Today is the Feast Day of St Crispin. It is also the six hundred anniversary of the victory of Henry V over the French at Agincourt. An English Army of about 5000 defeated around 12000 French* The French were predominately mounted heavy cavalry while the English- and Welsh - were Longbowmen.. It was a battle which presaged other battles in the future, where well disciplined, outnumbered British defeated a larger army by firepower, The "Thin Red Line".**
* The figures vary depending on the historian
** consider Rorke's Drift, the 93rd at Balaclava, Guards at Waterloo, 20th (Lancs Fusiliers) at Minden, Quebec.
see here for the cinema version by Kenneth Branagh
Britain itself is being invaded now.
If the masses don't vote to pull out of the EU in 2016/17 it may be the final nail in the coffin for our country to survive as a recognisable entity and not just in name.
An EU free Britain might foster the beginning of a sense of being an independent nation crucial to Britain's survival.
Talking about war's, we need to get a position going to bring Tony Blair to book for war crimes, the man should be hung, and then we need to look at Camon for the same thing, these two di-k heads are war criminals
The purpose of this blog was to keep it ticking over, now it's just dead can you put it back to the old format please?
If you only watch one Youtube video this year, make it this one and then be sure to pass it on. Europe is committing suicide right in front of our eyes. Listen to the Muslim holy man talking about why he believes Islam will triumph over Europe. It's always better straight from the horses mouth.
The enemy now lies within.
This blog needs to return to it's original format. Where are the real articles, debate, comments?
What's happened to this blog is there anyone there?
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