Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Keep It Out Of Sight And Out Of Mind Of Burglars

After a series of burglaries in Droylsden, police are urging residents to keep their possessions out of sight of burglars.Between 1 September - 30 September there were 17 burglaries in the Droylsden area alone, with the main items of choice being plasma screen TVs and cars stolen with the keys.Paul Dearnley, Tameside Crime Reduction Advisor said: "More and more people are buying expensive plasma screen TVs and putting them in clear view in their rooms. These big TVs are easy to spot from the road, especially when they are wall mounted."People are still leaving windows and doors unlocked giving a burglar easy access, but in some cases entry to the house is being forced through windows or patio doors. In seconds the burglar has escaped with an expensive TV in the back of a car stolen from the house after taking the keys."Police are running operations in the area, using the mounted unit, the division's proactive unit to target known offenders, officers from Tactical Aid Unit will be patrolling as will traffic officers.Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council is running a free crime prevention survey for neighbours of burglary victims. A postcard will be put through resident's doors to let them know they are eligible for this service and Tameside Patrollers and police community support officers will visit to provide advice on how to protect their home and also carry out a Home Fire Risk Assessment.Julie Stringer, Burglary Reduction Officer at Tameside MBC said: "This is a unique service in Greater Manchester where the Patrollers and PCSOs work together to carry out Home Security Surveys, Home Fire Risk Assessments and offer advice to vulnerable residents in Tameside."The Patrollers will also be able to advise victims and potential victims of burglary the different agencies who can help with further protecting your home with security devices. Please Note: Residents are only eligible for this service if they have received a postcard through their door giving them a number to call so a visit can be booked.


Anonymous said...

Here was me thinking crime was actually on the way down in Tameside.

It's your own fault if your property is not secure, so we will not count you in our statistics on crime to make Tameside look like a safe place to live.

Anonymous said...

There's gonna be a borstal breakout. Mr Wag Taylor.

Anonymous said...

Who put the above on here? [Liam]

Tom Hagen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

'The Conservative Party' as defined by Charlie Brooker in the Guardian:
"The Conservative Party is an eternally irritating force for wrong that appeals exclusively to bigots, toffs, money-minded machine men, faded entertainers and selfish, grasping simpletons who were born with some essential part of their soul missing.
"None of history's truly historical figures has been a Tory, apart from the ones that were, and they only did it by mistake.
"To teach a more advanced stage of intellectual evolution, humankind must first eradicate the "Tory instinct" from the brain - which is why mother nature is gradually making them less sexy with each passing generation.
"The final Tory is doomed to spend his or her life masturbating alone on a hillside, which, let's face it, is the way things were supposed to be all along."

Anonymous said...

The Guardian would say that though wouldn't they?

Anonymous said...

And you would say that though wouldn't you?

tonydj said...

This is, of course CHARLTON Brooker, but Charlie is more... proletarian. He went to school in Wallingford, a gloriously unenriched Oxfordshire market town on the banks of the Thames, which is spanned at that point by a medieval bridge 900 feet long.

I think we have his measure!

Dear anonymous, why not use your own words instead of those of such a predictable poser?

Anonymous said...

tameside citizen

No great suprise. I believe the BNP's stance on crime is zero tolerence.Yet the LibLabCon allow more & more criminals into the country unchecked.(the police held a meeting in Manchester last week to discuss the rising problem.)
Didn't a vicar bravely speak out against the BNP prior to Mays elections? Yet I see vicars are now being ADVISED to take off their dog collars to avoid being attacked(5 have been KILLED in the last 10 years).An article on this might prove interesting.

tameside pr bunny
You must anti-British. There was a time when you could leave your door open without fear of being burgled. This was only 40+ years ago, prior to mass immigration. You must be proud to have helped contribute to the elderly and weak live in fear of becoming a statistic.

DaveNW said...

sham 69 keeps going on about Borstals, but they were abolished in 1982, another mistake Maggie made. How I wish we still had them.

Anonymous said...

No John Taylor was a borstal boy, he was sent there for smashing his old school up.
There's gonna be a borstal breakout.

Anonymous said...

Yeah he did but you dont have the guts to print it just full of bullshit.

Anonymous said...

People already know Brian you old fat arse.