I like the new Tameside radio station which can be found on 103.6 FM. I think it has the right balance of plenty of quality music without too much waffle. However, the reason I am putting this post up is because of comments made on the
Public money 'donated' to Labour post. If you read some of the comments there you will see why this deserves its own section. Any more information regarding the allegation that a managing Director of the station is a former Labour Councillor and related information would gratefully received.
We need a good Talk show phone in programme so I can get on their make late night controversy.
Talk show with Roy West stop all this immigration madness oh West you racist bastard.
Hey Liam the rumour going about is that you are Taylor's new boy, I know that this is not true but our Wag Taylor doesn't.
I seem to have started something with my comments on earlier blogs.
I can only repeat my comments and draw your attention to the following sources:-
More recently there is:-
These show that Simon walker, ex-lover of Cllr Cath Piddington and number two of the incredibly wasteful, if not corrupt, TEL is in fact managing director of the new Tameside Community radio.
We make no further assertions but we ask pertinant questions.
1) How was Mr Walker appointed to his position. How long was the shortlist for his position?
2) How does the radio station intend to guarentee it's independance come election time given its apparent links with the Labour Party.
3) Will the local media ("Advertiser", "Reporter" "MEN" et al) carry this story and this blog's interesting facts?
4) Who will be the first person to inform "Private Eye" and therefore Ian Hislop and therefore "Have I got News for you"?
Hmmmmmmm....the stakes just got bigger!
Hopefully, this new radio station will introduce late night phone-ins, where we'll be able to get our message across,albeit to a small audience.
Maybe we can get Councillor John Bell boy on this Tameside FM and he can explain to the citzens of the Borough why is party are about has much use as a wet fart.
Ex Para
Liam, 10/10 for your research. The corruption and sleaze is a real eye opener. I had no idea all these were interlinked. And as for their links with paedo Oyston; I am totally gobsmacked.
Ex para - do not believe a word he says. He is a bitter boy with a gripe against those of his peers who have reached the top of their game. He is not a reliable source of information.
Liam is a voice shouting out in the wilderness and nobody wants to listen. Go to bed Liam and be a good boy, maybe there you will dream up some new lies, gossip and scandal - because that is the only place you get your info from.
Hey Parker Perry you sound like a c... my boy
There's gonna be a borstal break out.
I hated my old school thats why I trashed the place.
More worryingly, I've yet to hear any songs by Billy Joel or Dean Friedman played. Is the station anti-Semitic ?
Or any of my hits, Lido Shuffle was considered a classic !
Who has been to see John Taylor again from Hyde about those silly letters? could it be his old friend the God father of the yobs from Hyde.
Simon Walker has spent years building this radio station, as well as putting ten years of his time in community projects. It is very easy to judge someone from a newspaper article. Rather than sit around and be bitter about what everyone else is doing, he is and has actually made a difference to his community. But cheap tabloid journalism is your level. Do you stop and think about peoples families when you assinate someone's character you know nothing about. But you carry on and criticise people who try to acheive something rather than actually doing anything yourself. Sounds like a perfect politician.
Anon you miss the point - Simon Walker is a fat toad who brought £2m of debt to the borough. I assume you work at Tameside Radio?
TMBC should be careful who it gives money to and they should know better not to give ANY money to Walker. It all ended in tears last time, millions in debt which the tax payer had to cover and people lost their jobs through his greed and negligence.
His lust for public money is sickening and we shall put a stop to it for good.
Anon said....." Do you stop and think about peoples families when ..."
Like Ron Piddington's family life?
His was devastated.
does that make what you do any better, does that let you justify what you do
I have nothing personal against Walker, he maybe a pleasant chap when in company. However his business performance is wreckless.
I am all for having a community radio station in Tameside, however given Simon Walkers past history and interests and political connections within government, I don't think he is the man for the job.
I do believe Liam is talking out of his backside as per usual.
I know Simon well,he is a decent man with strong priciples,a man of integrity who will bring many years of experience to Tameside radio.I wish him well.
Happy listening.
oopps that should be principles.
THAT was not John Bell.
John Bell knows how to use punctuation.
I can tell you now that NONE of Tameside Tories like Simon Walker for what he did at Tameside Enterprises Limited. I suspect that the above poster is John Taylor. Haven't you got some rags to sell WAG?
Will those people who are pretending to be John Bell and John Taylor please stop it.
It's not big and it's not clever.
John Taylor is nothing more than a short arse twat power mad ignoramus cretin. bye bye borstal boy.
ncb1970 said... Quote
"Will those people who are pretending to be John Bell and John Taylor please stop it.
It's not big and it's not clever"
In total agreement with you ncb1970
There are important issues here, let's give these issues the consideration they merit.
I was sent to borstal so what.
Just a couple of corrections. ignoring the early 90s caper which has been somewhat covered in the newspapers.
Oyston's radio businesses didnt fail, he sold them for a whacking profit, and, Simon didnt jump ship, his employment transfered with the sales. I know this cause I asked him.
Come on then Mini Me spill the beans. Dont go making comments without backing them up, or are you all wind?
great station. i wish it well
Will people on here stop going on about my borstal past I have paid my debt to society.
Do they have a phone in talk show?
After my previous negative comments about this station and reading others comments that it was actually ok I felt I needed to give it another chance.
So last night i moved my tuner away from Classic FM and came upon this station and it happened to have some nice mellow tunes. Some odd choices in there which need to visit room 101 but I thought maybe I was wrong and this station wasn't that bad really. Til i was reminded why I didn't rate it in the first place! That godamnawful 'Taaaaaaaaaameside Raaadeeeooooooooooooo' jingle and the voice of the DJ who sounds like a scary Jackanory storyteller talking about business support in Tameside as if it were the Samaritans (maybe that's what the £Xk from AshtonUnderlined paid for)
My god, give it up or make it a talk free station!
I was once told by a local labour activist that Purnel's innitial nomination to become a local MP was not done in a proper manner.The rules concerning the time span limitations in which he was introduced were broken, he seemed to think this was a very hot potato but foolish enough to tell me ! :-]
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