A senior doctor is calling for heroin to be handed out on prescription to slash crime linked to its illegal trade.GP Kailash Chand, regional representative of the British Medical Association, looked into the problem after four teenage patients at his Ashton under Lyne practice died of drug overdoses last year.He argues banning drugs has not worked because it fuels crime at all levels. He says bringing the supply of all drugs under state control would cut burglary and gun crime, take women off the streets and halve the prison population. He also believes regulating the drugs trade could raise billions of pounds' tax from producers, which could fund education and treatment programmes. Drugs workers agree with Dr Chand's criticism of the current drugs policy. But they say there is no political appetite for a debate on the issue, with the government already under pressure to look again at the recent downgrading of possessing or selling cannabis.Writing in the influential British Medical Journal, Dr Chand says: "Drugs could easily be regulated in the same manner alcohol and tobacco are regulated and, more importantly, heavily taxed. "The price could still be substantially less than current prices on the illicit market and the revenue generated from the regulation could then be funnelled into education and other rehabilitation programmes."Dr Chand's calls echo similar ones by North Wales police chief Richard Brunstrom, who describes the current laws as `unworkable and immoral'.Writing in response to Dr Chand's proposals, Joseph Califano, chairman of the National Centre on Addiction and Substance Abuse at America's Columbia University, argues that neither legislation nor decriminalisation is the answer.Mike Linnell, of Manchester-based drugs support charity Lifeline, said: "You can get controlled drugs from the state free - look at methadone - but you have to mess your life up first." Source
Manchester Evening NewsOk, let me duck down in anticipation of flak, but I agree with Dr Chand. Addiction to all recreational drugs is curable, but heroin is different. Once a smack head – always a smack head! Heroin addicts are walking crime epidemics. If they were given this filthy substance free, they would have no reason to go and rob, mug and burgle to finance their addiction. I would guarantee at least a 50% drop in crimes against property if heroin addicts did not have to steal to fund their addiction.
Tameside Citizen
Sheesh Kailash Chand gets more column inches than John Taylor theses days. Just what is the world coming to?
As you may know, I used to take drugs but I never burgled anyone or committed a crime though my drug taking. It is just a small minority who ruin it for the rest of us.
There is drugs and there is heroin. Heroin is in a league totally on its own. Many people take a bit of sniff at the weekend or an E when on a night out, there is believed to be over a million regular weed smokers in the UK, but make no mistake - heroin is the killer and the one that gives all drugs a bad name. It turns individuals from being human beings into predators whos only mission in life is to get more heroin.
Well T.C. I guess I'll have to join you in the trench and also duck the flak!
Much (most???) crime, particularly the stuff that affects the average estate is drug related. This solution is more likely to be adopted than the other solution which involves piano wire and lamp posts or bullets and backs of necks.
One can not help thinking that if Dr Chand's solution was adopted a lot of drug taking would stop because it was no longer,...what? "Cool""rebellious""a gesture" etc. It was just a habit like "Booze, fags and Corrie".
One final point, at the moment these junkies are a nuisance to the rest of us. This new policy would mean they were a nuisance to themselves alone...Pity Harold Shipman isn't still with us. He could help the solution to the junkie problem along even faster!
A million weed smokers? Shurely Shome Mishtake? There are plenty more. The government should legalise cannabis now!
90% of the heroin on Britain's streets comes from Afganistan. Most of it is brought in by organised Muslim gangs.
We need to tackle the root cause of the heroin epidemic.
Pass the Dutchie...
What's the point of legalising cannabis when it will be illegal to smoke it in most places, not becuase it's cannibis but because it's SMOKING?...LOL
When I get home from work on Friday there is nothing more relaxing than having a nice big joint (not lamb), a bottle of stella, cream cheese and chive seabrook crisps and a bar of dairy milk for the munchies. Put on some cheezy pop tunes to set the mood. Pure bliss!
Are there a few drug addict Labour Councillors in Tameside?
Michael Whitley - Coke, weed and a major alcoholic.
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