Whoa, imagine if two ethnic children were coerced into giving a
Roman salute just as these two white children were into giving a
Black Power salute. But hey man – they’re only whites and they have to prove their anti-racist credentials. Hopefully the self loathing loony lefty behind this child abuse will one day have to account for their actions.
(White-power) is that racist
or white snow,or black boards, black bin bags, snow white, calling my cat blackie, black listed, white Christmas, go on and on and on and on and on and on and on get my drift you sad c....?
It most certainly is - unless you are referring to a new toilet cleaning product or the like.
Well spotted TC.
This is an outrageous manipulation of children.They're taking advantage of innocent kids to promote their multicultural fantasy.
These loony lefties make my blood boil. Let's hope one day we can get even.
Can anyone supply details of the journalist (and I use that word loosely) who was responsible for this propaganda piece?
Parker-Perry is friends with people who work/have worked at the Reporter according to his Facebook profile.
As I was reading this article, an item came on the news, the murder of Stephen Lawrence. There is a new inquiry into his death. Anyway, the photograph they used is the one where he's giving a black power salute (although they've edited the picture). Take note Mr. Pernell. What next ? will they have to have dreadlocks, listen to Bob Marley, read poetry by Linton Kiwis Johnson. Maybe they should be issued with T-shirts bearing the image of Malcolm X.
This is using children for political purposes. Perhaps the BNP should start leafleting schools in response.
"Kick racism out of football" indeed. Did you know that if a football team was to reflect the ethnic make-up of Britain it would have ONE ethnic player out of eleven....so who's under represented?
YES, YES ! I know, I've spelt Linton Kwesi Johnson's' name wrong. Although I used the automatic spellchecker and as it didn't recognise his middle name, it changed it automatically.
(Tigger by name Tigger by nature)
"The wonderful thing about Tiggers, is that Tiggers are wonderful things, their tails are made out of rubber and their feet are made out of springs. They go bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy ... Tiggers are wonderful things!" That's T,I,double GUH,ER.
And I'm the only one!
Whites are inherently racist, but racism can be cured. The young white boys in the photo are well on the road to being cured. Some time soon the demon of racism and racist thoughts will be eradicated from society.
You are quite right to point out on the blog that on occasions, extreme political correctness borders on the irrational.
But posting articles like this is irrational at the other end of the scale.
Are you seriously suggesting those children were coerced into giving a black power salute?
Do a quick image search for Tim Henman. There are hundreds of photos of him in similar poses.
Does this mean he is a black panther?
Hindu temples display Swastikas, does this mean Hindus are Nazis?
In big white letters on the tyres of my car, it says ‘India.’ Does this mean I am on my way to India?
Again, no.
Such conspiratorial clap-trap theories only serve to avert people’s attention from the real issues and show up the people who propagate them for the dim-witted paranoids they really are.
The previous article has been written by someone who is naive in the extreme.Are you seriously suggesting that our kids are not being used for the multicultural experiment? Get real bozo.
The context of the picture strongly suggests that the children were coerced.Take another look at this picture.What are the chances that both the white kids would be giving this salute without coercion from the Journalist/Photographer? Now bear in mind that the Advertiser is extremely left-wing and pro all things black.
Get the picture Einstein?
The above announcement was made by the Guardian Media Group / Tameside Advertiser/ Manchester Evening News who have been closely monitoring this topic. My stats have shown that they have been clicking on my RSS referal to the citizen and they keep on coming back and forth checking back on our posts so it would seem.
I am not suggesting for one moment that the children were not asked to pose in this way.
What I am suggesting is that the photographer did not have in mind the aping of the black rights movement. To suggest so is moronic and shifts the focus away from any valuable debate that might be had about the true issues behind immigration multiculturalism.
Geddit now?
Mercifully, Karl Korsch is no longer with us.He was a member of the Fabian society,a Marxist front group.
'Racism and incorrect thoughts can be cured'. Oh really Mr Korsch,how exactly? 2 bullets in the back of the neck.
Could somebody from Tameside please try and contact the parents of these two children that have been so cynically used for this Guardian/Advertiser propaganda piece. If you are successful and the parents are willing to do an interview for us we will bring our equipment and get this outrage the publicity it deserves.
Many thanks in advance.
If the photographer was not "aping the black power movement" what was he doing. The clenched fist salute in itself is a political statement, usualy used by those uniterested in debate.
(Just a moment. "Aping" "Black Power" are you imputing simian* behaviour by Messrs Malcolm X and comrades?)
*Simian..of or pertaining to monkeys
1. Any of a group of anthropoid primates characterized by long arms, a broad chest, and the absence of a tail, comprising the family Pongidae (great ape), which includes the chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan, and the family Hylobatidae (lesser ape), which includes the gibbon and siamang.
2. (loosely) any primate except humans.
3. an imitator; mimic.
Note point 3.
As well as being a political statement a raised fist can also be a sign of joy, victory, aggression, etc.
I might be going out on a limb here but might the raised fists in the picture be symbolic of such emotion rather than the black civil rights movement?
Only a true simian would interpret human body language with such doleful inaccuracy.
On balance, it is reasonable to assume that the Photographer/Journalists asked these two white kids to give the black power salute.
The photographer certainly had the black rights movement in mind when he asked these kids to salute in this way.To suggest otherwise is gross naivety.
Dear BNPtv...
I'll get on to it, good idea.
Dear..."Anonymous said...
1. Any of a group of anthropoid....etc"
I wrote my piece without resorting to the dictionary beforehand. And I DO interpret the motivation of the photographer as I did, "simian" or not.
The Advertiser is guilty of using children to propagate a political message contrary to the interests of the British People as a whole.
If you listen carefully you can hear a sound like a soft breeze, it is the judgement of history breathing down your neck!
Don't wholely blame the Advertiser. David, remember rule number 30 of Tameside Council's PR document on dealing/handling of press and getting their attention: Involve children. The organisation behind this is Tameside Sports Development.
The Advertiser obviously fell for this cheap trick.
Tigger metioned Linton Kwesi Johnson, I've been reading some of his poetry. Here is a snippet from "Mekin Histri"
Well dere woz Toxteth
And dere woz Moss Side
An a lat a adah places
whe di police ad to hide
Well dere woz Brixtan
An dere woz chapeltoun
An a lat a dah place dat woz burnt
to the groun
It is no mistri
Wi mekin histri
Is this sort of thing meant to calm or enflame racial tensions?
you make up your mind, I have.
Linton is the new Shakespeare.
Ah and you would know all about great English wouldn't you Taylor? Afterall even you could write better than that tripe!
How convenient!
The Journalist who wrote this story has not put his/her name to it.
See page 23 in this week's Advertiser.
GMG tend not to include the journos name in articles as they usually get a lot of backlash. They have an ethics policy that they don't want their staff to be called potty names. 1, 2, 3 and Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww....
Should John The Wag Taylor finally come clean about his borstal days in the 60's?
We don't know if these rumours are true about Mr John Taylor spending some time in borstall in his younger days, does it really matter if he can do his job of representing the people of Dukinfield?
Historically, isn't the raised fist a symbol followed by the phrase "power to the people", the people using, just happening to be "black"?
Intelligently, this a symbol supporting pluralism, equality and homogeneity... not so much racism.
Racism just became a distraction to quell the efforts to establish equal rights...
Everyone is racist as long as people identify by ethnicity and genetic features.
The issue is of establishing societies that can forgo the distraction of the pseudo-science of race and focus moreso on nationalism ensuring domestic opportunities for those who are legal citizens and maintaining competition against foreign powers and economies (the Euro, Yen, Yuan, etc.)
The fist is a symbol of democracy because even Latino people modify it and employ the use of it in their own discourses about legal rights.
you do realise that the whole point of that article was to stop racism to that means that people should stop judging people based on skin color oh and by the way is it really that crazy to think that people of different skin colors can get along? does that make me a crazy "trying to promote my multicultural fantasy"? i ask you all how would you feel to live in a society as a minority or an underdog where people are against you based on something as simple as skin color how stupid does that sound. all it really takes for a genetic change in skin color is somebodys ancestors to have made babies with someone of a different skin color.
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