Thursday, 20 September 2007

Extra police to cut the number of burglaries (but not for us)

Police on the streets for Ramadan
Extra police officers will be patrolling the streets of Manchester to cut the number of burglaries during the Muslim festival of Ramadan. A team of 50 officers will be on the beat to prevent thieves targeting homes of worshippers when they visit mosques. The dedicated patrols will see police work more than 2,000 hours each week. Police said houses are often left empty during the festival and urged residents to improve security measures until the end of Ramadan on 11 October. Ch Insp Jim Liggett of south Manchester police said: "We have been working closely with members of our Muslim communities to ensure that they can continue their religious obligations without fear of becoming a victim of crime.


Anonymous said...

You English better get your act together. God Save The Muslim Queen.

Anonymous said...

Just got your message, any chance of more police on the beat here in Moss Side.

Anonymous said...

You English are sleep walking into racial conflict, is that what you want?

Anonymous said...

Moss Side calling, can you get some police around here?

Tom Hagen said...

I am sorry but this PC specialist treatment will only inflame people and cause more racial hatred. We should have more bobbies on the beat full stop.

I just hope they put up that blasted sign on Ashton market hall again. This multiculturalism is only bringing our own heritage and traditional pride down.

Speaking of Aston Market hall, I walked past today and actually heard some work going on - Hurah!

Some of you maybe interested in viewing a video produced by

Anonymous said...

Liam are you a bit overweight?

Tom Hagen said...

No "Bluebeard", I am on the Coke plan. It keeps you skinny and allows me to eat whatever the fuck I like.

Hit the link if you are really interested in seeing what I look like.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is Moss side a no go area for whites?

Anonymous said...

Extra police needed to protect members of the National Front from gays attacking them, did you read about it?

Tom Hagen said...

No I didn't, but I enjoy a bit of NF bashing, pity I didn't bring by false nails and handbag.

Anonymous said...

Liam, do you enjoy a bit of BNP bashing as well?

I thought fairies were non-violent.

Anonymous said...

" Multiculturalism is only bringing our own heritage and traditional pride down "

Liam Billington 2007

May I suggest that Liam is in the wrong party.

Anonymous said...

What would Mr Cameron think of Liam's comments?

Anonymous said...

It made me laugh when I read on the National Front website, that they were complaining about being attacked by Homosexuals and the police did not protect them.

Anonymous said...

What is the differance between the BNP and the NF? This is a genuine question.

Tom Hagen said...

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. What I was trying to say was that we are a Christian country and people should accept those values rather than impose theirs on other people. I get along with people of other races and faiths, but we respect each others own values. I don't go around telling people to be gay, so why should I be forced to accommodate their religion?

As to gay pride, Manchester Pride pays for the extra police required.

Anonymous said...

The BNP has elected representation, popular policies, Britain's most popular website and tens of thousands of members.

The NF is a motley crew of around 200 drug addicts and football hooligans who are hell bent on causing trouble.

Anonymous said...

* The BNP's website is Britain's most popular political website. This illustrates the party's massive potential.

* Members of the BNP are committed to the democratic process and overwhelmingly law-abiding.

* NF members are consumed with hatred and obsessed with Nazi Germany.( One wonders why Cllr Taylor hasn't joined )