Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Is there a secret grooming scandal in Tameside? Another Rotherham or Rochdale?

The Grater Manchester Police (GMP) facebook page carried a disturbing item earlier this week. It reported that :-

"Following reports of children missing from home and attending parties with unknown adults and as part of OP Labyrinth, Abduction Notices were served on numerous males from the Tameside area this weekend.These notices are served to protect vulnerable children who are at risk of sexual exploitation. @NotOkayGM"

The GMP go on to say:-

"Do you know where your children are going? The number of reports GMP receive of children attending houses and parties with adults is on the increase, your child may be at risk of sexual exploitation as some of these addresses are unsuitable and may pose a serious risk to children"

As yet  (18th February) this crucial story appears only on GMP's FACEBOOK page. One can only hope that the Advertiser and Reporter carry the story to a wider audience and do not succumb  to a "cohesion" decision to suppress the story. The fact that 'numerous males' were served with 'abduction notices' indicates that this is a large problem and further information is needed from the GMP or local authority.

There is one question which remains unanswered, were any of the girls in care? Remember this story from just before Christmas? Carer abandons child  How many of these children are similarly in care? Is this poor supervision or something more sinister?

Rotherham is only an hour away.


Anonymous said...

'Cohesion' first, children second. But only if the victims are White.
Can you imagine the authorities downplaying for years gangs of White British men targeting and raping ethnic children, they'd have been all over it with no time, effort or resources spared.
In May we'll find out how wilfully blind to their ongoing planned destruction the British are.

Reimer said...

Tameside's natives will lead the way in continuing to sell out each other and their legacy.

lastmanstanding said...

Been happening for 20 plus years but covered up by TMBC gotta get that asian vote