This picture recently ap[eared on Facebook.. It claims to show an elderly victim of two burglars in Ashton. There is no evidence given in support of the claim.
Let us for sake of arguement assume the facts contained in hte article are accurate. And given the state of Brtiain at the moment this is not an outlandish assumption. There is one question which I would like to pose to the Greater Manchester Police. How was this woman ,or any infirm or disabled person, expected to defend themselves?
We know that we are permitted to use "reasonable force" in self drfence. But look at the victim. I doubt she could use ANY force in self defence.She is therefore left helpless by the GMP. She is left undefended by the police as a deliberate police decision. We are used to the police taking a tough line with "vigilantes" but this is different. How does the vulnerable person defend themselves when the police do not or will not?
I make one suggestion. A "vulnerable person" has the right to keep a shotgun at home. I can hear the outcry now from the liberals.."gun nut","extremist", etc etc. I am prepared to compromise. A taser, a stun gun, tear gas or some other non lethal weapon could be substituted. But whatever you views may be there is still one problem the police cannot or will not address. They can not defend the vulnerable member of the public who needs help. But they will prevent him/her from defending themselves.
I believe stun guns are legal in Germany.
The criminals have the weapons now, a situation made massively worse by Theresa May's decision when Home Secretary to reduce stop and search in London in the name of 'social justice'. The scum can now carry knives and other weapons with virtual impunity, whilst the law abiding are at their mercy.
A pistol would be better, or the death sentence for people who attack the elderly, disabled, children etc.
A few years is no deterrent.
The police are too busy concerned about arguments between neighbours to be so concerned with trivial matters like this.
The crime was horrendous but would it warrant a prison sentence, probably not. However, should you leave a bacon sandwich near a mosque on the way home from an England match you will get jailed:
Right name calling at 23 Falks street, right send six police officers round there arrest the suspect bring him/her in for integration.
You can see the blog starting to pick up again, it maybe slow to begin with because it's been left. But the momentum of flesh new articles needs to continue so many local issues have been missed due to lack of activity on the blog.
Police appear to be worse than useless for anything they are not happy to have a film crew following them round to cover. You can't trust your life to the supposed bravery and responsiveness of these vindictive Common-Purpose-inculcated paramilitary social workers.
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