I also need to question his motives as to why he has not utterly condemned the war of racial annihilation being carried out against Zimbabwe’s tiny white minority. And as for his claims that Mandela is a “great statesman” and “true world leader”, well, I know it has been said that one mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist, but Cllr Taylor, please read up on Mandela’s past before you canonise him. Try starting with a little investigation into Umkhonto we Sizwe - the terrorist group Mandela used to lead before being jailed. If you are reading this Cllr Taylor, please answer this: Was Abu Musab al-Zarqawi a terrorist or freedom fighter? Also – you rightly criticize the unjust Southern Africa apartheid system, why do you never voice such concerns over the Zionist apartheid system in Palestine?
I await a reply with baited breath.
It's a shame when everyone wants you out.
Good friend
Some daft c... sent me this email thinking that I could fall for this crap.
Please Read and get back to me for more details.
My name is Rory Osman Ali, I'm the credit officer in International Credit Bank Ouagadougou Burkina Faso.
I have a business proposal in the tune of $5.5m, (Five Million Five hundred Thousand only) after the successful transfer; we shall share in ratio of 40% for you and 60% for me.
Should you be interested, please contact me through my private email ( rory_ali@voila.fr ) so we can commence on all arrangements and I Will give you more information on how we would handle this project.
Please treat this business with utmost confidentiality and send me the Following information:
(1) Full names:
(2) Private phone number:
(3) Current residential address:
(4) Occupation:
(5) Age and Sex:
Kind Regards,
Mr.Rory Osman Ali.
A vote for West will be revolutionary in the fact that you will be voting for representation without prejudice, a solid commitment to represent all sections of the Dukinfield community. Politicians like Taylor and Wild are old Labour in the sense that they cannot bring themselves to represent all in the community. Their views are set not to be open minded but to treat with hostility all those that dare challenge their power base. We see with growing concern the un-democratic rantings of politicians like Taylor/Wild when the challenge is made against them at the ballot box. It is with the determination of delivering leaflets all year round that the "Representation not hate campaign" will continue to grow and challenge the clannish set up of Taylor/Wild and Lane in Dukinfield. Since I started my representation campaign a year ago, people have been stopping me in the street asking me to stand again so I will in order that the campaign continues to grow. My actions in these local elections are sending out a clear message to the bully boys of politics in Dukinfield that you are being found out by locals they want representation not the actions of some 70's bully boy.
I am voting West and I have been a Labour Party member for over 20 years.
Wildy will win with a huge majority stop kidding yourself Roy you will have wasted all that money,you are being used by the BNP.
Jon snow, I do not expect to win, I have already achieved the first part of my political agenda in Dukinfield. If the people of Duki elect the useless Wild, they will be voting for more of the same corruption and failure to deliver true political representation.
The state of local politics in Dukinfield and the whole of Tameside can only be described as depressing. My campaign for representation is not popular with Taylor/Wild/Lane simply because it puts their disgraceful conduct into the public light, and puts un-welcome opposition in their path. The hostility from these three elected Cllrs as put my campaign in to top gear. It is clear to my family from the letters that Taylor as sent to me, that he only holds hostility and as no intentions of affording my family the human right of political representation.
I have just seen the "Tameside Eye" blog. It appears that the ownwer has been arrested 'Zimbabwe style' by the local volks polizie.
Wonder if wag will do anything about this.
I notice more hypocricy from JT. He is campaigning about animal cruelty on his blog. Let's hear him condemn the vile animal torture carried out in the name of religeous ritual sacrifice. I know he wont mention this because it is un-pc and he is a pc-zealot.
It is high time officials and leaders stopped fuelling this irresponsible culture of racism against those who are fleeing persecution.
It is a total myth that England is a "soft touch" for asylum seekers. In 2001, for example we accepted just 3% of Columbian asylum applications whilst Canada accepted 85%. Blunkett's recent decision to withdraw benefits to "in house" asylum seekers, left many people homeless.
The vast majority of asylum seekers are fleeing persecution. If the government was really serious about reducing asylum figures, it would take action to stop creating refugees. For example it should stop underwriting arms sales of £4 billion a year to oppressive regimes through the "Exports Credit Guarantee Department".
The only result of this public scape-goating of refugees has been a rise in racist hate crimes and the propulsion of increasingly inhumane asylum policies which leave vulnerable people destitute.
Jean Lambert, Green MEP, London
Know who Jill is now ,try again Sean got me the info needed .
-------Original Message-------
From: Jill Barnes
Date: 14/09/2007 11:39:43
To: jwt35@btopenworld.com
Taylor pontificating about Zimbabwe, now isn't that interesting? I find it particularly interesting coming from a man who is essentially an old class war veteran and a leading member of ZANU Labour to boot. Tameside Labour Party is little more than ZANU PF in purdah, and will stop at nothing to maintain its evil grip on power, just like Mugabe's gang in Harare.
What will Taylor do regarding the plight of our good friend Tameside Eye? I hear you ask David. Taylor will do nothing, I wouldn't be at all surprised if he had a hand in the arresting of someone who pursues free speech and expression with the greatest of enthusiasm.
So Taylor the Wag asking for information from people who hate Roy West and the BNP. It won't stand up in court. You are totally prejudiced against West Taylor.
The person on the far right of this photo Mr West is making false allegations against me whilst out canvassing for votes he is telling people that I was sent to borstal in my younger days.
This is not true and I am seeking legal advise again about his allegations I already have some people who have come forward with evidence for me and I am seeking more to assist with my liable case.
Please contact me in writing or via email if you have also had these allegations made about by Mr west all my contact details are on my web site .
Taylor sends out emails like this and when he gets the dirt thrown back at him he then runs of to the police or his Liverpool solicitor. Sad twat.
No Jill one of them pleaded Guilty to having explosives he will be sentenced later ,what the hell did he want explosives for , firework displays and you will know I hate them also ,things not good in Sandwell .and we have some real shit on one of your Tameside members wife beater and could be more keep looking we are almost ready to print.
“A headmistress who claims Muslim governors drove her out of their school with a campaign of harassment and false accusations of Islamophobia is suing council bosses for £250,000.
Erica Connor, 56, says the governors accused her of anti-Muslim prejudice and repeatedly questioned her policies on religious education lessons and assemblies.
She says there was a ‘hidden agenda’ among some governors.
However of particular interest is the image that accompanies the story and the comment “serving a mainly Muslim area of Woking”. When, we ask, were local people asked whether they wanted a part of their town to become “mainly Muslim”? And, of course, that’s the problem – they never were!
Complaints coming in about bnp candidate annoying people in Dukinfield park this Sunday distributing leaflets.many people offended by him
After several anonymous phone calls and messages left on various blogs in the Tameside Area about postal vote fraud, I am very concerned about the possibility of this practise of fraud could be evident in the Dukinfield area in the 2008 local elections. I do not make these allegations in order to cause controversy, but I raise them in the spirit of fair play and democracy. Certain claims regarding possible irregularities involving postal votes going astray have come from one individual claiming to work inside the Council Offices. I personally do not dismiss these claims because of the bitterness and gutter politics that seems to be taking root in my ward of Dukinfield. It seems that all the principles of British fair play and debate have now become lost on the established politicians. I sincerely believe that there is some truth in the rumours that are now flying around on blogs, phone calls and emails. I personally do not believe that British democracy is being served well in Dukinfield, and for that matter, the whole of Tameside at the moment. The prospect for local people having their voices heard in a fair and sensible contest in these forthcoming elections is depressingly bleak in my personal opinion. Therefore, one can only hope that the people of Dukinfield can witness a fair contest without the shadow of corruption hanging over these local elections on May 1.
Vote Lice, Vote Labour.
Why does Cllr Taylor never voice concerns over the Zionist apartheid system in Palestine?
Answer: Because he knows which side his bread is buttered on.
Looks like the police and the Labour Mafia in Tameside are working together to stop any opposition. Will the police be telling local residents in Dukinfield to take down BNP posters from their windows again this year?
Its because I come from a Jewish family. AND PROUD OF IT
Also proud the Zionists bomb the homes of Palestinians no doubt Wag.
A vote for West will be revolutionary in the sense that I will represent without prejudice all sections of the community in Dukinfield. I will campaign against yob culture violence on our streets. I will continue to campaign for more community policing with the need for more police on the beat. The need to highlight the growing lack of confidence in the way that the police deal with anti-social behaviour will also be at the top of my campaigning agenda.
I would use my time to campaign against political correctness that is now holding down free speech and the true meaning of British democracy.
We need more local democracy, the District Assembly does not provide local people with the means to fully express their concerns about matters relating to community issues. Local people have lost that spirit of political involvement which we now see is taking politics away from local people, it is now time for the lost voices to be heard once again in our community. I do not advocate the politics of racial hate but in fact advocate "Representation not hate." The need to breath new life back into local politics is now clearly evident, the need to remove yobs of the streets is now clearly evident, the need to get more police on the beat is now clearly evident, the fact that local people do not feel listened to is clearly evident. A vote for West is a vote for action not just words.
"Is Your Beloved Dog Driving You Crazy?
Are There Days You're Completely Convinced That Training is Impossible? Would You Give Anything to Get That Unruly Dog of Yours Completely Trained?"
I have heard that Tameside BNP are thinking exactly the same.
It may not be long until Damocles proves his point.
I do admire your spirit,campaigning and determination. It is a shame you did not have the courage to denounce the all white BNP.
I do agree that JT is not fit to hold office, the great shame is neither are you.
I have said that membership of the BNP should be open to non-whites....have you not taken any notice of what I have said about this very important question?
Yep, I will remain a member of the Nazi party even though they kill Jews. I was only following orders Sir.
The Phrase non-whites reminded me of something, was that not one of P W Bothas favourites.
You are a Racist member of a Racist party.
Got my latest leaflet this morning its an anti BNP leaflet in Dukinfield looks like the gloves are off in my ward.
And you are pathetic
Yep, I will remain a member of the Nazi party even though they kill Jews. I was only following orders Sir.
The Phrase non-whites reminded me of something, was that not one of P W Bothas favourites.
You are a Racist member of a Racist party.
So all the folks in communities in this country that feel like they are at the Alamo are all Nazis. Mass immigration is causing more and more segregation, immigrants coming to Britain hate the ones that are already here. We have hundreds of foreign drug gangs fighting for their own bit of London streets. You are the one that should open your eyes. London has now become a foreign battle ground with these different groups shooting and stabbing each other.
Yep, I will remain a member of the Nazi party even though they kill Jews. I was only following orders Sir.
The Phrase non-whites reminded me of something, was that not one of P W Bothas favourites.
You are a Racist member of a Racist party.
The rate of kidnappings has risen sharply in the past seven or eight years. Half of all kidnappers and victims in the capital are foreign nationals, usually from the same ethnic group. Detective Chief Superintendent Sharon Kerr, who heads Scotland Yard's serious and organised crime unit, said the growing number of foreign criminal networks carrying out kidnaps in the city led to increasingly complex and high risk situations.
"They are bringing their criminal enterprises with them and their different methodologies," she said. It was vital to gain immigrant communities' trust to help combat gangsters in their midst.
A total of 358 kidnaps were reported in London last year, according to figures released by the Metropolitan police yesterday. The Met's specialist kidnap unit - the only one in the UK - works on about 50-80 "live" kidnaps a year. There have been 31 cases this year, 55 last year, 85 in 2003 and 79 in 2002.
Foreign criminals are expanding into rural towns to exploit profits from drug dealing and people smuggling, an investigation revealed yesterday.
The highly-organised international gangs have penetrated seaside resorts and previously quiet towns and villages.
The gangs include Jamaican Yardies selling crack in Hereford, Albanians running prostitution rings in Hampshire and vicious Chinese Snakeheads smuggling cockle pickers into Britain to work in Morecambe.
The findings were made by respected journalist Rageh Omaar, for a series called Crime Invasion: Britain's New Underworld, which began last night on the satellite channel Virgin 1 TV.
Mr Omaar said: "Crime in the UK is changing and making the series has shown me that it is happening right underneath our noses."
I never voted to live in a multi-cultural multi-racial society. It has been forced on me without my permission and against my will.
Make of that what you will.
If you think that makes me a Nazi, Racist, etc., then go ahead and say so. I DO NOT CARE!
Issues such as these go beyond good manners.
"It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees."
"To fight and to fail is to succumb to to the fortunes of war. But not to fight, to fail to struggle against that which threatens all you hold dear is cowardice, the most craven of all cowardice"
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