Thursday, 3 September 2015

Something familiar? We reprint an item from March this year. Just to jog your memories

The "Daily Express" today (Saturday 7th March 2015) warns of a new "flood" of migrants into the EU. Processing centres are to be set up in parts of North Africa to process the migrants and Britain will be expected to do her "bit" See here .

This "new" influx is roundly condemned by the Express and the MigrationWatch organisation who are apparently taken aback by this development. It is a pity they are not regular readers of this blog.

                             WE KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN SIX YEARS AGO.

Check this posting of six years ago and go to the second comment, by tonydj Follow the link, which we reproduce here.
 Barcelona Declaration

The Barcelona Agreement of 1995, that is 20 years ago, was an agreement between Muslim North African nations and the EU to facilitate better relations between the EU and Muslim countries with a few to facilitating more immigration to EU countries.

Where is the UKIP or "Right wing Tory" opposition to this policy. A deafening silence descends on this matter. The dog didn't bark. The elephant is in the lounge. Nothing. We have been lied to and betrayed by those who should be protecting us. Why has the "Barcelona Declaration" aka "Barcelona Agreement" been kept out of the glare of publicity. One word comes to mind.



Time for Action said...

The mainstream media has gone into chronic pro-immigrant bias mode with constant repetition of: dead children, the word 'desperate', no reflection whatsoever of the massive and widespread concerns of the indigenous European peoples.
I had to tune into Russia Today to get the views of the Hungarian people as the BBC, SKY etc were focusing totally on the 'desperate plight' of the migrants.
No-one knows who these people are or where they're from. the only certainty is that there's a virtually limitless supply and they want IN.
Every word the Hungarian PM said was true, especially about not wanting large numbers of Muslims, who will destroy our civilisation unless they are stopped.
Now is the time when Europe decides if it has the WILL to survive.

Anonymous said...

The statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated anything in it, which I know to be false, or do not believe to be true.

Anonymous said...

"You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it." - Margaret Thatcher