This news item taken from the April 17th edition of the Tameside Reporter highlights the desperation of the Tameside Labour Party as they try and introduce the politics of Zimbabwe to Tameside. The young man who has been arrested has unearthed some very uncomfortable home truths about how Labour operates locally. This arrest sets a shocking precedent and an insight to the totalitarian mindset that is deeply entrenched in the Nu Labour regime. When reading this we should remember the words of
Pastor Niemöller because if Nu Labour get away with this political persecution – Tameside Eye will be the first of many critics of the Nu Lab regime who will be incarcerated (or worse!) because they dared to speak up or ridicule these tyrants.
Two of the satirical images that lead to this arrest can viewed by clicking
here and
here. We should remember at this point, that one of the complainants is far from innocent himself when it comes to altering images and posting them on the internet. Talk about glass houses and throwing stones!
We hear that West has put in a complaint to the police about Taylor using a photo of him with Hitlers head on on his body.
can't wait to see how the police deal with this one.
It is suggested that a doctored image of Mr West on a high profile Labour councillor’s website could feature in the defence of TE. Screen shots of the offending image on the said website have been captured.
I think John Taylor is mentally ill, he is obsessed with Roy West. I am no fan of Roy West but Taylor is heading for a fall if he does not back off, you simply cannot put out leaflets like this and not face legal action. I honestly do not think that Taylor knows what he is doing. I believe that his latest leaflet is going to land him in big trouble.
A message to Liam. All year round John Taylor on his website as been calling me a Nazi, Fascist, dumping rubbish in the area, refering to me as a clown hanging around Dukinfield park approaching young children, putting Hitlers head on my photo,now this leaflet going round Duki. Anything I can do address the balance.
Racially aggrivated harrassment? are they having a laugh? is ginger classed as an ethnic minority now?
These idiot councillors really do know how to dig themselves deeper. the blogging community can be a pretty powerful force when one of their own are victimised by people abusing their power.
Is it also true that Bell-end has instructed his cuntservative minions to turn their back on Liam because of the 'bad' publicity? Shame that and funny how they like to soak up the advantages his investigations provide but run away when it comes to giving him some support. I'm not too sure they are the sort of people i want to give my vote to either. The choice is getting smaller by the blog post.
Sleeper, you are so right, Liam is White British as are the alleged victims. RACIALLY aggravated? I don't see it.
The fucktard post and the three cunts were the final straw,take a look at them and tell me they were not offensive.
The fucktard one was seen as being really offensive Taylor pictured with some people with a learning disability, ie Taylor fuck and the others retards making the word FUCKTARD. he was warned to remove it and he was advised about his content by the councils legal department.
Taylor is an arsehole cry baby that can give it out but cannot take it pussy.
QUOTE..."Anonymous said ......and he was advised about his content by the councils legal department."
You seem remarkably well informed "anonymous". Are you in receipt of official information which you then leak to the public via this blog? What about data protection or confidentiality? What other information of a sensitive nature also "goes astray"?
Are Roy West's claims that official information held on him have been leaked now looking more credable?
Anonymous.....the situation is getting beyond satire!
check:- http://www.tameside.gov.uk/councillors/appointments
Quote.."Aides (Non-Cabinet Posts)
Aide de Camp - Councillor Wareing "
Aide de Camp!!!! Is this some sort of Napoleonic fantasy??
Cocked Hat et al
I will get her to check out this blog next not many escape her claws once there in.
But some do make it easy for her I mean being bang to rights is good start for any legal person.
Come on now people, provable allegations are ok but personal insults of staff are not on....
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