get any seat was last week they will start to slip backwards again now. two years is long time in politics
Sent out 150 new leaflets by post on Friday.
Looking at the way Brian Wild is on the piss all the time in the Astley Arms all the time I wonder if his liver will take much more abuse. The people of Duki should know that Wild is a constant piss head.
Wild was on the piss before the count at Duki Town Hall, he was knocking them back at the Astley Arms. He will be dead of liver failure before two years.
We have heard that Stacey Knighton will be given a safe seat in Staly south and replace a Cllr who is not performing.
We have also been told that the BNP candidate for Dukinfield/Stalybridge ward did not turn up at the count can anyone confirm this.
Roy West was also in the Astley before the count with the regulars taking the piss out of him,they asked him if they could have free beer if they voted for him.
Yes he did turn up at the count Duki/Staly.
The difference between me and Wild he is always in the Astley Arms, I went in to see for myself what locals told me was true, and there you have it Wildy on the piss once again in the Astley Arms.
Locals living on Chapel street told me you could set your clock by Wildy heading for the pub.
Dear Breaking News!
What utter bollocks you talk!
The only CLLR's that are not performing are Labour Councillors
In fact take your p(r)ick
Well Wildy is performing as a piss head.
Going to get Wildy on film while on his usual piss up at the Astley Arms then put it on youtube.
Wildy was pissed at the count he was stinking of drink.
I think we all get the point that Brian Wild likes a drink!
Who else likes to enjoy a pint?
Enjoy a pint he's a piss head, the people that live at the top of Chapel street see him heading for the pub most nights. We will get him on youtube let the people of Duki see the piss head.
Thats why borstal boy Taylor did most of the leafleting because Wild was in the Astley Arms.
You've got three Labour Cllrs in Duki. Jackie Lane who thinks she is a cut above the people that she use to live amongst in the flats on Astley street, Taylor ex borstal boy and hired thug from the 70's , Taylor use to sell knocked off vids from Stalybridge market, Wildy spends most of his time in the pub look at his nose, you can always tell big red nose.
I did not suddenly invent this Taylor borstal boy stuff, a taxi driver operating out of Ashton-Under-Lyne told me that John Taylor was an ex jail bird, a bnp hater told me that Taylor was sent to borstal in the 60's for smashing his old school up, another taxi driver told me that Taylor use to sell knocked off goods from Stalybridge market. So many people all say the same thing about Taylor. Are they all wrong?
You don't have the guts to put your name to any of this so shut up you lost the election again whats it like to lose again,we know this is West posting this rubbish and we know he is racially abusing two families who live near him.
prove it Wildy you piss head.
Looks like your liver will have to fight your next election Wildy you piss head.
Wildy you should put yourself on youtube after one of your piss ups at the Astley Arms, you are a disgrace of a cllr and you know it.
You may have got through this time Wildy but will your liver last out another two years with all that abuse?
We can help you Wildy
Residential Alcoholism Treatment Centre
Linwood Manor is a private, residential treatment centre located in Lincolnshire, UK, offering help and assistance to people with alcoholism and alcohol abuse problems.
We provide alcoholism treatment and alcohol detox programmes for people experiencing problems with alcohol, in a private, peaceful and supportive environment.
Up to 40 per cent of people who drink heavily have symptoms that resemble a depressive illness.
However, when these same people are not drinking heavily, only 5 per cent of men and 10 per cent of woman have symptoms meeting the diagnostic criteria for depression - not that different from the rates of depression in the general population.
Hey Wildy you were stinking of drink at the count, you are an alcoholic and you know it. You are probably pissed now. The signs can be seen by your big red nose.
And this is not Roy West posting this as you said, I live near you very close in fact. You should stop drinking and serve the people of Dukinfield.
Mr. Wild
As I mentioned I live near enough to you to notice your drunken state on a daily basis you should not be a Councillor, in fact you will become more of a liability to the Labour party as your alcohol problem gets worse.
400,000 votes “spoilt” - was Robert Mugabe in London on Thursday night?
400,000 votes “spoilt” - was Robert Mugabe in London on Thursday night?
You are correct wildy its West
Blackmail is the crime of threatening to reveal substantially true information about a person to the public, a family member, or associates unless a demand made upon the victim is met. This information is usually of an embarrassing or socially damaging nature. As the information is substantially true, the act of revealing the information may not be criminal in its own right nor amount to a civil law defamation; the crime is making demands to withhold it.
The UK Independence Party is calling for David Cameron to apologise after he claimed its members were "fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists, mostly".
Well the looney UKIPers are a dead loss in Tameside I left because of the local leader, he as no idea of what to do when talking to local people. He wants others to do all the work while he sits on his fat arse. I have now joined the local Tories instead, much better at connecting with Werneth people.
The Battle of Britain is well under way, with the party’s excellent results in London. We can take great heart in the eventual goal of winning our country back. The London Campaign Manager would like to thank all candidates, election agents, party activists, leafleters, polling booth tellers, knocker-uppers, donators, in fact everybody in London National Front who made this possible, and of course, the hard pressed Londoners who voted in their tens of thousands for us, making us the premier racial nationalist party in London. We thank you!
A comprehensive coverage and breakdown of our results are to follow, but here’s a brief look:
Paul Winnett – Bromley & Bexley
11,288 votes 5.65% - Deposit Saved
Tess Culnane – Lewisham & Greenwich
8,509 votes 5.79% - Deposit Saved
Ian Edward – Ealing & Hillingdon
7,939 votes 4.59%
Andrew Cripps – South West
4,754 votes 2.52%
Graham Kemp – City & East
2,350 votes 1.28%
UKIP will be back. We dance to nobodys tune. If the Tories ditch Camoron we could work out an electoral pact.
Wild out on the piss again last night. He turns up at court pissed sat there judging people while under the influence. How long will his liver last out?
ukip supporter,
Why on earth would the Tories want to ditch Cameron as leader to make an electoral pact with a bunch of no hopers like you?
Cameron as leader has taken them to 44% in the polls - a whopping 20% above Labour. If they ditch him they are back to low 30s (a la Howard). They lose about 10 - 15% of their support. For what? A few miserly percentage points from a one issue party. Get real.
It is UKIP that is desperate for an electoral pact to actually have any power whatsoever. UKIP could have, and should have, done much better in the elections last Thursday - but you didn't.
A centrally produced leaflet that didn't even tell anyone who the candidate was in that ward. For f**ks sake. If UKIP can't even be bothered to promote their candidates why bother at all? If I had been a candidate for that shower of a party I would have been incandescent with rage. No wonder the members are leaving in droves and joining parties where they actually mention their candidates' names.
Hit the nail on the head!
Richard Barnbrook has become the first member of the British National Party to win a seat on the London Assembly.
Mr Barnbrook,47, said that he intends to become the voice of "true Londoners", fighting against political correctness and preferential treatment for racial minorities. He will press for the Union Jack to be flown over City Hall, for burkas to be banned from public buildings and for official celebrations to mark St George's Day. He will resist the planned construction of a huge new mosque , the biggest place of worship in Britain, in Newham, East London.
"I haven't been elected to simply sit back and be like the other parties, sticking with the status quo and the gravy train movement" he said
I have heard that the Labour Party are desperately trying to Poach Stacey Knighton! Has anyone else heard this breaking news?
The Labour Party couldn't poach an egg.
Britain is moving back to the right of politics. I would rather see the Tories in power than new Labour.
The only reason the Consevatives done well on Thursday was as a protest result over the global credit crunch. Gordon brought us unequalled economic stability in his time as chancellor. By the time of the next general election the current financial problems will be a distant memory and we will sweep back into power for a historic fourth term. The British people will never fall for Tory lies again.
Nazi boy birn aka NCB1970 - we know who you are dont go hiding behind false screen names. Barnbrook only conned his way into city hall by cheating - something you will never achieve in Tameside because by 2010 we will have crushed you to dust.
Labour till I die looks like your party already is gobshitexxxxxxxx
Labour til i die: No government in the history of this island has ever betrayed the British people the way you shower of Communist filth have. When you this story in today's Telegraph do you feel proud of what you achieved?
UKIP and the Greens are history they cant even muster up a few activist for local elections its a three way fight now Labour Tory BNP.
When you have people like John Cooke (UKIP) in personal vendettas with Roy West (BNP THEN ukip are fucked.
The issue for the new nationalism is this, We will never have an all white Britain that is certain. The New nationalism cannot go backwards to the out dated dogam of racial nationalism. The issue for the Tameside BNP is this, continue to push for moderation abandon the need to be racist (racial nationalism) We are all concerned about mass immigration in to Britain and the foreign drug gangs, but once again it is the need for moderation when making our concerns public in the form of a campaign.
A great letter from a UKIP supporter - thanks to the BNP for publishing it.
The issue is Roy West is harassing one of his neighbours a young girl with mixed race children,he would not do it to me because I would chin him,end of harassment young vulnerable girls just about your measure.
Is there any truth in the allegations made against you by the person claiming they are UKIP Mr West?
The BNP are now the third party in Tameside.
Seats contested 8; votes gained 5159
Lib Dems 6 seats 1994 votes
Greens 10 seats 2238 votes
UKIP 7 seats 1463 votes
the Labour co-op COULD claim third place by virtue of having two seats but gaining 2440 votes puts them behind the BNP, and how independant are they in any case?
Cllr Roy Etchells is an Independant councillor so strictly speaking is not a party.
There you have it. This coming year we shall be demanding third party treatment.
Now........let us consider the postal votes situation....hmmmmmmm
Jones - U -R -Having a laugh. The BNP have got no councillors and never will. Face it you are also rans like UKIP and the Greens. Until you get elected represntitives nobody will listen to anything you say. Do us all a favour and pack up your things and sod off back to South Africa.
Oh yes - hes done it alright. Vile vile behaviour from an uncivilized brute who thrives on hatred.
What a pretentious individual you are "labour till i die". i had a good laugh at your 'sod off back to South Africa' remark. Like the old time Wild West "Get out of town", I always said you Labourites were a bunch of cowboys!
At least I left South African politics down there, you shower in ZaNu-Labour have brought Zimbabwean politics here!
"They used to visit Rhodesia to see the ruins of Zimbabwe, now they visit Zimbabwe to see the ruins of Rhodesia"
I would like to point out that only the first few 'ukip said' posts are mine.
I will from now on only post from this Google account.
This is the way to deal with Fascists who con their way into elected office.
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