A constituency worker who wrote a bogus letter to The Advertiser has been suspended by MP James Purnell.Political aide Mike Doherty wrote to criticise Tory leader Councillor John Bell for comments he made about Labour hopeful Claire Francis at Hyde’s district assembly. As she was about to ask a question, Councillor Bell was heard to remark: "Here’s Miss Pushy." Mr Doherty wrote to express his disgust at the comments, calling for Mr Bell to make a "public apology for his act of immaturity".But crucially Mr Doherty concocted a story that he was a resident of Foxholes Road, Werneth, instead of admitting he was an employee of Mr Purnell’s based in his Hyde town hall office.Eagle-eyed Conservative councillors in the area checked the electoral roll and discovered nobody with the name Mike Doherty lives on Foxholes Road. Already embarrassed by last year’s fake photo row when he was digitally added to a photoshoot at Tameside Hospital after turning up late, Mr Purnell has taken a hard-line stance against Mr Doherty and suspended him pending disciplinary action.A spokesman for the pensions secretary said: "Mike wrote this letter in his own time, as a local activist, not as part of his work for James. He did not consult James, and James had absolutely no knowledge of it."It was clearly a mistake. It is unacceptable to use the wrong address as Mike did."He understands the mistake he made and has offered his apologies to the local paper and James. He has been suspended pending disciplinary action."When confronted by the Advertiser last week, Mr Doherty admitted writing the bogus letter.He said: "I apologise for doing this. I wrote the letter in my own time out of sheer frustration as I could not believe that Councillor Bell made such a comment in a public forum."I realise that this was the wrong thing to do."
Tameside Advertiser
Silly letter this time fit someone up next time.
insider said...
Taylor stopped contacting Jill when his lazy brain suddenly realized that he was giving too much information away, but its enough to know that Taylor is abusing his position.
John Taylor wrote: Did not think your mail could get more bitter but you have surpassed yourself ,the local press are waiting for your call Sue Carr at the advertiser and Rebecca Bird at the reporter both numbers on my web site for you .have you contacted your candidate who stood against me in Dukinfield and asked him about my legal action against him ,I have spared him some considerable expense because I am told he is unfit to work ,except for delivering leaflets all day and cleaning up riverbanks and other sites ,while I am out working my socks off all day and paying my tax bills .
I think Hazel and many others in the Labour party are right but you don't have to be a loon from the right who hates anyone who is not white and English to understand that is not the immigration policies that are not working ,its the abuse of the asylum system and the failure of the home office to deal with it ,added to that we have the human rights act that's only been a benefit to laws breakers .
Your party for many years as been against anyone who is not white or English unless they belonged to a far right organisation and long before we had the latest immigration issues you wanted all the blacks out of the country .so don't be blaming multiculturalism you have always been racialist ,and now you have a rival party ukip and you are falling over yourselves to see who can be the most right wing and knocking the stuffing out of each other at elections much to the joy of people like me ,
Many other politicians will say things like Hazel did but not for racialist reasons like you would ,your party was formed to attract the white English vote and you have a long history of having very violent members who are proud of being neo nazis we saw them on our streets with their Nazi salutes , lets see how clean the fight will be for the leadership of the party now you have a challenger .
Have a nice day in Huddersfield.
Its one thing after another with this Tameside Labour Party, now we have got Claire Francis wanting your NI number on a leaflet, John Taylor abusing his position by looking for information to use against a possible candidate in Dukinfield in the coming local elections.
Word on the street has it that west has Labour worried. Labour plan to make it impossible for West to win due to postal voting. The secret Labour weapon is being primed as I write this.
Westie - I believe in democracy and you have as much right as anyone to stand for election. Mark my words - Labour are out to rob you and they are going to use postal votes to do it. You must make the effort to investigate Labour's methods in gaining postal votes - particularly those from the elderly. If you speak to anyone who has been bribed or blackmailed into giving Labour a postal vote you must record their details, ask them to sign a statement and inform the relevent authorities.
I see Cllr Taylor has a photograph of Karl Marx on his website. Marx would have had a persecutor of the poor like Taylor shot if he were still alive.
I don't think Marx would have had a persecuter of the working class shot!
His biggestt friend and patron when he lived in Manchester was Frederich ENGELS. Like Marx, a Jew.
Engels was master of the Cheshire Hunt and a particularly bad employer even by Victorian Standards.
But many Marxists were...are.... middle class dilitantes who claim to defend the working class while secretly dispising them.
Mike Doherty is also Admin for Claire Francis for Werneth on Facebook.
Maybe explains the link with the letter defending "Claire's Honour"
Eagle eyed Conservatives? My arse!
"Back To Basics For Real"
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your Kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours.
Now and for ever. Amen
"Back To Basics"
The Lords prayer, or the "our Father prayer" is prayed daily by thousands of Christians, and can be seen both as a model for prayer, and as to be repeated as part of our daily prayer.
It starts by addressing God as our Father in heaven, that although His name is honoured, and above all other names, we are His children. As such, we occupy a place of privilege, and He wants us to spend time in prayer with Him.
The Lords prayer then moves on to pray that God's Kingdom, or rule, will become the norm on earth, replacing human rules and governments, which too often are driven by greed and power. Only then do we turn to our own needs, and ask our Father for our basic human needs to be satisfied, and that He would forgive the wrong things that we have done. We ask for God's guidance and protection as we journey through life. Finally we turn back to God, and acknowledge His supremacy and position as the Almighty ruler
(Campaign update bnp Dukinfield)
250 Leaflets sent out by post to residents in Dukinfield.
And remember Cllr John Taylor, you cannot serve God and money.
So is God now a BNP activist?
We should not be ashamed to be Christians....................
Councillor Taylor, talking to these parents is just about the same waste of time as myself coming to you for any kind of Representation.
Cllr John Taylor's answer to the continuing yob problem in my area.
14 officers out at weekend in our Town dealing with anti social issues 70 young people spoken to by them on Armadale road parents will be involved.
These parents have to start taking control of their children.
Out on patrol again last night 14 uniformed officers out on our streets ensuring our safety and removing drinks from under age youths a superb job done again by our officers.
Yes but nothing ever gets done John, the same little shits every night out side the shops causing trouble.....................
A bit of free advice Mr. West:
No party should politicise God. Those that did were invariably facist and racist.
Similarly the idea of the Divine Right of Kings ended many centuries ago.
Bringing God into your political argument only weakens your case. It is just another diversion from the issues at hand.
An individual's relationship with their faith is a personal matter and not the intellectual property of any political party or leader.
The BNP are no mouthpiece for the Holy Father.
Sounds like a bit of communism coming through there tameside in touch, this is still a free country and still Christian Nation. My faith will not be dictated by the likes of you. Your comments show that you yourself what to dictate what people should believe in.............Roy West.
And yet the Lords prayer was said at the recent council meeting in Ashton, would you ban that tameside in touch. with all due respect in touch with nothing, you are the creeping cancer that will destroy this Nation........that will allow the enemies of England to flourish and to take control of our society.
Mr. West,
I am as Communist as Julian Clarey is straight.
No political party should assume God's role. Are you suggesting the BNP speaks for the Holy Father and vice versa?
As for the council I do not know, other than to suggest that at a council meeting politicians of all parties are present, as well as members of the public. Maybe yourself as well?
God does not vote BNP, nor Labour, nor Tory, nor Lib Dem, nor UKIP etc. He votes Humanity.
You can vote for him at any time in
during the year not just the first Thursday in May.
tameside in touch piss off.
I do hope that your letters' page does not go down the same road as the other local paper in Tameside, stifling free speech and political debate. I stood for the British National Party in Dukinfield in the recent local elections. I knew it would be difficult to beat the sitting Labour councillor of over 20 years of experience, but times are changing and people are not happy with the current state of local politics. The issue of crime and anti-social behaviour are going through the roof as far as local people of Dukinfield are concerned. A great effort is going into campaigning on issues such as law and order and people's right to feel free from crime and violence. No matter how much the local Labour establishment in Dukinfield try to discredit me and attempt to soil my character with false allegations, the local people are not responding to these underhand allegations and misrepresentations. What the local Labour party in Dukinfield have a problem with is this, they have a failure to communicate with the local people of the said ward. When I personally go out and talk to the local people in the area the response is marvellous and encouraging. This is what keeps me going in my endeavours and challenges to serve the local people in my community. I will continue to raise the issues of importance that are clearly at the top of the agenda for local people.
Free speech was being whittled away in Australia by a culture of secrecy and censorship, complicated freedom of information laws and manipulation of information by governments and public relations firms, a report said on Monday.
The report, commissioned by major media groups, said information that was once routinely released to the public was now being either withheld, censored or manipulated to avoid media exposure.
It also found a culture of secrecy had spread from police and politicians to churches and community groups to business and the military.
"Australian democracy is not as free, not as open, nor as transparent as it should be. Some of the rights and freedoms we cherish are threatened," said John Hartigan, chief executive of Rupert Murdoch's News Ltd in Australia and head of a coalition of media groups concerned about free speech. Australia ranked 28 out of 169 countries for press freedom according to the Paris-based Reporters Without Borders latest index released in October. In 2002 it was ranked 12th.
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