Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Doreen’s main opponent on May 1st?


Anonymous said...

Labour are scum.

Tameside Eye said...

Wife of Bill Harrison. She wanted St. Michaels so I am told, she has been giving Maggie Sidebottom a bit of a fight.

Not another husband and wife team on the council!

Tameside Eye said...

Thanks Pauline. Conservative Trafford does have the lowest council tax in Greater Manchester. As for education, Trafford doesn't only have the best education in Greater Manchester, but it is the best in the country. BSF is nout to be proud of. Big schools will create problems. Look already at Stamford, Edgerton Park and Heartshead. All the largest schools in Tameside and also the most notorious for anti social behaviour. We should be working on smaller classroom sizes and smaller schools spread over an area.

90% of new jobs are going to local residents. I wonder how many new jobs are actually being created and lifting people in Tameside out of unemployment? I would like to know the definition exactly of what a "new job" is... is it because someone has left that position and a company is looking for a replacement? Or has is it all about companies expanding requiring to take on new staff. And how many of them were public sector jobs? If my memory serves me correctly, 75% of people working for TMBC don't actually live in Tameside. Get local people working for the council, I am sure they will feel the responsibilty on their shoulders to provide a good service to ensure that THEIR council tax is kept down.

500 investment enquiries. How many of those 500 actually decided to invest in Tameside after evaluating their decision?

Wages are on the up in Tameside. Too fucking right. We need as much money as we can get to pay off your cunty council tax. We all are not on councillors salaries or the chief exec's for that matter. FAT CAT.

95% of residents said they felt safe in their neighbourhoods. Bull-shit! More like 95% DON'T feel safe. As for a decrease in crime, people who attended the full council meeting a few months ago will of heard from the Tory group that the figures in crime have been manipulated. Basically the council removes crimes which are minor or either your own fault! For example, leaving a car window open. Put those crimes back in and you would of seen an increase in crime. New Justice, New Labour for you.

110 ASBO's handed out? Again, nothing to be proud of. The solution is to bang them up in a prison cell.

As for recycling, the recycling facilities are poor. The collection dates for recycling bins are not made clear enough. Oh and it is outsourced to a private company, so any money made from recyclable resources is lost. Money which could go back into subsidising council tax or CAR PARKS.

Crime, Education, Environment and Economy have been covered. The other big one is... HEALTH!!! Oh and I wonder why they left that one out.

As one friend pointed out to me. Which party goes about advertising on an election leaflet that they are going to raise council tax? Absolute thick bastards they are. Thanks Tameside Labour. Things are going to get better and that is because the lot of you will be gone in a good few years.

Anonymous said...

"HEALTH!!! Oh and I wonder why they left that one out."

Because their doctors are far too busy writing in to the local press licking the Labour parties arse.

Anonymous said...

Well said Tameside Eye. These hypocrites need their lies and spin exposing.

Anonymous said...

So where are all the young guns in Tameside Labour when they have to rely on an ex-mayor from Ashton to be a Stalybridge candidate?

She was booted out of Hurst by the Tories. She hasn't a chance in hell in Stalybridge South.

Tom Hagen said...

Good point Mr. Disco, I totally forgot about that. So why doesn't she return to Hurst then? Why give Hurst to Paul Douthwaite, someone totally new. Remember folks, we ain't dealing with the brightest of people now are we?

Anonymous said...

Just what the people of Tameside need another useless twat on the council.
She was crap in Hurst and she will be crap again.

Anonymous said...

Taylor must not be allowed to intimidate opponents with his left wing thug helpers in Dukinfield.

Tom Hagen said...

I would also like to point out that people living/working in Ashton-Under-Lyne have the the lowest sallary in Greater Manchester. We also have one of the highest if not the highest rate of unemployment.

Anonymous said...

Un Related Topic
John Taylor has pulled his blog Dukifield Views
I wonder why that is?

Anonymous said...

I see Labour muck-spreading has taken to the front page of this week's Advertiser. Considering the BNP are a left-wing party, who is Adrian Gwynne referring to; the Tories, UKIP? Or maybe Labour are responsible for the posters? How very convenient that would be?

Anonymous said...

RE: The front page of this week's Tameside Advertiser.

When there is an incident like
this the most important question to ask is: cui bono? Who benefits?

The fact is the BNP isn't standing a candidate in Denton this May, so why would they put up these posters for electoral advantage?

Who does benefit from this incident?

You decide.

Anonymous said...

Taylors blog still there just seen it .

Anonymous said...

A group of Muslims have opposed plans for a pet food factory to be built as possible pork emissions will violate their religious rights.

Butchers Pet Care could shelve plans for a factory in Coton Park, near Rugby, because angry Asian families have complained to their residents' association about pork smells drifting into their garden.

Muslim residents in the area also claim the pork will effectively "rain down" on their homes and gardens after the factory's 100ft chimney has pumped the meat extracts into the atmosphere.

The Coton Park Residential Association said they have received complaints from Muslims - who are directed to not eat pork by the Qur'an - and are taking the matter very seriously.

Anonymous said...

The website of Labour activist Mark Tann ( ) carries links to the 'official' Labour Party websites, including that of 10 Downing Street.

It also carries links to 2 children's charities, 'Save the Children', and author J.K. Rowlings favourite charity 'One Parent Families'.

Nothing wrong with that you might think, until you learn that Mark Tann is currently serving a 15 year jail sentence for raping a 4 year old girl, amongst other things. He was also found guilty at Canterbury Crown Court of indecency with a 9 year old girl.

Mark Tann is described as "A paedophile babysitter who gained the trust of a mother by showing her a picture of himself with Tony and Cherie Blair,..."
( www )

Now we all know that the Labour Party attracts confused and dysfunctional people into its ranks, but this peice of scum is surely the worst of them all.

Anonymous said...

The Doncaster Labour councillors found guilty of defrauding their own authority have never been expelled from the party, despite New Labour's boasts that it would sweep sleaze from town hall corridors.
None of the 18 councillors successfully prosecuted for falsifying their expenses has had their party card revoked. Even those that have been sent to jail have been allowed to retain their Labour membership.

It has also emerged that Doncaster council intends to recoup just half of the money owed to it by councillors who falsified their expenses - because it believes it cannot "realistically" recover more.

The authority estimates it was owed £7,920 but has attempted to claw back only £3,960, of which it calculates it has received £2,790.

Two of the councillors convicted over fraudulent expenses claims have yet to make an acceptable offer of repayment to the council.

The revelations come as police reveal that an imminent trial of leading Doncaster councillors on charges of receiving corrupt payments and of false accounting could last up to six months.

Ray Stockhill, the council's former deputy leader, Peter Birks, planning chairman, and John Dainty, the leader of the Conservative group, face charges of accepting bribes.