Sunday, 7 October 2007

Anthony David Jones wins award for most authentic historical military uniform

Tameside BNP chairman A.D. Jones won the award for most authentic historical military uniform. Can anyone identify the uniform worn by Mr Jones and from which regiment in particular would you associate this uniform?


Anonymous said...

Well done David Jones A true Nationalist.

Anonymous said...

Shit hope theres no Zulus in Ashton .

Anonymous said...

David Jones. [Top Man]

Anonymous said...

No but lots of Muslims in Ashton.

Anonymous said...

Kafa is very close to the mark.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have two words for this photo...



Tom Hagen said...

TC can you send me an email to

I have a story which you maybe interested in publishing.

Anonymous said...

Hello lovely boys .

Anonymous said...

Love the gay overtones to this picture.

Anonymous said...

Why do we only see the top half of David? not wearing a skirt are we David

tonydj said...

GUNNER Sugden....hardly!

The Royal Artillery wore blue tunics with red facings (collar and cuffs) plus yellow piping.

"Gay overtones"....errrrr.... nope, don't get it, care to elucidate?

Skirt? That would be historicaly inaccurate. If I were wearing one I would have to wear a highland dublet (jacket) which is of two varieties. Either with 4 panels piped in white or of a short cutaway variety, see:-

Anonymous said...

Srgt major shut up would be proud of you lovely boys playing around in your uniforms do you have mock battles and pretend to be shot.
Join the Army if you want a uniform be a real soldier.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that John Taylor was sent to borstal for smashing his old school up?

Anonymous said...

Is Sean Parker-Perry ashamed to be ginger? there is help for ginger people you know.

Anonymous said...

"David Jones was happy to show off a few of the model soldiers he had on display at last year’s event."

Anonymous said...

Hey TC put John Taylor's 70's photo on here, I think they called it is King Charles hair cut, It's on his website at the moment. We need a laugh.

Anonymous said...

Is the uniform from the 39th foot & mouth,stationed I believe,at the entrance to the Kyber Pass. The soldier in the photo is Pte. Widdle. Beware those devils in skirts!

tonydj said...

Dear Peachey

Best wishes from Sgt Dravot, he's got the job of King and will see you on the square. Alas it's not the 39th foot & mouth but the 24th.

Nope anon, nothing as active as running around and pretending, just worn for a recital of Kipling poetry, you know,

"It's Tommy this and Tommy that and Tommy go away but it's hero of his country when the band begins to play"

I'm past 50 anyway, so if they did take me things would be bad. Though you don't have to be in the Army to get killed, remember 9/11, or 7/7?

Though for the record I give total support to the men and women of the armed forces overseas, do you anon?

tonydj said...

Also check out this:-

Anonymous said...

Daniel, it's nice to hear from you and that all is well. How's Roxanne? any children yet? So sorry to hear about Billy Fish, he was a damn fine soldier! I will endeavour to drop in when I'm next passing Kafiristan.


Anonymous said...

Would have thought a Nazi costume would have been better for someone representing a party who uses the same propoganda as Nazi Party circa 1930s

tonydj said...

Actually, my Obersturmbannfuhrer's uniform is at the dry-cleaners in preparation for the 9th of next month! Got to look smart in front of the Kameraden.

tonydj said...

Errr...just in case you don't get it I am being sarcastic......... just as you were being BLOODY PREDICTABLE.

Anonymous said...


Obviously my education is lacking.I didn't realise that in 1930's Germany there was a strain on their NHS due to an influx of immigrants.(how did they cope with the rise in AIDS cases). Gangs of hoodies,yardies & asians having running gun battles in the streets.(see moss side this week).The threat of muslim suicide bombers(so horrific were their attacks,they've been eradicated from the history books).Not being allowed to fly their flag or celebrate their saints day, in case it offends an ethnic minority.

Germany in the 1930's, no thanks!

Anonymous said...

I think he's a member of the Rear Gunners

tonydj said...


I've already dealt with this issue.

I CAN'T be a gunner. They had blue tunics with red cuffs and collars and with yellow piping