Friday, 5 October 2007

Catch the culprit and get a £500 reward

I lifted the hand written letter above from the always informative website of long serving Dukinfield councillor John Taylor. I really don’t know what to make of it, but if anyone can work it out please let me in on it and if you recognise the handwriting, shop the culprit and receive a £500 reward from Cllr Taylor.


Tom Hagen said...

PMSL that made me laugh. I am sure he will find a horses head on his bed next to him soon and be posting that on his website. Wait a minute...

Anonymous said...

Take a close look at the 2nd photo on Taylors website. Whose hand is on the hip of the girl on the far right? It looks like someones been airbrushed out.Not James Purnell again, is it? Or does it belong to the slimy looking one in the middle? Answers on a postcard to ...

Anonymous said...

Cllr Taylor told us in June that all hostile letters sent to him go straight in the bin.(remember the blue bin). Now we find out he keeps them after all.

The man is a congenital liar.

Anonymous said...

... You wouldn't be suggesting WAG's wife now would you Liam?

Anonymous said...

What about that email John Taylor sent to me? Saying that my last place will be like heaven if I went near those yobs on mini motor bikes on Barlow Road.

Anonymous said...

Congenital liar watcher is not Liam! try again.

Anonymous said...

If you can't stand the heat keep out of the kitchen.

Anonymous said...

Cecila you're breaking my heart, you're shaking my confidence daily.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you write me, a letter would brighten my loneliest evening mail it today.

Anonymous said...

These letters are not hostile and can be very funny, they even have a signature sometimes and they dont go to him direct some to pubs and most to council departments.
I collect them all for him and thats whay we have them on file,they become council mail.
hope this clears that up for all you thick twats.

Anonymous said...

lea larkin you spell why whay so who is the thick twat.

Anonymous said...

come on you fascists and pinko tories. have you not got a sense of humour?

Anonymous said...

We know that a very small section of the Dukinfield voters have a strange sense of humour, voting for someone that is so bitter and twisted. [John Taylor]

Anonymous said...

Shit does that mean I cant join the BNP now I dont know whay I did spelt it like thayt

Anonymous said...

Taylor why did your parents not make you go to school? did your parents neglect you is that it?

Anonymous said...

Taylor did you run to the borough solicitor with this one?

Tom Hagen said...

Just what is it with Tameside Labour Councillors and the threat of using Sandra Stewart aka borough solicitor? I hope my tax pounds are not there to act as a form of legal aid for their little squabbles for the public asking too many genuine questions which they are afraid to answer. As the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire.

Labour don't like people calling them names. Well here's one for you from Taylor himself "If you can't stand the heat..."

Sorry about the crap reply, but I am currently using my PDA.

A distasteful joke for you all... What has anal sex and spinach got in common? If you were forced to have it as a child, chances are you won't like it as an adult.

Anonymous said...

It's true that Taylor is always crying to the borough solicitor when he gets a letter, yet he is allowed to send crap through the post.

Anonymous said...

Thats enough for me I am off to see Sandra on Monday you will all be getting a letter from her soon ,if the post office is still on strike I will ask Roy the sack to deliver them.

Tom Hagen said...

Save yourself the postage twat features. She has my email.

Anonymous said...

Liam you need Sandra now give her a call she will give you some good advice email her.
Well done John and Richard see you at the bar drinks are on me cheers