Families living near Tameside Hospital are urging the council to step in to ease parking problems. Residents say they are sick and tired of hospital visitors and workmen on a three-year building project leaving vehicles dangerously parked. Building work began at the hospital last year and residents say double parking means they cannot stop outside their homes and emergency vehicles and refuse wagons can't get through. They have now formed an action group to get councillors, police and fire chiefs to help resolve the problem. Pat Burke, 45, who lives on Darnton Road, said: "It's got worse since the workmen started. We want yellow lines and residents' only parking." A Tameside Council spokesman said: "We are doing everything we can to try to resolve the issues in this particular location and are investigating various different options such the possibility of imposing waiting restrictions." Although 300 parking spaces are due to be cut at the hospital as part of the project, a spokesman for the Tameside and Glossop Acute Trust said they hoped a new multi-storey car park which opened this month will ease problems.
"A second newsletter is being produced to be delivered later this year with more information on our fascist activities in Dukinfield."
Freudian slip by JT on his latest news page
Jean-Marie Le Pen found guilty .the French far right Nazi supporter told the French people that the occupation of their country by the Nazis was not a bad thing to happen really, just a little blip.
Well many of our brave men and women died removing them and freeing Europe from the Nazis and this man comes to this country a special guest of the bnp who are not supporters of the Nazis so they tell us.
(Campaign update Dukinfield BNP)
I have indeed wrote to the standards board in relation to my concerns that a certain councillor is searching through social services documents for information to use against me.
Hey councillor John Taylor, what is the difference between a Nazi and someone like you?
(Campaign update Dukinfield bnp)
The Month of April the bnp to deliver 50,000 leaflets, it can be done and will be done.
10 per house in Duki? or 50,000 to cover Tameside?
If you put 10 leaflets through my door, I can promise I would not vote for you.
Or one leaflet for 10 wards, or 2 leaflets for 5 wards. Not such a slick campaign then?
Well someone that comes on as Anonymous, then you can keep your vote.
How on earth can Councillor John Taylor claim the high moral ground on anything? This is the same councillor that sent me a letter informing me that he had a thug at his council surgery. The same thug that directed a campaign of violence against myself and my family in Hyde. So the moral high ground doesn't belong to Taylor after all.
True representative democracy eh roy?
Vote for me or go to hell! What are you going to do if (God forbid) you receive an anonomous complaint or tip off.
I have already had them, by the way you have left the y out of Anonymous...................
Thanks Roy, I appreciate I have left out a letter, but not a surname. Two faced is not descriptive enough. Should we call you the man with two names?
Double O 3and a bit?
So I use to be called Hamilton big deal..................
So why were you so secretive?
Two names would have been great for me.
You were asked the question quite nicely in the first instance, You refused to answer, why.
I already know the answer, so how about being honest with the people you want to represent?
Stop wasting yours and the parties money.
If you know the answer then get on with it you prick.
Hey Mr Anonymous what happened to clockwatcher email address, reported your shit to the police they sent me a letter back saying not a contactable email address. Does the word pig ...... come to mind?
Hey Mr Anonymous you have posted on here before that you know me from a past life, it must of been when I was living in the gutter in London because alot of the filth lived in the shit and doss-houses. But you would not be the one because you are a mummys boy , a coward that could not cope with being homeless. If you were to make those accusations in front of my face that I was on the sex offenders register I would knock your teeth out. Child abuse is vile And I know what being a victim is like.
Mr Anonymous went to the police, they informed me that you are well in the frame for black mail. Shame that you no longer have that email address. Pig ......
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