Friday, 19 December 2014

Over 50% of Tameside pupils attend crap schools, any sackings? Any action?

Once again a "Do as we say not as we do" story. Over half of Tameside pupils attend a school not considered fit for purpose. (See earlier posting). This means that a substantial number of well paid finish-work-at-4pm individuals are taking money under false pretenses. Let one of these educators join an "inappropriate" political party and they are out on their ear. But if  they are just crap at their job it's OK.

Perhaps we could save money for the council tax payer by sacking these incompetent teachers. They are plainly unable to do their jobs so they won't be missed.

Of course we could give them a second chance. Let them promise to stick to TEACHING and to improve the level of teaching. No lectures on not eating "Big Macs", no persecuting pupils for selling unapproved sweets and crisps in the school yard, no obsessive behaviour on enforcing school uniform etc etc.

And finally, stick to "The three Rs" and leave social engineering and cohesion to the politicians.


Anonymous said...

Social engineering is a prerequisite for the state Gestapo, whether teachers, police or our elected (and unelected) rulers.

Anonymous said...

What you see as "finish-work-at-4pm" may not be the full story. How many of those that you are targeting then go home to mark, prepare and research for a couple of hours.

By all means lets get rid of "incompetent teachers" but you need a more substantial yardstick than the one you indicated.

As for food comments, that is not a teaching policy made up by individual teachers wishing to act as health police. It comes from the education secretary and OFSTED.

School uniform, and its adherence, is planned to be a cornerstone of the basics of compliance to an ordered learning community. In my opinion it is a good policy and long overdue.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree about school uniform. In my experience schools where such basics are rigorously enforced are almost always better.
Another change for the better would be a significant increase in male teachers who are almost always better at maintaining discipline, especially when dealing with boys. That would require a significant change generally in 'modern' standards of social behaviour patterns and the re-adoption of a more traditional approach, i.e. one that worked and fostered a climate of order and purpose rather than chaos and meaningless self indulgence.

Tameside Citizen said...

Regarding school uniform I draw your attention to the item we carried earlier this year.

Anonymous said...

Typical idiotic rhetoric from someone who has never taught.

If teaching is such a cushy number , how come you are not a teacher?

Tameside Citizen said...

Actually I have taught. I did a two year contract with the VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas) lecturing in Politics at Transkei University in South Africa. Loved every minute of it. I finished the contract and came home.

Unfortunately I was diagnosed with a severe illness which curtailed the choice of jobs open to me.

My critics omit to mention, or condemn, the main cause of educational failure in this country. The abolition of the Grammar schools.

And then there was the story of the OFSTED inspectors who marked down a school for being TOO WHITE. Did the teachers complain. Of course not for they knew what would happen to them in the name of "Cohesion".

SerpentSlayer said...

I would like to register my support for grammar schools. We waste too many resources on retards and let the smart kids rot. That's no way to run a country, nurturing the weeds and pissing on the flowers.

Anonymous said...

Lecturing is not teaching.
Further, lecturing abroad can not be compared to teaching in Britain.

You may get your information from tabloids, who knows. Many a Joe Public, as you yourself, believe such headlines as "OFSTED inspectors who marked down a school for being TOO WHITE", which of course in utter nonsense.

The school in question got a 'Good' category. OFSTED commented in their feedback that the school fell short of the 'Outstanding' category for a number of reasons. Among these reasons was "The school needs to extend pupils' understanding of the cultural diversity of modern British Society by creating opportunities for them to have first-hand interaction with their counterparts from different backgrounds beyond the immediate vicinity”.
This is part of the curriculum that includes “All schools must teach pupils about fundamental British values including mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. That way they will be prepared for the future wherever they go”.
Unfortunately the school was failing to deliver part of this requirement.

Anonymous said...

Two years teaching in one of the least regulated countries for education in the world does not equate to teaching in the UK.

Do you have a teaching qualification validated by a British University ?

Ever been through an OFSTED inspection ?

As for Grammar schools, they were probably a bit useful for the 'Buggins Turn' society of the 50's and 60's which produced a plethora of 'Yes minister' plutocrats to run the colonies.

However In the post Thatcher 'sell it and scarper' society we live in now , we need just a few more skills than the ability to recite latin Verbs or be able to name the last British emperor of Carolingian.

I am sorry to hear that you have a degenerative illness, (it must be very bad to stop you speaking, typing or being able to use a smart board).

That's what teachers do ... apart from being social workers, child psychologists and the plethora of other duties which should realty fall in to the domain formally known as parenting......

And you are very welcome to the huge amount of Tax that I pay as a teacher going toward the NHS, presumably to support you in the parlor state that your self in.

Kind Regards

Mr Chips.

Anonymous said...

The expansion of Islamification in many inner city schools continues apace. Any official sanction is and will be, met with obfuscation, fake compliance, resistance and subterfuge until the areas themselves are beyond the tipping point into 'New Britain'.
The authorities prefer rural British schools to bully into 'cohesion' as they're easier targets.

SerpentSlayer said...

That particular part of the curriculum is clearly politically motivated and anti-white. Children being forced to have their noses rubbed into the disintegration of their country, using a made up "British Value" (the Swedish, French, German governments etc will all claim they are Swedish or French or German values also) to penalise schools that dont try and break their pupils resistance to it.
Our county has never been tolerant of other races and religions before we had to.
The Heathens resisted the christians, the christians expelled the Jews, the protestants persecuted the Catholics, the Catholics occasionally got their own back on the protestants, all are united in despising Islam. As for racially tolerant, listen to how the working classes talk about asians without the middle classes or foreigners around. If they wanted to teach an actual British Value, they would teach children how to resist invasion.

Tameside Citizen said...

Mr Chips.
So Post-Apartheid South Africa is a poorly regulated country regarding education. To be honest I tend to agree with. Would you care to whisper to me why you think this is?
You ask me have I ever been through an ofsted inspection, or got a teaching qualification. No to both questions. I have never been trained in catering but I can tell a badly cooked raw piece of meat or a burnt potato when served one in a restaurant. I have never trained as a doctor but I know the difference between how to treat a cut finger and how to treat a headache.

What is your view on Cllr Cooney's change of heart? From praising Academies to blaming Academies? See the earlier posting.

Your dismissive attitude towards grammar schools is interesting. They did more than teach Latin. They provided a good education to working class children who would otherwise not get one.

And this brings me to the crux of the matter. I refer to the posting before you on 26th December:-

"The school needs to extend pupils' understanding of the cultural diversity of modern British Society by creating opportunities for them to have first-hand interaction with their counterparts from different backgrounds beyond the immediate vicinity”.
This is part of the curriculum that includes “All schools must teach pupils about fundamental British values including mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. That way they will be prepared for the future wherever they go”.

That is not education. That is political indoctrination. Schools are no longer teaching children, they are politically indoctrinating them.

Comments Mr Chips?

Anonymous said...

"That is not education. That is political indoctrination. Schools are no longer teaching children, they are politically indoctrinating them."

Regardless of what you, or anyone else, agrees or disagrees with in the National Curriculum there is a Schools Statutory Guidance that all Local Authorities, School Governors, Headteachers and Classroom Teachers must adhere to, this is not a choice it is a legal obligation.
No amount of Tabloidesque tubthumping about what is and is not "teaching" will change that. The ballot box, and I say this tentatively, may change it, but to what and with what results?

Anonymous said...

So to sum up, teaching is is as easy as putting on a sticking plaster or being able to tell the difference between a sausage and a bag of chips is it?

No wonder you don’t teach anymore !

To address your comments directly, I would like to introduce you to a man named, Cyril Burt or to give him his full title Sir Cyril Burt .

He was the educational psychologist who developed the 11 Plus test which was supposed to measure the IQ of children.

Those children who passed the test were deemed to be “More intelligent” and offered places at Grammar schools, while those who failed the test were sent to what was colloquially known as Secondary Modern schools.

Still want to talk about social engineering ?

Here we go-

Burt relied on research from monozygotic twins (I will decode that for you) that is twins who are identical from the same embryo, also known as identical twins (Isn't education fun !)

In the 1980's researchers decided to revisit Burt's work and were eager to find information on his two female research assistants .

Only problem was, they did not exist, he had made his research up, supported by a government who were very keen to ration education.

That my man, is social engineering.

As for children being taught about a multi cultural society, last time I went out of the house (which was this morning) that’s the society I live in and so do you!

But don’t worry , I am sure that all tax Black and Asian people pay goes to helping you with your degenerative illness.

And yes, you are welcome .

Finally ,I am sure that like myself you enjoy the finer aspects of English culture, so I will leave you with some verse from the Bard himself -William Shakespeare.

“If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that.

Pip Pip

Mr Chips

Anonymous said...

"As for Grammar schools, they were probably a bit useful for the 'Buggins Turn' society of the 50's and 60's which produced a plethora of 'Yes minister' plutocrats to run the colonies".

Mr Chips displays a dismal knowledge of history.

The Empire was largely gone by the 1950's and was completely gone by the 1960's (eg. India 1947, Nigeria 1960, South Africa 1961, Uganda 1962, Kenya 1963).

No wonder schools are in such a mess.

Tameside Citizen said...

Mr Chips

The Grammar Schools were already things of the past by the 1980's. Whatever Sir Cyril Burt's fiddled results may have been used for, the Grammar school's demise came before they were claimed to be fraudulent.

"Chronology, George, Chronology." If I may quote from literature.

(Prof. John Cohen and Prof. Donald MacRae claimed to have known one of the 'non-existant' women thereby casting doubt on the story of their non-existance)

Anonymous said...

The large numbers of semi-literate and often very ignorant children emitted from our schools every summer isn't caused by one thing.
Those teachers in pursuit of a Marxist style agenda is certainly one cause.
The deliberate lowering of educational standards, 'dumbing down', and adoption of known failed methods in pursuit of social and other 'agendas', whether backed by teachers, their overseers in authority or whomever is another.
The deliberate destruction of the traditional family structure in the west also, has produced a generation of ill disciplined and directionless young males. They can be extremely disruptive in the classrooms of today, made worse by the massive reduction in good male role models in schools too.