This afternoon I found myself sat in an almighty traffic jam on the dual carriageway that runs through Ashton under Lyne. At first I though it must have been caused by an accident or a broken down vehicle, as I got closer to the cause of the jam I saw lots of police and cones so I assumed it must have been a serious accident. Only when I was yards away did I realise that this was no accident, but a police checkpoint.
I have heard about these ‘multi-agency’ checkpoints, but this is the first time I have witnessed one first hand. As it happens, our car was not stopped. I assume the first reason they would stop you was if anything flashed up on the ANPR system and ours seemingly has no ‘intelligence’ markers flagged against it. I had to have a closer look so I got out of the car and watched proceedings. These were not ‘routine’ police stops, but more like roadside interrogations. Each motorist I saw stopped was questioned by various state apparatchiks for at least 15 minutes.
What is it all about – why are these things suddenly being carried out in such a public and intimidating way? I am all for uninsured drivers being apprehended, but I feel there is far more to these checkpoints than catching criminals or drivers whose ‘Papiere nicht in Ordnung’. In Mondays Manchester Evening News editorial they repeated the mantra “If you have got nothing to hide – you have got nothing to fear” as a result of feature they done on ANPR surveillance cameras. Is the MEN right when they make such proclamations or are we on the slippery slope into a total surveillance state that could easily lead to an outright dictatorship?
I was caught up in this on my way into work in the morning.
An absolute farce to halve the road capacity on a major road like this, why not pull the 'suspects' into Welbeck St S, or even ASDAs carpark. A nice jolly for the uncivil servants and our Stasi on a nice sunny day.
The vehicles where I work are forever being stopped, as in a further example of joined up thinking ANPR flags vehicles on Fleet policies as uninsured.
A few month ago one of our vehicles was stopped near Stamford Park and the driver accused of having no insurance. The driver rang me and then put the officer on the phone. He asked me if the van was insured, I said it was and he let the van on its way having asked for NO further details or evidence.
I believe there would be a lot less of this intimidation if local Police chiefs were elected and accountable to locals, instead of central government.
And are we to have sympathy for the Police federation when they complain of being screwed by the Government over pay?
Check today's Pravdatiser, a womwn threatened with prosecution for putting up notices thanking people for helping her find her dog and a nursing mother threatened by the thug guarding the Ashton Town Hall for feeding her baby on the Town Hall steps.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.
I need some help...
Can anyone tell me if this Simon Walker from Table Twelve Media is the same Simon Walker from Tameside Radio and Tameside Enterprises Limited?
Still not much news on my case. A staff sargeant from Ashton Police Station doesn't believe that the police office who arrested me being on the same district assembly as one of the councillors who made these allegations against me is corrupt or a conflict of interest.
A call today to the CPS and they told me that I am not recorded on their system. The police officer has contradicted this statement and said that a written transcript of my interview has been forwarded to the CHIEF OF THE CPS!!!!
Just how far and how long will this case take?
Surely it is in all parties interests to get the case over and done with... or is it?
If anyone can advise or help me then please contact me at tameside.eye@gmail.com
"I believe there would be a lot less of this intimidation if local Police chiefs were elected and accountable to locals, instead of central government."
I hate to put it to you John, but that is a Tory policy!
"Check today's Pravdatiser, a womwn threatened with prosecution for putting up notices thanking people for helping her find her dog and a nursing mother threatened by the thug guarding the Ashton Town Hall for feeding her baby on the Town Hall steps."
But hasn't the balance of karma been balanced? Mike Smith got a parking ticket. "Do you know who I am?" Do us a favour Mike and piss off. I will have to start telling people to use that one next time.
In my opinion they should be forced to slavery for the gross misconduct many of them have carried out. Only in the public sector can you get away with milking your customers.
It is ALSO a Tory policy, there is no copyright on good policies, else the Tories would be sued by Americans for stealing their Sheriff system.
On your request for help, Much as I disagree with your choice of party, your case is political intimidation. You should fight this case as far as you are able, I and I would guess many other posters on here would assist to the best of their abilities.
Hey Liam it could take over a year, the CPS spent over 50,000 pound trying to get a conviction on me from the evidence of someone that was sent to jail for smashing my windows, the same thug that mugged a man in Ashton Town Centre. The CPS continued to rely on his evidence right up on till the time he was sent down, for mugging the man in Ashton and smashing my windows.
Actually here is the real deal.
The CPS were taking me to court on the evidence of someone that had already been convicted twice for assault on my wife in the street thats one, the other joker in the pack for the CPS case against me had already been convicted for criminal damage on my house, then he was convicted at Manchester Crown court for putting my family in fear of violence. The 3rd joker in the pack for the CPS was also convicted for the same crime at Manchester Crown Court. And the other CPS witness was convicted for breaking my ankle. Hey Liam the CPS will have you going back and forward till you just don't give a fuck.
I believe they are two different Simon Walkers. This one has a long career in TV, esp Granada TV.
The other one is a Labour activist / Radio person
Hear hear - Well said UKIP. Liam is certainly a victim of political persecution and I certainly will do everything I can to help him.
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