James Purnell, a rising cabinet star, was plunged into a new row this weekend about MPs’ expenses over his ownership of two properties. The controversy centres on a flat that he bought in London before becoming an MP and his Manchester constituency home, which he acquired several years later. He was able to claim thousands of pounds of MPs’ expenses on the London home and is accused of exploiting a tax loophole to avoid a huge bill on its sale. Purnell, the work and pensions secretary, received about £20,000 a year in allowances on the London flat because he had told the Commons authorities it was his second home. But when he sold the flat in October 2004 he told the Revenue that it qualified as his main home, allowing him to escape thousands of pounds in capital gains tax charges, which can be levied at up to 40%. Purnell, a former adviser to Tony Blair, bought his London flat in 2000, according to Land Registry records, before he became an MP. When he sold the Bloomsbury mansion flat in October 2004, he avoided capital gains tax because he said it qualified as his main residence. However, from April 2003 if not earlier he was telling the Commons authorities that his London flat was his second home and claiming about £20,000 a year in housing subsidies. Purnell was elected an MP in 2001. He confirmed this weekend that he bought his Manchester constituency home in June 2002 and at that point it became his main residence. That would have enabled him to claim housing allowances on his second home in London, under rules allowing MPs to claim the cost of staying away from their main home. Purnell confirmed that from April 2003 he claimed the second-home allowance on his London flat. He said he could not recall which property he claimed on between 2001, when he became an MP, and 2003. He said that the parliamentary authorities had destroyed the records because they were so old. Existing records show that the MP claimed about £20,000 a year in additional-cost allowance between 2001 and 2007. The allowance can be used by MPs to subsidise the cost of having two houses and to pay mortgages and refurbish properties. In the financial year 2003-4, Purnell claimed the full available amount, £20,333, in additional-cost allowance. He sold his seventh-floor flat in London in October 2004, escaping capital gains tax, which is payable on second homes. He said the flat was classed as his main residence under capital gains tax rules. They allow this if it has been the owner’s main residence at any time in the previous three years. Although this is allowed under the tax rules, the flat was at the time of sale the MP’s official second home under parliamentary rules. A spokesman for Purnell said he had not broken the rules or been inconsistent: “James has correctly followed both House of Commons and HM Revenue & Customs rules. He has not broken any rules and it is wrong to suggest otherwise. James bought his constituency home in June 2002. He sold his London home in October 2004. No capital gains tax was due on that sale. The Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 provides an exemption from capital gains tax where the property has been the individual’s only or main residence and it is then sold within three years. “As the London property was the only one James owned until June 2002 and it was sold in October 2004, that condition is clearly met.” Purnell was promoted last month from culture secretary to work and pensions secretary, head of a huge-spending department and responsible for stamping out benefit fraud. He succeeded Peter Hain, who resigned after the police launched an investigation of the funding of his deputy leadership campaign.
The Times
James is the victim of a witch hunt by jealous rivals. He has done nothing illegal and will be happy to continue representing the constituents of Hyde & Stalybridge for many years to come.
Shut the up Parker Perry. you disgusting snake, go and make some anonymous phone calls you are good at that.
Jealous rivals??? So I am not the only one then? Do other jealous rivals get visits from the police for claims of harassment too? Nothing illegal Sean, but nevertheless he has conned his way around the system. It was only last week that Purnell was mouthing off Tory policy denouncing people who wrongly claim benefits. James is no better than them, except as an MP he should know better and should lead by example. Oh I forgot, Labour is "Do as I say and not as I do".
It's disgraceful that we have a WORK AND PENSIONS SECRETARY who is actively trying to dodge his way around the tax system at the TAX PAYERS expense. £20k a year this schmuck is costing us. I wish I had a £20k tax free allowance!
Oh and say hai from me to Mike Doherty.
Parker Perry is a gobshite snake making phone calls, making threats down the phone.
Liam he is doing nothing wrong. If you had the chance to save £20,000 would you?
Piss off Perry you little shitbag.
Not posted by Liam, but someone that thinks Perry is a tw@t face.
Hey Perry now that you have dyed your hair fron ginger to black, maybe you could do something with that tw@t like face of yours?
This is schoolyard behavior. John is right about you lot.
You have been recorded making a threatening phone call Perry you tw@t. You have got a short memory Perry you little shit coward.
Erm... yeah I would like to save myself £20,000 a year. Unfortunately as a citizen I am bound to pay that by law. If I pay a few hundred quid to a good accountant, he could probably save me a few hundred pounds here and there. However on my salary, it is not worthwhile.
The thing is I am not going around telling people that they should be paying their tax and fiddling the system. James is. This is why this whole situation stinks. Illegal or not, he has been snaking around the tax laws.
Its ok for Parker Perry to make threatening phone calls to people, but watch out if this tw@t gets it back because he will go running to the police.
A lot of these councillors are in the business of intimidation, making threats to members of the public, and Taylor and his bum boy Sean Parker Perry are the best at doing so. But I can tell you that Perry is a vile snake and I would stay well away from him.
Liam has a valid point to make - even though he is wrong ;-)
But who is the coward trying to slander me. Come out of the woodwork coward and identify yourself.
Just like you did on the phone you tw@t.
Why am I wrong Sean?
There are no slander laws now you ignoramus.
Anyway I am going to bed now not staying up to argue the toss with a tw@t like you Perry.
Come on Liam - we are all men of the world and we all like saving money. Dont come accross all holier than though. James has commited no crime - we are not talking a Neil Hamilton style scandal here, just a honest politician doing what anyone in his position would do.
Glad to see I have smoked out the libeling coward - goodnight coward
Good night phone pest.
Oh one last thing Perry, hope you fall under a train. See Ya
I am not trying to. I would if I could get away with it. Unfortunately we live in a system where you are forced by your employer to hand over money to the government. MPs accounts are NOT transparrent - for example you lot don't require a reciept for items up to £250. My dad has his own business, I bet he wishes he could dupe HMRC on VAT returns. I have asked as to how much you earn and look where that got me.
I am not denying the fact that this goes on with other MPs.
You are all missing the point.
All these minor scandals involving Purnell are part of an orchestrated campaign to raise his profile.
A government minister has warned that inbreeding among immigrants is causing a surge in birth defects - comments likely to spark a new row over the place of Muslims in British society.
Phil Woolas, an environment minister, said the culture of arranged marriages between first cousins was the “elephant in the room”. Woolas, a former race relations minister, said: “If you have a child with your cousin the likelihood is there’ll be a genetic problem.”
The minister, whose views were supported by medical experts this weekend, said: “The issue we need to debate is first cousin marriages, whereby a lot of arranged marriages are with first cousins, and that produces lots of genetic problems in terms of disability [in children].”
Woolas emphasised the practice did not extend to all Muslim communities but was confined mainly to families originating from rural Pakistan. However, up to half of all marriages within these communities are estimated to involve first cousins.
Medical research suggests that while British Pakistanis are responsible for 3% of all births, they account for one in three British children born with genetic illnesses.
Is Phil Woolas comparing inbred muslims to the elephant man?
I think so.
(Campaign update Dukinfield bnp)
Sent out 150 leaflets to residents in Dukinfield. 17 copies of Freedom newspaper by post.
When it came to a choice between his Stalybridge & Hyde constitunecy home and his London home, London-born Purnell put his London home first.
At least we now know where his priorities lie.
Mr Sean Parker-Perry made any threatening phone call recently?
Does Mr James Purnell know that you are a phone pest Sean?
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