More than half of new jobs created under Labour since 1997 have gone to foreign workers, it has emerged. The government had previously claimed the majority of new jobs had been filled by British workers. This appeared to be supported by figures released on Monday, despite the government admitting it had underestimated the number of migrants. But it later put out a clarification suggesting 52% - or 1.1 million - of new jobs created had gone to migrants. BBC economics editor Evan Davies said the figures were "a major admission for a government that has been going on about British jobs for British workers". On Monday, Labour said 800,000 - or 30% - of the 2.7 million jobs created had been taken by migrant workers. It later revised this to 1.1 million. Then in a further correction, it said the wrong population estimates had been used to calculate the percentage of new jobs taken by migrants. It said 2003 estimates - which predict 2.1 million new jobs would be created in the economy - should be used rather than the 2007 figures. "Of that 2.1 million increase, about 1 million has been accounted for by UK nationals and about 1.1 million by foreign nationals," it said in an explanatory note. The Conservatives described the situation as a "shambles". Shadow Home Secretary David Davis said: "It is not good enough for the home secretary to apologise. "The government should be open about telling the truth before they are pressurised into it. "Immigration policy has been out of control for a decade and, if you can't count migration, you certainly can't control it." In a further development, a Parliamentary answer obtained by the Conservatives has revealed 1.5 million foreign-born workers have come to work in Britain in the past 10 years. Shadow Pensions Secretary Chris Grayling said: "This situation just gets worse; it's clear we simply can't trust the figures or statements put out by the government on migrant workers in the UK.
Kier Hardy and Bob Blatchford must be turning in their graves when looking at the treachery being carried out in the name of the party they helped create.
Tameside Citizen
Keir Hardy was anti-immigration and believed in British Jobs for British Workers.
Wonder what he would make of the modern labour Party?
By the way, for an interesting example of labour spin check my new post on an earlier blog
Lets win one for the Zero.
Since 1997, New Labour has deliberately engineered a massive immigration invasion into this country which will turn the indigenous people of Britain into a powerless and persecuted minority within 50 years.
Children of lewin why don't you get a job you twat?
have one thanks, pays well too. You twat
'Children of lewin' is a Communist.
Communists murdered between 85-120 million people in the 20th century.
To Children of Lewin
In 1492 the native Americans were the rulers of their own land...now they are a disposessed minority in their own land...outnumbered and outmigrated.
And what is the classic arguement n favour of immigration? We workers are too lazy to work long hours for crap wages!
Too lazy? Or not stupid enough?
Successive governments introduce University top-up fees and replace grants with student loans thereby pricing university education out of the reach of many working class and middle clas youngsters. And then bemoan the fact that there is a shortage of skilled medics, engineers etc which has to be cured by importing cheap migrant labour.
And I haven't even begun to discuss the morality of looting the third world of it's hard earned skilled workers!
'Communist'? Moi?
Children of Lewin's comrades were murdered by 'communists' at Kronstadt in 1921, by Red Guards in the Ukraine in the same year, shot by Stalinists in Spain in 1936 and locked up by Castro in Cuba in the 1960s.
To the master-race, everyone to the left of Enoch Powell is a 'red', or a 'Communist'.
Try again, Bozo.
It's Hardie, not Hardy.
Hardie was wrong. The fact is that the Labour party has it's share of racist nationalists, always has. Which is exactly why they're not socialists. Socialists are by definition internationalist, not nationalist. They should fuck off to your side of the fence.
Go to the back of the class.
BTW, Hardie was talking about Scotland, not Britain. He was a trade union official at the time, not the leader of the Labour Party as he was later. And plenty of Union officials spouted racist sentiments at that time, but they lost the argument on the left OVER A HUNDRED YEARS AGO.
Move on.
I'm still waiting for your answer to my comment C of L.
We know why the capitalist favours immigration, cheap labour.
But why do the left? What benefit do I get from it? We know that many left-wing "thinkers" and leaders in the past were rootless and cosmopolitan (Marx, Trotsky, Engels, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Leibnecht, even up to modern times with Joe Slovo in South Africa) and thus felt no loyalty to their host nation. These rootless "thinkers" were the ones who "won" the arguement as you put it C o L.
But I am not rootless. Why should I embrace immigration.
Message to 'Children of Lewin'
Listen dimwit, Kurt Lewin was part of the early Frankfurt School and was a committed Marxist/Communist.
Do your homework.
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