The number of staff earning £50,000 or more at Tameside Council has risen by nearly half, figures reveal. Top earners were chief executive Janet Callender – who takes home more than £150,000 – and the head of children’s services, who takes home between £120,000 and £129,000. Annual accounts show there are now 146 staff earning £50,000 or more at Tameside Council against 101 last year. The biggest rise is in the £50,000–£59,999 wage bracket. Overall the wage bill, which includes councillors’ allowances, swelled from just over £198m in 2005/6 to nearly £206m in 2006/7. Deputy Leader Councillor Joe Kitchen said: "The increase in employees earning between £50,000 and £59,999, which includes head teachers, deputy head teachers and service unit managers, is due to a number of reasons, including incremental increases plus a national pay award increase of 2.5 per cent. "The jump in employees earning between £90,000 and £99,999 is due in the main to a senior manager structure review which was carried out by an independent company. Again, a nationally-agreed pay award was also a significant factor in the increase. "The two high-end salaries are in recognition of the importance of their role: one as the most senior officer in the council, the other as the head of the Children and Young People Services directorate, which includes around 60 per cent of the council’s overall staff." He added that the weightier overall wage bill was down to "a range of issues such as pay awards, a big increase in education services, the cost of increments and the impact of starters and leavers." Tory opposition leader Councillor John Bell said: "It is right and proper that Tameside Council should pay staff a realistic rate of pay. However, while senior management have enjoyed a generous pay increase, the rank-and-file are still awaiting the outcome of a council-wide pay evaluation exercise that could see a third of them receive a pay cut." Anne Keighley from Tameside Unison said she was disappointed the pay review for management on higher salaries had been completed while the equal pay review was dragging on. "We are still waiting the outcome of the council’s pay and grading exercise. We don’t know if our members will be winners or losers," she said.
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I tell you that this gives me the shits.......... people living in poverty while these f...... live it up.
The previous comment is a pristine example of the politics of envy.
Tory Mp you should be looking for rent boys not on here wasting your time with these under class shits.
What a f...... cheek a Tory on here looking down on those under class living in poverty,Tory rent boy seekers.
Dear Hill Cocker,
Since when has the underclass engaged in political discussion on a blog?
Members of the British National Party come from all walks of life and social backgrounds.
I say what's up cock, we are all entitled to an opinion on here even the under class. After all they are the ones that will cause the Revolution.
I can't remember any Tory rent boy seekers (although there probably is). I can remember Mark Oaten who is Lib Dem.
I doubt it was actually a Tory MP making that comment.
There has been lots of Tories after rent boys come on don't be silly.
I must say once again John Bell is rather soft on this issue - probably because he wants to gain trust from the unions as TT have totally gone quiet on redundancies at TMBC or quite simply it is because he gets £20k for just being leader of the opposition.
Janet Callender is a greedy bitch. I should have her job, but instead I have to go for a shitty councillor position.
I think that someone needs to explain the libel laws to Councillor John Taylor.
Where has fireman sam (Cllr John Taylor gone all of sudden?
Fireman Sam he's always on the scene and his engines always bright and clean. Come back John Taylor we all know its you.
When you say that Roy West tried to set himself of fire, where did you get this bollocks information from?
Message to the Great white hope Councillor John Taylor. "If you can't stand the heat keep out of the kitchen" So why is it that you are always running to the borough solicitor then? You are showing yourself up John why did you enter politics in the first place to have an easy ride without anyone challenging you? I want my ball back because they are to rough. 23 years of having it all your own way with no real opposition. Is it getting to hot in the kitchen Mr Wag.
I hope I am not going under ground.
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