It is believed Cllr Kieran Quinn is in the process of applying to become the prospective parliamentary candidate for Fleetwood and Lancaster. If this proves to be true and he is selected, would this leave the safe Labour seat of Droylsden East open for Paul Douthwaite?
It is a very strong Tory area, but I wish Kieran Quinn all the best of luck so he gets the fuck out of Tameside. The sooner the better I say.
It does give something to ponder over. KQ isn't to be re-elected until 2011. The elections will be way before then and KQ is well positioned in the council. He is earning near enough an MP yet he wouldn't get the stick - his attitude stinks and he will be in for a rude awakening.
So someone else is to take place of Roy's helm. It would make sense to me as Kieran Quinn comes across as a bit of dopey sod. I have been saying the replacement to Uncle Roy is Paul Douthwaite all along. I think it would make sense for PD to take the Drolysden seat. Ashton Hurst is the most marginal seat in the borough and they wouldn't want Douthwaite being knocked off after his first term.
I have now seen an article which indicates Cllr Quinn's interest in a Parliamentary career.
You are well informed TC. Whistle-blower?
I had always considered Cllr K Quinn as the successer to Cllr Oldham, just shows how one can be mistaken. He always seems a good councilor in the chamber, I can even overlook the fact he went to St Bede's ! (In joke, I'm a Xav's old boy!)
Liam.....hmmmm.....interesting theory, bears noting.
There is many rifts in the local Labour group. I would imagine that Roy Oldham will want a certain person to take the helm, however it all lies down to the members of the party and who they decide to vote for. This could be their downfall.
'There are many rifts in the local Labour group'.
Could you be more specific?
I hear Taylor is very unpopular in the council and this is the reason why he is always in and out of cabinet. The fact is that Taylor is a bit too dense for their liking and that's coming from Tameside Labour! When he doesn't get the cabinet position he wants he will then moan about how he has been a councillor for over 20 years and is still at last pickings.
I hear Sean Parker Perry is not too popular either with his outspoken/arrogant comments.
Cath Piddington has a name for herself as being a bit of a slag.
Michael Whitley is a known druggie in Ashton Waterloo. Just ask some of the residents or go to the local watering hole which Whitley often frequents.
I suspect that there is more to this for Kieran Quinn wanting to leave as PPC. I have heard that he and others have been asking Roy to step down. Roy Oldham doesn't really have many to choose from to pick as his successor and that's why he hasn't left already. He has the money and he could easily take that chief exec role at Manchester Airport. However he doesn't want to see his glorious empire fall in the hands of some nitwit. There was some Labour councillor a few years back who looked like to be Oldham's successor, but he was knocked out an election and hasn't been heard of since.
When Robert Mugabe sorry Roy Oldham steps down eveyone expects Kieren Quinn to step in.
Out of all the Labour CLLR'S he seams to be the only one with an ounce of sense or maybe Shaun Parker Perry will take over and then change his mind at the last minute
Yes everyone is expecting Kieran Quinn to step in, but it puts a whole new angle on him wanting to become a PPC.
I actually would like Sean Parker-Perry to become leader of the council. He does show more intelligence than other members of his party - however I think age and length of service restricts him. He is very well connected and that maybe of help to him.
Kieran Quinn is a fat dopey unionist cum champagne socialist. His arrogance is beyond belief and I would hate him to become leader. I think KQ will do a lot of bad for Tameside.
So who do you think will become leader of TMBC? No jokes please about John Bell the "liberal" Conservative.
Cross eyed git.
This guy looks like a right fucking cunt.
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