A hero trucker who saved a driver from her burning car after a motorway pile-up was arrested - for trying to get back to his lorry.Graeme Deacon (pictured) had earlier led another shocked driver to safety after stopping to help following the crash.When he tried to cross the carriageway to get back to his truck, a police officer told him to stop. A row broke out, and Mr Deacon says he was threatened with CS gas and arrested - then spent three hours in a police cell. Mr Deacon, who says he has made an official complaint to Greater Manchester Police , said: "If this is the way they treat someone for saving others I would hate to see what happens to real criminals."The 38-year-old HGV driver today told how he was driving on the M67 near Hyde when he saw a car on the opposite carriageway crash into the central barrier. Mr Deacon parked up on the hard shoulder and led the shocked driver to the safety of the central reservation. Another car then ploughed into the back of the wreckage and caught fire.Mr Deacon ran to the second car and wrenched the door open, freeing the second driver, a young woman.Then, wearing a fluorescent jacket, he directed traffic away from the accident and cleared a path for emergency services, who he had already called. But the father-of-three said when the police arrived a row broke out when he tried to return to his car. He said: "I had managed to lead two people to safety, diverted traffic and in my eyes averted a major catastrophe. "I was late for work as it was and had given police my details and a statement but when I started to walk back to my car I was told to stop or else I would be arrested for the equivalent of jay walking. Admittedly it was across three lanes but I had waited until it was safe. "I was told in no uncertain terms that unless I complied I would be CS gassed. Then three officers threw me to the floor - rammed my face into the gravel and handcuffed me - I couldn't believe it."Mr Deacon, from Glossop, was then escorted across the opposite motorway lanes to a police van and taken to Ashton police station where he was put in the cells. He was told his car had been towed away and would cost £95 to recover.
Just about sums up GMP's attitude, my experiences mirror this. They HATE members of the public showing inititive.
Still, could have been worse, he might have been drowning in which case they would have just stood and watched!!
They've been dead and buried for sixty years Einstein.
I wont argue with you, you sound a little intolerant.
I have had to remove three comments due to foul and abusive language. Let's keep it civil folks.
Good to see the BNP supporting this guy. Tameside BNP Leader Roy West has told me he is right behind him
Is roy west now leader of tameside bnp?
No, Roy isn't the BNP's leader in Tameside. Nigel Byrne is Tameside BNP organiser.
Happy to clarify the situation.
If I was the Leader of Tameside British National Party they would already have Ten Councillors by now, but I do not want to be the Leader of Tameside bnp.
Now I'm totally CONFUSED! if Nigel is the BNP organiser, Roy isn't the leader, Dave is the spokesman but not the organiser, the leader isn't the one next to admin. official and the press officer will take twice as long as the leafleter but in two years time will be half as old again as the leader, what time will the second train arrive?
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