One of David Cameron's most trusted and senior political allies has plunged the party into a race row by claiming that people who vote for the far-right British National Party (BNP) have "some very legitimate views" on immigration and crime. In an interview with The Independent on Sunday, Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, the shadow Minister for Community Cohesion, fuelled the already highly charged debate about immigration by arguing that it has been "out of control". Lady Warsi, given a peerage by Mr Cameron so that she could join the Tory front bench, said that the "lack of control" over immigration was making people feel "uneasy". She added that the "face" of some communities was changing overnight because of the sudden influx of people from abroad, adding that "the pace of change unsettles communities". The Muslim peer's comments, made as the Conservative Party kicks off a crucial party conference in Blackpool, will be interpreted as the clearest signal yet that key figures in the party want Mr Cameron to move to the right and return to what they see as core values. Mr Cameron's problems were deepened today by a new poll that shows him trailing on nearly every indicator. The Observer survey found 70 per cent of voters wanted an election before next spring – and 41 per cent would vote Labour, compared to 34 per cent supporting the Tories. Lady Warsi's remarks will expose Tory divisions and shatter attempts by Mr Cameron to shake off its "nasty party" image. Lady Warsi risks infuriating the party leadership by saying the BNP is filling a political vacuum left by the main parties. She criticised the BNP's "race agenda", but said the party's supporters had valid concerns about immigration. "There are a lot of people out there who are voting for the British National Party and it's those people that we mustn't just write off and say 'well, we won't bother because they are voting BNP or we won't engage with them'. They have some very legitimate views – people who say 'we are concerned about crime and justice in our communities, we are concerned about immigration in our communities'," she said. Her words were condemned by anti-racist groups who accused her of using "BNP language" and pandering to a far-right agenda. Operation Black Vote (OBV), for which she used to work, said giving credence to the views of BNP supporters was wrong. "Pandering to racist views peddled by the BNP and bought by BNP voters is grotesque," said Simon Woolley of OBV. "This country would collapse if it wasn't for migrant workers." Baroness Warsi suggested that the rapid influx of migrants was threatening community cohesion, changing the face of estates "overnight" and unsettling people who live in Britain. "Immigration has been out of control. We don't have any idea how many people are here who are unaccounted for, and it's that lack of control and not knowing that makes people feel uneasy – not the fact that somebody of a different colour or a different religion or a different origin is coming into our country – the fact that it is actually not controlled," she said. "The control of immigration impacts upon a cohesive Britain. The pace of change unsettles communities."
Source The Independent
Oh don’t you just love the patronising Simon Woolley of Operation Black Vote. He informs us that "This country would collapse if it wasn't for migrant workers.". It appears all these robots can do is constantly come out with one line sound bites that they know no journalist would be brave enough to question for fear of being branded a ‘racist’ or closet BNP supporter. If I was a journalist I would like to ask him would he find it racist if there was a mirror organisation to his own called Operation White Vote. I wonder what answer he would give.
Tameside Citizen
I think it would be nice for Simon and his supporters plus all the job taking immigrants to leave Our Country and put that theory to the test.
I think the True Brits would manage somehow.
I wonder how the immigrant countries are faring? Not too good I bet.
Ex Para
Hear hear, I would go for that one Green Arrow.
I've heard of the Black Lawyers Association, Black and Asian Police Association, the Muslim football league. But Operation Black Vote! Surely this is an apartheid organisation whose sole purpose is to create division between the indigenous white population and the black immigrants. Is the OBV government funded?
On a different,(or similar?) note, it's black history month in Stockport. The aim of this is to "bring the hidden contribution of black and minority ethnic communities to light and to recognise and acknowledge the contributions made by communities in enriching the cultural and social fabric of the borough."
I can't wait to see what they contributed to Stockports' hat industry, living in Tudor times, morris dancing & Christmas. I'll let you know.
I've just watched the news on BBC and no mention was made about this row. Why?
I am moving to the Moon.
At least the BNP are honest about their intentionsn unlike Camorons pinko Tory party.
Oh please Sean Parker-Pissy-Pants-Perry. We are an honest party unlike your lot with Jimmy Purnell.
Sayeeda Warsi is right on this issue. We have lost a lot of members and voters to the BNP such as tonydj who regularly comments on here. He has perfectly valid views and is good at putting his point across without being racist.
Representation the true way forward.
I see Liam is back from the Consevative conference. How has it been so far Liam?
I have not gone to Conservative Conference this year. I have been moving house.
"Who needs a house out in Hackensack? Is that what you get for your money?"
Movin' out (Liams'song). I hope this isn't another case of white flight. Are too many law-abiding, hard working immigrants being placed where you live? Do you find you'd rather live with people of your own kind. people with the same cultural background. Don't feel guilty, it's simple genetics. Don't fight it Liam, it's only natural. I was the same. Then I found the BNP. A group of people who LOVE their heritage. Who LOVE their culture. Who LOVE their country. But most importantly, don't hate other people who feel the same about their roots. But believe if they don't love THEIR country enough to stay there and help make it prosper,defend it against it's enemies,how on earth can they show any loyalty to Great Britain when they come here.
Join the party that will make our people feel proud to be British again.
Billy Joel,
You comment that if people don't love their own country enough to stay there and defend it or work for it, how can we expect them to fight for or work for Britain is a damn good comment!
I shall use it myself, if that's ok?
With pleasure tonydj,you can use the comment in any way you see fit so as to help others understand what we want to achieve for Britain. Look whats happened to Magda Pniewska, had she stayed in Poland she would be alive today. Her killer was under observation by the police, he of course should have been arrested for his other crminal activities and been deported. Where to you may ask? to his country of origin.
And if he was born here, his fathers country of origin.
I would not and never will join the BNP. The Conservatives have a solid commitment which will help restore pride back in Britain.
Councillor PP what do you mean by the pinko tory party? You saying were communists?
How come Tameside Citizen is a little quiet recently in new posts :(
Hey Liam something interesting coming on the blog maybe today.
Have I missed something or is this a BNP blog? I don't read everything, but many people have told me they suspect a BNP member running Tameside Citizen.
No, you can send articals in to Tameside citizen.
This blog is a free speech zone, all are welcome to post comment. We know that Parker-Perry and his bum boy Taylor regular post comment on here. It's great to have this blog for Tameside, don't you think?
I actually thought this was a tory run blog Liam, or is your 04/10/07 11.24 post a double bluff? I was a tory voter for 12 years until I accepted their policies couldn't work. After close scrutiny of the BNP manifesto and meeting with top party officials, I realised the media & the other parties, including the Conservatives for whom I had supported for so long, had lied to me. Tell your fears about joining the BNP and I will put you straight on what the party stands for,(or just read the manifesto).
Anyway, I'm going out now for a drink with Dean Freidman and Dennis Locorriere. Let me know what you think Liam.
truth is on the march but we still govern and make all the laws. ha ha
New Labour have sowed the seeds for the National Revolution.
I was a Tory voter and member now I have f##k all, I will be joining another party soon and standing for a seat in the Hurst ward next year.
They will regret kicking me out revenge will be sweet.
Liam, let's be honest for a moment .Nobody will notice you unless you stand for the BNP,you know it I know it the people reading this know it.
We have quite a few puffs in the BNP,you'd be surprised.
Liam this is a BNP blog and you know it is you are an expert on these matters.
Your views are very close to theirs so stop messing about and join them nobody else would have you,you cant join the Lib Dems because Karen would veto it.
You and Roy would make a good leader and deputy leader time is up for Mr Jones 20 years incharge and no progress his golden chance to win Hyde Newton ward passed him by two years ago.
Make your move now before its to late for you, we know that Roy is about to strike and knife Mr Jones.
I didn't stand in Newton I stood in Waterlooo.
You are employing standard "Searchlies" tactics by attempting to ferment distrust between Nationalists.
It won't work.
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