Monday, 31 March 2008

Jonathan Bowden speaking in Tameside

I have just come across this interesting clip on the TE blog. I am usually sent loads of local stuff relating to the BNP, but nothing about this clip – very odd! Can any local BNP’ers confirm if Mr Bowden was speaking at an official BNP meeting or a meeting of the ‘rebels’ or has he re-joined the Conservative Party?


Anonymous said...

"Representation Not Hate"

tonydj said...

It was an official Tameside BNP meeting, I attended and Jonathan was brilliant!

Anonymous said...

The Tories won't have him. He is too gay.

Anonymous said...

I thought the BNP weren't too keen on Gays, but judging from this guy, Barnbrook and Freddie they seem to have more gays per head than any other party.

Anonymous said...

An ex Tory party member and dep Chair of the ultra right wing Monday club, he was kicked out by the then leader Ian Duncan Smith.
Not wanted by them he joined the BNP and now its looks like he is not wanted by them also except for the local rebels who will take anybody he does have all the attributes of a mad man.

Anonymous said...

I invited Jonathan Bowden to speak at our meeting because he is one of the finest Nationalist speakers in the country. The meeting was an official BNP meeting.
Jonathan is still with the BNP, contrary to vicious rumours circulating on the internet, and has never been associated with the BNP "rebels".

Anonymous said...

Let him come and wave his arms round like that in the Old General and see how long it takes for him to get potted.

Anonymous said...

Taylor that is fighting talk. The trouble is you showed yourself up on Tuesday night at the Duki DA when you bottled it and walked out.
You were visibly nervous and afraid to face the BNP contingent in the audience. Word is spreading fast of the truly bizarre incident on Tuesday night.Many voters are asking why you treat the electorate with such contempt.

Anonymous said...

The Old General, the so-called Landlord is never out of court with his ex.